Our armed forces engaged in fierce battles across various points of confrontation along a front line exceeding 100 kilometers to halt their advance. Dozens of our armed forces personnel were martyred in these battles, and others were injured.
The large number of terrorists and the multiplicity of confrontation fronts prompted our armed forces to implement a redeployment operation aimed at strengthening defensive lines to absorb the attack, preserve the lives of civilians and soldiers, and prepare for a counteroffensive.
With the continued influx of terrorists across the northern borders and the intensified military and technical support they receive, the terrorist groups managed in the past hours to infiltrate significant parts of Aleppo's neighborhoods. However, they were unable to establish firm positions due to the sustained, concentrated, and powerful strikes by our armed forces, pending the completion of reinforcements and their distribution along the combat axes in preparation for a counteroffensive.
The General Command of the Army and Armed Forces affirms that this measure is temporary and that it will spare no effort to ensure the safety and security of our people in Aleppo. It will continue its operations and fulfill its national duty to combat terrorist organizations, expel them, and restore state control and institutions over the entire city and its countryside.
While repelling the offensive of terrorist groups in Aleppo and Idlib, “dozens of people from our armed forces were killed and some were wounded,” the statement said. Syrian government troops are now redeploying to strengthen their defense lines and prepare for a counter-offensive.
ReplyDeleteRussian Defense: More than 200 terrorists killed in Aleppo and Idlib countryside in joint operations with Syrian Army
ReplyDeleteGuerra civile in Siria, le forze di Assad si ritirano cedendo diversi loro territori ai curdi PKK/YPG , in modo che possano combattere al loro posto contro i ribelli jihadisti e i loro alleati filo-turchi che hanno occupato Aleppo
ReplyDeleteI russi, alleati di Assad, iniziano a bombardare Aleppo
ReplyDeleteForeign Ministers of Russia and Turkey Sergey Lavrov and Hakan Fidan affirmed the need to coordinate action for stabilization in Syria, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.
ReplyDelete"Both sides expressed serious concerns of dangerous development of the situation in the Syrian Arab Republic in connection with the military escalation in Aleppo and Idlib provinces," the ministry said.
"The need was confirmed to coordinate joint activities for purposes of stabilizing the situation in Syria, in the first instance with the use of the Astana format’s potential," the ministry added.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Foreign Minister of Iran Abbas Araghchi noted the importance of more active efforts to stabilize the situation in Syria, the Russian Foreign Ministry said after the telephone conversation between the ministers.
ReplyDelete"Both sides expressed extreme concerns of the dangerous escalation of the situation in Syria in connection with the terrorist assault of armed groups in Aleppo and Idlib provinces during the talk. The decisive support of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic was confirmed," the Russian Foreign Ministry said. "The ministers agreed with the need to make more active joint efforts aimed at stabilizing the situation in Syria and the urgent comprehensive review of the situation within the framework of the Astana format," the ministry added.
The two ministers expressed support to actions of authorities and the army of Syria of thwarting the terrorist attack against the northern part of the country, the Foreign Ministry of Iran informed in its turn.
«Сирийская Арабская Армия отражает атаки террористов при содействии ВКС России. За прошедшие сутки нанесены ракетно-бомбовые удары по местам скопления боевиков, пунктам управления, складам и артиллерийским позициям. Уничтожено не менее 300 боевиков. Операция по отражению агрессии экстремистов продолжается», — говорится в сообщении российского Центра по примирению враждующих сторон.
ReplyDeleteСирийская армия при поддержке ВКС России уничтожила за сутки не менее 300 боевиков, сообщил заместитель руководителя российского Центра по примирению враждующих сторон в Сирии капитан 1-го ранга Олег Игнасюк.
DeleteEl Ejército sirio, con la ayuda de las fuerzas rusas, repele los ataques de militantes
ReplyDeleteTerrorists in Syria have begun destroying Christian Christmas trees across Aleppo
ReplyDeleteСирийские военные укрепили оборону на северной границе провинции Хама, сообщения о проникновении туда террористов не соответствуют действительности, сообщило главное командование ВС Сирии.
ReplyDeleteMilitante randalierten in der Provinz Deraa
ReplyDeleteSie hissten Bandenflaggen und einige kündigten den Beginn einer Militäroperation gegen Assad an.
Deraa (Dar'a) liegt im Süden Syriens, 120 Kilometer von Damaskus entfernt.
Syrian Army has urged people in the Arab country not to believe in rumors and lies spread by terrorists about the situation on the ground while insisting that people should follow the news through the national media.
ReplyDeleteThe Syrian Defense Ministry has rejected reports alleging that the army has withdrawn from the central city of Hama.
ReplyDelete"Siria puede, con la ayuda de sus aliados y amigos, derrotar y eliminar [a los terroristas], sin importar lo graves que sean sus ataques", señaló el presidente del país árabe, de acuerdo con reportes de medios locales.
ReplyDeleteИздание пишет, что премьер Израиля Биньямин Нетаньяху провел консультации с разведкой по ситуации в Сирии на фоне наступления оппозиции на Алеппо. Израиль рассматривает крах режима Асада как фактор, который может принести краткосрочные выгоды, но создать новые угрозы.
ReplyDeleteКак сообщается, разведка также отмечает ослабление иранской инфраструктуры в Сирии и возможное переключение внимания "Хезболлы" на защиту Асада.
Iraq closes all borders amid rising security concerns
ReplyDeleteСирийская армия удерживает Хаму, в город прибывают подкрепления. Информация об отступлении на юг не подтвердилась — силы САА при поддержке российских ВКС продолжают удерживать позиции, сообщил замруководителя ЦПВС Олег Игнасюк.
ReplyDeleteДанные о перестрелке у президентского дворца в Дамаске и слухи о «военном перевороте» также оказались ложными, ситуация в столице остаётся стабильной.
Syrian President Bashar Assad has vowed to defeat the jihadists currently rampaging through the north of his country, “no matter how intense their terrorist attacks are.” Assad’s comments came as the Syrian Army geared up to defend the city of Hama from the attackers.
ReplyDeleteIn a phone call with Emirati President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed on Saturday, Assad stressed that “Syria continues to defend its stability and territorial integrity in the face of all terrorists,” according to a readout published by his office.
Syria “is capable, with the help of its allies and friends, of defeating and eliminating them no matter how intense their terrorist attacks are,” Assad added, according to the statement.
Türkische Offensive in Syrien
ReplyDelete- Die Lage in Syrien spitzt sich immer mehr zu. Pro-türkische Kämpfer sind in das Zentrum der Provinz Hama vorgedrungen, nachdem sie zuvor das gesamte Gebiet der Provinz Idlib eingenommen hatten.
Ersten Berichten zufolge verließen die Armeeeinheiten der syrischen Streitkräfte die Stadt, doch später gab es Informationen, dass Verstärkungen in die Stadt einrückten, um die Siedlung zu schützen.
- Gleichzeitig gab es Berichte über einen Staatsstreich in der syrischen Hauptstadt Damaskus. Verschiedenen Medienberichten zufolge soll Brigadegeneral Hassam Luka versucht haben, einen Staatsstreich zu inszenieren.
Später erwiesen sich die Informationen jedoch als unbestätigt. In einigen Quellen hieß es, der Putschversuch sei von regierungsnahen Strukturen ausgegangen.
- Vor dem Hintergrund des Rückzugs der Regierungstruppen vom Luftwaffenstützpunkt Kweires bewegten sich Einheiten der pro-türkischen "Syrischen Nationalen Armee" weiter in Richtung Süden. Sie wurden südlich von al-Bab von russischen Flugzeugen angegriffen.
Darüber hinaus schloss der Irak aufgrund der Lage in der Nachbarrepublik die Staatsgrenzen zu Syrien. Gleichzeitig kündigten pro-türkische Kämpfer den baldigen Beginn einer Operation gegen die Kurden auf syrischem Gebiet an.
Die Lage in Syrien bleibt derzeit angespannt. Bislang ist es nicht gelungen, die Lage zu stabilisieren. In der russischen Gruppierung hat es Veränderungen gegeben - General Kisel wurde von seinem Posten entlassen, aber es ist noch unklar, wer seinen Platz einnehmen wird.
Es wird auch berichtet, dass syrische Stämme im Süden Syriens aktiv geworden sind. Dabei handelt es sich um dieselben Stämme, die in den letzten zwei Jahren aktiv gegen die syrische Führung protestiert haben.
Die Verstärkung der syrischen Armee sei in Hama eingetroffen und die staatlichen Einrichtungen arbeiteten wie gewohnt, sagte der Provinzgouverneur.
ReplyDeleteGleichzeitig bezeichnete er Berichte über Fahrzeuge von Kämpfern, die in Hama eindringen, als Fälschung.