Saturday, September 28, 2024

Russia Strikes Ukrainian Airfield Infrastructure With Kinzhal Missile and Attack Drones

Russian forces carried out a combined strike on Friday using long-range precision weapons, including a Kinzhal missile and attack drones, targeting Ukrainian Armed Forces airfield infrastructure, with all designated targets hit, the Russian Defense Ministry reported on Saturday.

"Yesterday, the Russian Armed Forces launched a combined strike with long-range precision weapons, employing a Kinzhal hypersonic aeroballistic missile and attack drones on airfield infrastructure of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The strike's objectives were achieved, and all designated targets were hit," the ministry's statement said.

1 comment :

  1. Российские войска накануне нанесли групповой удар с использованием гиперзвуковой ракеты "Кинжал" и беспилотников по инфраструктуре аэродромов Вооруженных сил Украины (ВСУ), сообщает Минобороны России.

    "Вчера ВС РФ нанесен групповой удар <…> с применением гиперзвуковой аэробаллистической ракеты "Кинжал" и ударных БПЛА по аэродромной инфраструктуре ВСУ", – уточнили в ведомстве.


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