"Seit gestern Abend, fast die ganze Nacht und heute seit dem frühen Morgen ist es in Energodar sehr laut. Am Vorabend der Sitzung des UN-Sicherheitsrates über Angriffe auf das AKW Saporoschje versuchen die Naziteufel, die friedliche Stadt und das AKW Saporoschje mit Mehrfachraketenwerfern, schweren Artillerie- und Drohnenangriffen zu überziehen."
Die russische Luftabwehr hätte alle Angriffe abgewehrt, der Beschuss aus den Artilleriestellungen der ukrainischen Truppen sei "durch Gegenbeschuss unterdrückt" worden.
Ukrainische Truppen greifen das Atomkraftwerk Saporoschje mit Mehrfachraketenwerfern und schwerer Artillerie vom rechten Ufer des Dnepr aus an. Dies teilte ein Vertreter der Regionalverwaltung, Wladimir Rogow, mit.
ReplyDeleteEr sagte, dass ukrainische Truppen das Atomkraftwerk Saporoschje beschossen hätten. Der Beschuss habe dazu geführt, dass der "Schichtwechsel" im Kraftwerk nicht rechtzeitig erfolgte. Es habe aber keine Verletzten gegeben. In seinem Telegram-Kanal schrieb er:
"Die Angriffe auf das AKW werden mit Mehrfachraketenwerfern und schwerer Artillerie vom rechten Ufer des Dnepr, vom Gebiet Dnepropetrowsk, den Siedlungen Nikopol, Marganez und Tomakowka, die vom Selenskij-Regime kontrolliert werden, durchgeführt."
US authorities uphold the idea of creating a demilitarized zone around the Zaporozhye NPP, Reuters reported on Thursday citing a representative of the United States Department of State.
ReplyDelete"Fighting near a nuclear plant is dangerous and irresponsible - and we continue to call on Russia to cease all military operations at or near Ukrainian nuclear facilities and return full control to Ukraine, and support Ukrainian calls for a demilitarized zone around the nuclear power plant," the official said.
Earlier, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres urged to establish a safe perimeter around the Zaporozhye NPP. He stressed that "the facility must not be used as part of any military operation." According to Guterres, "instead, urgent agreement is needed at a technical level on a safe perimeter of demilitarization to ensure the safety of the area."
As earlier reported, on Thursday, Ukraine’s armed forces conducted a massive shelling of the Zaporozhye NPP and the city of Energodar for the second time in one day. Previously, Russian air defense systems deflected all Ukrainian attacks with strike drones and heavy artillery on the city and the NPP overnight and on Thursday morning.
The Ukrainian military is deliberately targeting nuclear waste storage at the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant to bring about a ‘dirty bomb’ explosion and make the area uninhabitable, Yevgeny Balitsky, the head of the Zaporozhye Region’s military-civilian administration, told the Rossiya-24 TV channel on Thursday.
ReplyDelete"They were practically targeting the nuclear waste storage facility in order to create a kind of a 'dirty bomb' on our territory, to create the situation where there will be a release. <...> [In order] to lead to air contamination and make an entire territory uninhabitable," he stressed.
Thousands of tonnes of radioactive waste are stored at the plant, Balitsky went on to say. "Their (Ukrainian troops' - TASS) goals are, of course, clear to us. They want to scare us, they want to make unusable the territory they have already lost forever," he stated.
At the moment, the concrete protection of the facility ‘holds up’, he said. "But we find hits 300 meters away from the nuclear power plant, we find the shells that have almost hit, that are 20 meters away from the storage facility with nuclear waste. <...> If they hit the concrete storage facility accurately enough, than, which is frightful to think of, it will bring about something like what happened in Chernobyl - there will be a release, it will be a 'dirty bomb,'" Balitsky explained. According to him, Zaporozhye Region authorities have developed a plan that includes the evacuation of the population if the situation around the plant develops under a negative scenario.