“Vladimir Zelensky asked that [Brazilian President] Lula da Silva meet with him during his layover in Brasilia when he was flying to the inauguration of [Argentine President] Javier Miley in Argentina. Lula refused him,” the publication writes.
The request came at the last minute, on Thursday, December 7, when the Brazilian President was attending the Mercosur summit. In addition, the time and circumstances of the meeting were considered unusual: Zelensky flew to Brasilia to refuel his plane. He landed in Brazil on Saturday evening and took off two hours later.
Владимир Зеленский хотел встретиться с президентом Бразилии Луисом Инасиу Лулой да Силвой накануне визита в Аргентину, но получил отказ, пишет газета O Globo.