Saturday, May 25, 2024

Musk said that Russia's attempts to jam Starlink are wasting SpaceX resources

American businessman Elon Musk said that his company SpaceX is spending considerable resources to counter Russian attempts to jam Starlink in Ukraine.
    “SpaceX is spending significant resources to counter Russian jamming efforts. This is a serious problem,” he noted.

According to Musk, Russia is suppressing any communication systems other than Starlink. Ukrainian militants actively use the Internet with its help, using it in combat operations against the Russian Federation.

 Earlier, during the offensive of the Russian Armed Forces near Kharkov, Starlink terminals failed. For some time, Ukrainian nationalists were forced to switch to walkie-talkies and telephones for communication. One of the Ukrainian Armed Forces militants told American journalists about this, as quoted by The Washington Post.

1 comment :

  1. Американский предприниматель Илон Маск заявил в соцсети Х, что его компания SpaceX тратит значительные ресурсы на борьбу с попытками России заглушить спутниковую связь Starlink на Украине, и признал, что это серьезная проблема.
    "SpaceX тратит значительные ресурсы на противодействие попыткам глушения со стороны России. Это серьезная проблема", - написал он.


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