Wednesday, May 29, 2024

In Ukraine said that they are hitting Storm Shadow in Russia with the permission of London

The Ukrainian Armed Forces are firing Storm Shadow missiles at Russia with London’s permission, said Yuriy Sak, Advisor to the Minister of Strategic Industries of Ukraine, in an interview with Bloomberg.

“We already have a precedent. For example, Great Britain, they previously allowed Ukraine to use the long-range Storm Shadow missiles they supplied,” he said, commenting on discussions in the EU about the possibility of allowing Kyiv to use Western weapons to strike Russian territory.


  1. The President of the USA, Joe Biden, is considering the possibility of lifting restrictions on the use of weapons supplied by the Americans for strikes against Ukraine on the territory of the Russian Federation, writes the Washington Post newspaper observer.
    The Observer reports that to confront the successes of the Russian Federation during the special operation, the Biden administration is considering two options for countermeasures: removing restrictions on the use of weapons and punishing China for the supply of Russian technologies.

  2. The day before, the Washington Post wrote that London has not yet officially announced permission for the Ukrainian Armed Forces to attack deep into Russian territory, although British Foreign Minister David Cameron announced this earlier.

  3. Ukraine has used Western weapons against targets inside what it recognizes as Russian territory on multiple occasions, Agence France Presse (AFP) has claimed.

    Some senior Western officials have urged nations that donate longer-range munitions to Ukraine not to ban their use deep inside Russia, while others have publicly objected to the idea. A restriction against such strikes has notably been imposed by the US, the main supplier of arms to Kiev. Washington has said the ban is meant to prevent an escalation of the conflict, and has made no indication that it will be lifted.

    On Tuesday, the news agency cited several experts, who believe that donors should not be concerned, because several other Russian red lines have supposedly been crossed without consequence.

  4. Советник министра по вопросам стратегических отраслей промышленности Украины Юрий Сак подтвердил получение разрешения Великобритании на применение ракет Storm Shadow для ударов по России.

    У нас уже есть прецедент. Например, Великобритания, они уже ранее разрешили Украине использовать поставляемые ими дальнобойные ракеты Storm Shadow. И мы успешно их используем.

  5. Ukrainian media outlets have reported that ten Western countries are allegedly poised to allow Kiev to conduct strikes on Russia with Western-supplied weapons.

    The Liga. Novosti website said that the UK, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Finland, France, the Czech Republic, Sweden and Estonia were among these ten countries. The media outlet briefly recounted statements made in May by various officials from those countries without quoting them directly, in order to justify this "readiness."

  6. США не поощряют удары вне Украины, но признают её право на самостоятельные решения о самообороне, сказал госсекретарь Энтони Блинкен.

  7. Глава комитета по вопросам внешней политики и межпарламентского сотрудничества Верховной рады Украины Александр Мережко считает, что у Киева есть "молчаливое согласие" от США на нанесение ударов по территории России поставляемым Вашингтоном оружием.
    Ранее обозреватель газеты Washington Post написал, что президент США Джо Байден рассматривает возможность снятия ограничений на использование поставляемого американцами оружия для ударов Украины по территории РФ.

  8. Canadá fornece armas à Ucrânia com permissão de serem usadas contra o território russo

    A chanceler canadense, Mélanie Joly, confirmou hoje (29) o envio de armas à Ucrânia sem restrições para seu uso no território da Rússia.

    "No Canadá não existem condições para o envio de armas à Ucrânia por parte dos usuários finais", disse ela.


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