Monday, July 15, 2024

Armenian-US military drills Eagle Partner kick off in Armenia

The Eagle Partner 2024 exercise, involving Armenian and US servicemen, has kicked off in Armenia and will last until July 24, the press service of the Armenian Defense Ministry reported.

"The exercise involves servicemen from the Armenian Armed Forces’ Peacekeeping Brigade, the US Army Europe and Africa and the Kansas National Guard. The drills train stabilization actions between the conflicting parties in the course of peacekeeping tasks. The purpose of the exercise is to enhance the level of interaction between units participating in international peacekeeping missions within the framework of peacekeeping operations, exchange best practices in the field of command and tactical communication, as well as increase the combat readiness of the Armenian unit," it said.

1 comment :

  1. Военнослужащие Армении и США приступили к совместным учениям Eagle Partner 2024. В маневрах принимают участие военнослужащие миротворческой бригады Армении, сухопутных войск США в Европе и Африке и Национальной гвардии Канзаса.

    Об этом в понедельник сообщили представители минобороны Армении. Совместные учения между армянскими и американскими силами продлятся по 24 июля.


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