Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Fire at drone-hit Russian oil depot rages for second day, emergency services say

A blaze at an oil depot in the town of Azov in Russia’s southern region of Rostov has been raging for more than 24 hours, local emergency services said on Wednesday.

Several oil storage tanks were engulfed in fire after a drone attack early on Tuesday that a Ukraine intelligence source said was conducted by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU).

1 comment :

  1. Сотрудники МЧС успешно локализовали пожар резервуара с нефтепродуктами на нефтебазе в Ростовской области спустя сутки с момента возгорания. Об этом сообщили в пресс-службе ведомства.

    «В 05.30 пожар в Азовском районе локализован на площади 3 200 квадратных метров», - говорится в заявлении.


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