Saturday, September 21, 2024

Russian Armed Forces hit a cargo ship with Western missiles and ammunition for Kyiv

The Russian armed forces hit a cargo ship carrying missiles and ammunition that Western countries had supplied to Kyiv the Russian Ministry of Defense reported.

 On Saturday night, the Russian Armed Forces launched a group strike with high-precision weapons and attack unmanned aerial vehicles on energy facilities that support the operation of Ukrainian military-industrial complex enterprises.

In addition, workshops for the production of unmanned aerial vehicles, places of deployment of personnel, weapons and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were hit.

 Missile and air strikes, UAVs, and artillery of the Russian army destroyed two warehouses of missile and artillery weapons of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.


  1. ВС РФ нанесли поражение сухогрузу с ракетами и боеприпасами, поставленными Киеву странами Запада

  2. Ночью ВС РФ нанесли удар по объектам энергетики, обеспечивающим работу предприятий ВПК Украины, и местам дислокации ВСУ, сообщили в Минобороны РФ.

  3. Russian forces have struck a bulker carrying Western-provided projectiles and ammunition to Kiev, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a report.


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