Sunday, June 30, 2024

Biden Decision Depends on Inner Circle, Family

US President Joe Biden will not drop out of the race for US president unless his closest circle decides so, the Axios news portal reported following a poor performance of the American leader in the first presidential debate.

The report noted on Saturday that a call for Biden to drop out of the race from his inner circle would be shocking and sudden.

The inner circle reportedly includes Biden’s wife, Jill Biden, his younger sister Valerie, adviser Ted Kaufman and a small group of White House advisers.

Later on Saturday, NBC reported that Joe Biden will be meeting with his family at Camp David to discuss the future of his campaign, citing "five people familiar with the matter." Those sources said First Lady Jill Biden will be most influential in steering Joe.

1 comment :

  1. Спонсоры Демократической партии США после провала Джо Байдена на дебатах с Дональдом Трампом глубоко встревожены и теперь обсуждают возможность исключить главу Белого дома против его воли из списка кандидатов в президенты, пишет New York Times со ссылкой на источники.


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