Donald Trump on Monday refused to rule out military action for the US to regain control of the Panama Canal or bring Greenland under its control.
Asked at a press conference whether he would refrain from using military or economic coercion to control the Panama Canal or Greenland, Trump replied: “No, I can't assure you about either of those. But I can say this, we need them for financial security."
However, Donald Trump appeared more conciliatory towards Canada, limiting himself to threats of using only "economic power".
"No, (only) economic power," the president-elect replied when asked if he was considering using the armed forces to annex Canada. However, he mockingly commented that the neighboring country is "subsidized" by the US for its protection.
It was preceded, on Monday, by Trump's post on the Truth Social website. In the post, Trump said it would be in Canada's best interest to become the "51st State" of the US.
“If Canada were to merge with the US, there would be no customs duties, taxes would be greatly reduced, and Canada would be completely safe from the threat of Russian and Chinese ships that constantly surround it. Together, what a great nation we would be!” he said in that post, the same day Congress ratified his victory in November's presidential election.
The US president-elect also reiterated that NATO member countries should increase their defense budget to 5% of their Gross National Product.
"They can all handle it. It (defense spending) should be at 5%, not 2%,” he said.
Избранный президент США Дональд Трамп в ходе пресс-конференции не исключил использование силы для получения контроля над Гренландией, а также Панамским каналом.
ReplyDeleteПолитику был задан вопрос, может ли он пообещать, что воздержится от военных и экономических методов принуждения для установления контроля над данными территориями. Трамп ответил, что обещать это не готов.
DeleteТакже Трамп заявил, что не готов использовать военные методы, чтобы "сделать Канаду штатом США", но допустил экономические меры.
DeleteTrump: Groenlandia e Panama indispensabili per la sicurezza economica. E sulla possibilità di un intervento militare per prenderne il controllo: "Non posso escluderlo".
ReplyDeleteTrump cambierà nome al Golfo del Messico: si chiamerà Golfo d’America.
ReplyDeleteTrump: Paesi NATO contribuiscano con il 5% del Pil. Il target attuale è il 2%, l’Italia è all’1.49%.
ReplyDeleteIl presidente eletto statunitense, Donald Trump, ha dichiarato lunedì che non esclude azioni militari o economiche per perseguire il suo obiettivo di riprendere il controllo statunitense del Canale di Panama e acquisire la Groenlandia, attualmente sotto il controllo della Danimarca.
ReplyDeleteAlla domanda, durante una conferenza stampa, se intendesse evitare l'uso della coercizione militare o economica in relazione a Panama e alla Groenlandia, Trump ha risposto:
«No, non posso garantirlo. Ma posso dire questo: ne abbiamo bisogno per la sicurezza economica. Se la Danimarca non vuole arrivare a un accordo, le tariffe saranno molto alte».
Alla domanda se avrebbe usato l'esercito anche contro il Canada, di cui ha anche ventilato l'acquisizione da parte degli Stati Uniti, Trump ha risposto: «No, forza economica».
Questa dichiarazione straordinaria arriva mentre Trump delinea ulteriormente un'agenda espansionistica, a due settimane dalla sua cerimonia di insediamento prevista per il 20 gennaio a Washington. Trump ha inoltre promesso di cambiare il nome del Golfo del Messico in Golfo d'America e ha ribadito l'intenzione di imporre dazi significativi su Messico e Canada — Reuters.
Lo más destacado del discurso del triunfante de las elecciones presidenciales de EEUU, Donald Trump, en su residencia en Mar-a-Lago, en el sureño estado de Florida
ReplyDelete🔸 Dinamarca debería ceder Groenlandia a EEUU para proteger el "mundo libre".
🔸 Trump advirtió que plan para retomar control del canal de Panamá está en discusión.
🔸 Igualmente, no descartó posible uso de fuerza militar para controlar Groenlandia y el canal de Panamá.
🔸 El presidente electo buscará cambiar el nombre del golfo de México a golfo de América.
🔸 Además, reiteró su intención de imponer aranceles "más severos" a México y Canadá.
🔸 Trump señaló que "entiende preocupación" de Rusia sobre posible adhesión de Ucrania a la OTAN.
🔸 La crisis ucraniana se ha convertido "en el fiasco de [el presidente saliente, Joe] Biden".
🔸 El mandatario considera inapropiado reunirse con el presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, antes la investidura.
🔸 En cuanto al conflicto en Oriente Medio, prometió que "se desatará el infierno" en la región si el movimiento palestino Hamás no libera a los rehenes antes de que él regrese a la Casa Blanca.
ReplyDeleteU.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday refused to rule out invading Greenland or Panama when asked if the U.S. could use military force to acquire the Arctic island or the canal in the Central American country.
Asked if he would rule out economic or military coercion to gain control of Greenland and the Panama Canal, Trump said, “I’m not gonna commit to that. No. It might be that you’ll have to do something.”
“I can’t assure you — you’re talking about Panama and Greenland — no, I can’t assure you on either of those two,” Trump said in response to the question at a press conference. “But I can say this: We need them for economic security.”
Премьер-министр Канады Джастин Трюдо заявил, что страна никогда не станет 51-м штатом США.