Thursday, July 4, 2024

Putin's main statements at the SCO+ meeting on the settlement of the Ukrainian conflict

The leadership of Ukraine is in power illegally, turning to the Verkhovna Rada in the current conditions is pointless.

Russia has never given up on peaceful dialogue and is now ready to continue it. It was Ukraine that abandoned it.

Moscow cannot declare a ceasefire in the hope of positive steps from the other side: the enemy can take advantage of this and improve its position.

A ceasefire without reaching agreements on Ukraine is impossible.

 For a ceasefire, Kyiv must agree to such steps towards demilitarization that would be irreversible and acceptable to Russia.

The Istanbul agreements can form the basis of the negotiation process.

It is unlikely to resolve the conflict through negotiations through intermediaries and only through them.


  1. Putin: "La Russia non può dichiarare un cessate il fuoco perché non è sicura della risposta della parte ucraina"

  2. Putin said that for a ceasefire, Ukraine must agree to such steps on demilitarization that would be irreversible and acceptable to Russia.

  3. No mediator will have the authority to sign final documents between Russia and Ukraine, but in general Moscow welcomes mediation in itself, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.


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