Tuesday, July 16, 2024

'Nazis never change': Kremlin comments on killing of Russian soldier by Azov militants

Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov didn't mince words when commenting on a video showing members of Ukraine’s Azov nationalist battalion (designated as a terrorist organization and outlawed in Russia) shooting an unarmed Russian soldier.

"Nazis never change," he told reporters. "They must be treated like Nazis and they must be eliminated," Peskov said in response to a TASS question.

The Kremlin spokesman stressed that "this is what our heroes are doing on the frontline. Asked if a legal case was being built around such incidents, Peskov answered in the affirmative. "Efforts to gather evidence have been going on for several years now. Our investigators are working very diligently to collect all the facts regarding these absolutely inhuman atrocities," he added.


  1. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday that the shooting of a Russian serviceman by Ukrainian neo-Nazi Azov Battalion was committed by fascists that must be destroyed.

    On Monday, the Ukrainian Azov Battalion posted a video in which a Russian serviceman was killed at close range.

    A video shows footage from an action camera mounted on a militant's helmet. As he walks through a trench, he encounters a wounded Russian soldier sitting unarmed on the ground, unable to offer any resistance. The militant opens fire on him despite having enough time to realize that the prisoner posed no threat. The Azov member yells curses at the Russian and fires several more shots to ensure he is dead. Other militants communicating with him via radio supported his actions.

    "Fascists are fascists, they must be destroyed," Peskov told reporters.

    The Russian Investigative Committee stated that it is examining the details surrounding the shooting of a Russian soldier.

  2. В Кремле назвали фашистами боевиков "Азова" (террористическая организация запрещена в РФ), расстрелявших российского военнослужащего в зоне спецоперации.

    "Фашисты есть фашисты, их надо уничтожать", – сообщил пресс-секретарь президента РФ Дмитрий Песков, комментируя ситуацию.

    При этом он напомнил, что российские следователи уже не первый год кропотливо собирают судебную базу о зверствах украинских военных.


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