Friday, June 21, 2024

South Korean Foreign Ministry will summon the Russian ambassador because of the agreement with the N. Korea

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea intends to summon the Russian ambassador to protest in connection with the agreement signed with the DPRK, which provides for military assistance in the event of an attack on one of the parties, the Yonhap agency reports, citing diplomatic sources.

The Foreign Ministry will summon Russian Ambassador Georgy Zinoviev on Friday to convey to him Seoul's position on the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty signed by Moscow and Pyongyang at the leaders' summit on Wednesday, the sources said.

 Russia and North Korea, following negotiations between Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, with the participation of delegations from the two countries, signed a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement, an agreement on cooperation in the field of healthcare, medical education and science, as well as an agreement on the construction of a road bridge across the river Foggy (Туман) on the border of two countries.

1 comment :

  1. МИД Южной Кореи вызвал посла РФ в Сеуле Георгия Зиновьева и выразило протест в связи с заключением договора о всеобъемлющем стратегическом партнерстве России и КНДР.

    Как сообщил «Рёнхап», южнокорейские власти сочли подписание соглашения нарушением резолюции Совбеза ООН.


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