Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Ukraine drone attack forces evacuation in Russia’s Tver region, massive drones attack over Russia’s Toropets

A Ukrainian drone attack sparked a fire and forced the partial evacuation of residents in Russia’s Tver region, with officials saying on Wednesday that Kyiv targeted several western regions in strikes overnight.

Wreckage from a destroyed Ukrainian drone sparked a fire in the town of Toropets in the western part of the Tver region, Igor Rudenya, the governor of the region located northwest of Moscow, said on the Telegram messaging app.

 Air defense repels a massive drone attack in the Russian town of Toropets, located in the Tver Region, with the local authorities deciding to partially evacuate the population from affected areas, the regional government said on Wednesday.

Earlier on Wednesday, the regional government said that a fire broke out in Toropets after air defense forces shot down drones.

"In Toropets, the Tver Region, the process of extinguishing a fire is underway at the site of the drone debris fall, air defense forces continue to repel a massive drone attack in the skies above the city," the government said on Telegram.

In addition, it was decided to partially evacuate the population from areas where the air defense is working and firefighting is underway.


  1. According to a RIA state news agency report from 2018, Russia was building an arsenal for the storage of missiles, ammunition, and explosives in Toropets, a 1,000-year-old town, which has a population of just over 11,000.

    Seven Ukrainian drones were also destroyed over the western Smolensk region, Vasily Anokhin, governor of the region, which borders Belarus, said on Telegram.

    Fourteen more drones were downed over the Bryansk region that borders Ukraine, and several more were destroyed over the regions of Oryol and Tula, the governors of those regions said.

  2. Air defense systems destroyed 54 Ukrainian UAVs on the night of Wednesday, September 18, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported.

    Most of the drones were neutralized over the territory of the Kursk region - 27. In addition, 16 drones were shot down in the Bryansk region, seven in the Smolensk region, three in the Belgorod region and one over the territory of the Oryol region.

  3. Air defense repels a massive attack by Ukrainian attack drones in Toropets, Tver region. The incident was reported by the press service of the regional government.

    “In Toropets, Tver Region, the process of extinguishing a fire at the site where UAV debris fell is underway, air defense forces continue to repulse a massive attack of drones in the sky above the city,” the government said in a statement on the Telegram channel.

  4. Two missiles and 27 drones of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were shot down in the Kursk region

  5. Two UAVs were eliminated in the Smolensk region

  6. A massive drone attack is being repelled in the Tver region.

    In the city of Toropets in the Tver region, a fire is being put out after debris from a Ukrainian drone fell. Air defense systems continue to repel the UAV attack.

    1. Earlier it became known about the liquidation of seven Ukrainian Armed Forces drones in the Smolensk region. In the Bryansk region, at least 14 drones were destroyed on the night of September 18, said Governor Alexander Bogomaz.

  7. Die Luftabwehr hat nach Angaben des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums in der Nacht 54 ukrainische Drohnen zerstört.

    Davon befanden sich 27 über der Region Kursk, 16 über der Region Brjansk, sieben über der Region Smolensk, drei über der Region Belgorod und eine über der Region Orel.

    1. Минобороны России: В течение прошедшей ночи пресечена попытка киевского режима совершить террористическую атаку c применением БПЛА самолетного типа. Дежурными средствами ПВО уничтожено 54 украинских беспилотных летательных аппарата. 27 - над территорией Курской области, 16 - над территорией Брянской области, 7 - над территорией Смоленской области, 3 - над территорией Белгородской области и 1 - над территорией Орловской области.

  8. A warehouse with Iskanders, Tochka-Us and KABs in the Tver region was attacked by drones, Ukraine claims.
    The warehouse contained missiles, Iskander, Tochka-U, KABs and artillery ammunition.
    After the arrival of Ukrainian drones, an extremely powerful detonation began.

    1. Earthquake with a magnitude of 2.8 was recorded at the warehouses in Toropets, Tver region

  9. Эвакуированные в связи с атакой БПЛА жители Торопца могут вернуться в город, сообщил тверской губернатор.

    С 12 часов текущего дня мы открыли доступ в Торопец. Соответственно, автобусами будут доставляться все, у кого есть желание вернуться в свои дома

    1. Die Bewohner von Toropets, die im Zusammenhang mit einem Drohnenangriff evakuiert wurden, können in die Stadt zurückkehren, wie der Gouverneur von Twer mitteilte.

      Seit heute Nachmittag um 12 Uhr haben wir den Zugang zu Toropets geöffnet. Dementsprechend werden Busse jeden transportieren, der in seine Wohnung zurückkehren möchte

  10. Несколько человек обратились к медикам после падения обломков БПЛА в Торопце Тверской области, погибших нет. Об этом сообщил губернатор Игорь Руденя.

  11. В городе Торопец Тверской области 17 человек пострадали вследствие атаки украинских беспилотников. Среди пострадавших — трое детей. Официальной информации о ситуации пока нет.

  12. Im Bezirk Toropets in der Region Twer wurde ein Verbot für den Besuch von Wäldern verhängt, um die Folgen von Drohnenangriffen zu beseitigen.

    Das Verbot wird bis zum ersten Oktober gelten, und es werden Bodenpatrouillen organisiert, um seine Umsetzung zu überwachen, so die regionalen Behörden.

    1. В Торопецком округе Тверской области ввели запрет на посещение лесов, это связано с обеспечением безопасности при ликвидации последствий отражения атаки дронов.

      Запрет продлится до первого октября, для контроля за его выполнением организуют наземное патрулирование, сообщили власти региона.


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