Thursday, September 19, 2024

Ammunition from India enters Ukraine, raising Russian ire

Artillery shells sold by Indian arms makers have been diverted by European customers to Ukraine and New Delhi has not intervened to stop the trade despite protests from Moscow.

The Reuters exclusive report is based on testimony by eleven Indian and European government and defence industry officials, as well as a Reuters analysis of commercially available customs data.

The transfer of munitions to support Ukraine’s defence against Russia has occurred for more than a year, according to the sources and the customs data. Indian arms export regulations limit the use of weaponry to the declared purchaser, who risks future sales being terminated if unauthorised transfers occur.


  1. Indian munitions are being diverted by European intermediaries to support Ukraine's defence against Russia, according to government and defence sources and customs data. Despite Indian arms export regulations and protests from Moscow, transfers of Indian ammunition by European providers have been ongoing for more than a year as sources say Delhi intends to develop its nascent arms export sector.

  2. Захарова переадресовала в Минобороны вопрос об отправке Индией оружия на Украину

    Таким образом она прокомментировала данные Reuters о закупках у Индии артиллерийских снарядов для Киева. В свою очередь, МИД Индии назвал сообщения о перенаправлении индийского оборонного экспорта на Украину «спекуляцией».

    Ранее агентство сообщило, что артиллерийские снаряды, проданные индийскими производителями, были перенаправлены европейскими клиентами на Украину


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