Sunday, June 23, 2024

Zakharova on Sevastopol Attack: Ukraine Chooses Mass Gatherings for Strikes on Purpose

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova accused Ukraine after the deadly attack on Sevastopol on Sunday of targeting mass gatherings of civilians on purpose.

"They are carefully planning their crimes ... using them for maximum destruction of the civilian population and civilian infrastructure," Zakharova told the Rossiya 24 channel.

Kiev is acting that way both out of hatred and to spread panic among the population of the Crimean Peninsula, the spokeswoman added. 

"We will do everything to ensure that the international community is notified of the latest crimes of the Kiev regime ... I can assure you that Russian diplomacy will work in this direction even more persistently than it already is doing," Zakharova also said, adding that international organizations, including the OCSE and UNESCO, are influenced by the Western agenda and usually ignore such attacks.

1 comment :

  1. Официальный представитель Министерства иностранных дел России Мария Захарова назвала ритуальным преступлением удар украинских боевиков по Севастополю. Дипломат заявила, что день Святой Троицы был выбран не случайно.

    «Я абсолютно уверена, что даты для подобных, хотя они стали регулярными, для подобных террористических актов, со стороны Зеленского, но дата для такого удара была тоже выбрана не случайно», - сказала Мария Захарова в эфире телеканала «Россия 24».


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