The CIA launched on Tuesday a Telegram channel called Securely Contacting CIA, aimed to recruit Russian citizens. The channel posted several messages, including a video urging Russians to collaborate, and the coordinates through which to contact CIA on the dark web.
"This is not the first brazen provocation by the American intelligence services. On the territory of the Embassy, for example, while using YouTube, the so-called targeted advertising in the form of recruitment videos on behalf of the FBI regularly pops up.
You can also see the phone numbers which you can dial and become a traitor. It started last year," Antonov said as quoted by the Russian embassy on Telegram.
He said the West is trying to sow confusion among Russians.
"We are talking about a coordinated campaign under the hybrid war unleashed against the Russian Federation. The ill-wishers in the West, ever since the defeat of Napoleon, realized the steadfastness of our country against attacks from outside. And now, having failed to impose their sanctions blitzkrieg and realized the impossibility of inflicting a military defeat on us, they are trying to sow confusion in the Russian society," Antonov said.
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