Saturday, April 14, 2018

Putin: Moscow calls for UNSC urgent meeting over US and its allies’ aggression on Syria

Moscow calls for UNSC urgent meeting over US and its allies’ aggression on Syria
Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed that the US and its allies’ aggression on the military and civil facilities in Syria constitutes a flagrant violation of the international law and the UN Charter without authorization of the UN Security Council (UNSC).

Russian Sputnik news agency quoted Putin as saying on Saturday that the US and its allies’ missiles aggression on the military facilities and infrastructure in Syria without authorization of the UNSC is considered a breach of the UN charter and the principles of the international law.

He asserted that the US and its allies’ aggression on Syria is an act of aggression against a sovereign state that is in the frontline of combating terrorism.

The Russian President pointed out that the US behaviors could aggravate the humanitarian catastrophe in Syria and the suffering of the civilians.

He reiterated that “Moscow calls for urgent UNSC session to discuss the US and its allies’ strike on Syria.”

Earlier, the General Command of the Army and Armed Forces stressed that most of the missiles fired by the US, Britain and France tripartite aggression on Syrian targets in Damascus and outside it were shot down.



  1. Russian Foreign Ministry: The US-British-French tripartite aggression on Syria is impudent violation of international law and was based on Western media information

  2. Rodzkoy: The strike was directed to Syria on the day that the OPCW fact-finding mission was scheduled to start work

  3. Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei deplored overnight missile attacks on Syria by Washington and its allies as “a crime”, calling the presidents of the US and France as well as the British prime minister “criminals”.

  4. ISIL Attacks Syrian Army Positions in Southern Damascus after US-Led Missile Strikes

  5. Reports coming out of a national security meeting in the White House two days ago said Defense Secretary James Mattis opposed striking targets that would provoke Tehran and Moscow's response, urging Trump and National Security Advisor John Bolton to think wisely and narrow down the scope of the attack.

  6. Matteo Salvini, the leader of Italy's Lega Party and a potential candidate for the position of the prime minister, on Saturday condemned the missile strikes of the United States, the United Kingdom and France on Syria as "madness."

  7. Syria expresses disgust over the shameful stance of rulers of Qatar Sheikhdom in support of the triple west colonialist aggression on Syria allowing fires of the venomous assault to be launched from Al Udeid US Air Base in Qatar

  8. Esta mañana, el Ministerio de Defensa francés ha publicado un informe con los datos de sus servicios especiales sobre el supuesto ataque químico perpetrado en la localidad siria de Duma (Guta Oriental) el pasado 7 de abril. "El ataque en Siria se ha basado en información de los medios de comunicación y redes sociales", ha denunciado el Ministerio de Exteriores ruso al comentar el informe.

    "Los servicios franceses analizaron los testimonios, fotos y videos que aparecieron espontáneamente en sitios especializados, en la prensa y redes sociales en las horas y días posteriores al ataque", afirma el documento. Tras analizar los aparentes síntomas de las supuestas víctimas, a través de fotos y vídeos, el informe concluye que son "característicos de un ataque de armas químicas".

    Además, en el texto se afirma que las autoridades sirias han mantenido un programa de armas químicas secreto desde 2013. "Rusia no entiende por qué París ha guardado silencio hasta ahora sobre el supuesto programa secreto de Damasco desde 2013", ha criticado el Ministerio ruso.

    "Los ataques contra Siria tienen el objetivo de derrocar al presidente Bashar al Assad y dividir Siria", ha afirmado el Ministerio ruso. Asimismo, ha tachado el ataque de "golpe terrible contra el proceso de negociación".

  9. Paris a levé le voile sur la possibilité de nouvelles frappes contre la Syrie. Selon le ministère français des Affaires étrangères, une deuxième phase de frappes n'est pas prévue.

  10. Les États-Unis, le Royaume-Uni et la France ont frappé la Syrie en se basant sur les informations des médias occidentaux ainsi que sur celles circulant sur les réseaux sociaux, a déclaré la diplomatie russe par la voix de sa porte-parole Maria Zakharova.

  11. The French regime announced on Saturday morning that they would like to restart the Syrian peace process after bombing Syria just hours before.

  12. The current escalation of the situation in Syria "has a destructive effect on the whole system of international relations," the Kremlin said.

    It comes after the French foreign minister said France wants to start working "right now" on resuming the political process aimed at ending the conflict in Syria.

    "A plan for ending the crisis must be found, with a political solution. We are ready to start working right now with all countries who want to participate," Jean-Yves Le Drian told a press conference.

  13. European Council President Donald Tusk has said the European Union stood by the US, France and Britain over their air strikes.

    "Strikes by US, France and UK make it clear that Syrian regime together with Russia and Iran cannot continue this human tragedy, at least not without cost. The EU will stand with our allies on the side of justice," Mr Tusk said in a Twitter message.

    1. Le président du Conseil européen Donald Tusk a affirmé samedi que l'UE "se tiendra aux côtés de ses alliés du côté de la justice" après les frappes occidentales contre la Syrie. Le président de la Commission européenne Jean-Claude Juncker souligne lui que la Syrie a "désespérément besoin" d'un cessez-le-feu durable "respecté par toutes les parties".

    2. La chancelière allemande Angela Merkel a déclaré samedi que son gouvernement "soutenait" les frappes visant le régime syrien, une "intervention militaire nécessaire et appropriée" après l'attaque chimique présumée menée il y a une semaine à Douma.

      "L'intervention militaire était nécessaire et appropriée afin de préserver l'effectivité de l'interdiction des armes chimiques et prévenir le régime syrien contre de nouvelles infractions."

      "Tout porte à croire que le régime de Bachar al-Assad porte la responsabilité" de l'attaque chimique présumée du 7 avril dans la ville syrienne alors rebelle de Douma, a estimé Mme Merkel, qui avait annoncé jeudi que l'Allemagne ne prendrait pas part à des actions militaires.

  14. L'ambiance créée dans le monde par les frappes américaines sur la Syrie rappelle celle qui existait à la veille de la Première guerre mondiale, selon le chef de l'État serbe.

  15. España considera "legítima y proporcionada" la acción de EEUU y sus aliados en Siria

  16. France’s involvement in coalition strikes against the Syrian government have been denounced by former presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, who said the bombings set her country on an “unpredictable” path.
    The National Front leader, who lost out on the French presidency to Emmanuel Macron in 2017, criticized her former rival’s decision last night to order French aircraft to back coalition airstrikes.

    “These strikes against Syria bring us on a path with unpredictable and potentially damaging consequences. France again loses an opportunity to appear on the international stage as an independent and balanced power in the world,” Le Pen said on Twitter.

  17. Nach Angaben des Pentagon wurden drei Anlagen des mutmaßlichen syrischen Chemiewaffenprogramms angegriffen.

    1. U.S., British, French air strikes target Syrian chemical capabilities!!!!

  18. The Iraqi Foreign Ministry says it is concerned about the American-British-French airstrikes on its neighbor Syria, launched in the early hours of Saturday morning, calling them “extremely dangerous.”
    “[We] express our concern about the airstrikes carried out by the US and its allies on Syria and consider these actions to be extremely dangerous due to their consequences for innocent civilians,” the ministry said in a statement released on Facebook.

  19. China has expressed rejection of any use of force in the international relations, calling for respecting sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of other states.

    “ Any unilateral military action that bypasses the UN Security Council contradicts the UN Charter principles and violates norms of the international law and the basic criteria that govern the international relations and would complicate the crisis in Syria,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said in a press conference commenting on the US-British-French tripartite aggression on Syria.

    She added that China urges the relevant parties to turn back to the international law and solve the issue through dialogue and negotiation.

    With regards to the alleged chemical attack, Hua said that China called for a full, fair and objective investigation until reaching reliable results, adding that no prejudgments should be given.

    She continued to say that China believes a political settlement is the only way to resolve the crisis in Syria.

  20. Jaysh al-Islam Terrorists Call US-Led Strikes on Syria "Farce"

  21. The US warned Russia ahead of the overnight strikes on Syria, US Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman said, adding that the military action was not “about the conflict between superpowers.”
    “Before we took the action, the United States communicated with the Russian Federation to reduce the danger of any Russian or civilian casualties,” Huntsman said, claiming that “all the targets were linked with the Assad regime’s illegal chemical weapons program.”

    Huntsman urged Moscow to “do the right thing and join the rest of the world in condemning the Assad regime,” adding that Washington was still open for “cooperation.” The diplomat once again squarely pinned the blame for the alleged chemical attack in the town of Douma on the Syrian government, citing “large amount of credible reporting” on the incident.

  22. Cyprus was not informed about the UK plans to use aircraft deployed on bases on the island to carry out strikes on Syria, government spokesman Prodromos Prodromou said on Saturday.
    Earlier on Saturday, the United States, the United Kingdom and France launched strikes on a number of targets in Syria in response to the alleged chemical attack in the Damascus' suburb of Duma. According to media reports, UK fighter jets were operating from the RAF Akrotiri airbase on the island of Cyprus.

    "Authorities of the Republic of Cyprus have been controlling the situation from the very beginning but Cyprus has not got any preliminary information," Prodromou said.

    He also expressed hope that further military operation would not take place and the issue would be settled through peaceful means.

  23. A UN Security Council vote brought by Syria's ally, Russia, and condemning the US-led strikes was rejected.

  24. Nebenzya: US-French-British aggression serves terrorists in Syria

  25. The United Kingdom’s deployment of the “humanitarian” card to justify its airstrikes on Syria has raised more than a few eyebrows, with opposition politicians, journalists and members of the public picking it apart on Twitter.
    Speaking at the United Nations Security Council on Saturday, Britain’s UN ambassador, Karen Pierce, laid out the UK’s legal justification for their airstrikes on Syria. Pierce claimed that under international law the UK is allowed to take measures in order to “alleviate overwhelming humanitarian suffering.”

    The UK government also published the legal position online. It says that three conditions have to be met to justify the intervention.

  26. Iraq condemns US-led attack on Syria

  27. Fuerte advertencia de Estados Unidos: anuncian que está listo para volver a atacar

  28. Frappes en Syrie : la classe politique française divisée

  29. France, US, UK launch joint draft resolution on Syria

  30. Syria Must Declare All Chemical Weapons Stockpile to Continue Geneva Process - US State Department

  31. All NATO Members Expressed Support for US-Led Airstrikes Against Syria - Secretary General

  32. China's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ma Zhaoxu on Friday called on parties concerned to remain calm and exercise restraint over the situation in Syria.

  33. The US-led military attack on Syria has limited influence on curbing fighting capacity of the Syrian forces, Osama Danura, a Syria political expert who holds PhD in political science, said on Saturday.

  34. US envoy to the UN Nikki Haley has said that new sanctions will be announced on Monday against Russian companies with links to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

    1. The new restrictive measures would be announced by the head of the US Treasury Department, Steven Mnuchin, on Monday, Haley told the CBS’s “Face the Nation.” She also added that the sanction “will have to do with chemical equipment used by [the Syrian President Bashar] Assad.”

  35. De nouvelles frappes occidentales provoqueraient "le chaos", affirme Poutine à Rohani

  36. France and the UK - Europe’s two biggest military powers - took a gamble in lining up behind US President Donald Trump to bombard Syria. Now they need to make sure it doesn’t backfire.

    Critics swiftly accused France and Britain of playing loyal deputies to an unpredictable American leader, viewed by many in Europe with suspicion or outright scorn. Some worried it could further antagonise Europe’s unpredictable neighbour Russia at an already tense time.

    French President Emmanuel Macron was accused of compromising the independence of a country that famously stayed out of former US President George W. Bush’s 2003 invasion of Iraq. British Prime Minister Theresa May was decried for not seeking parliamentary approval for Saturday’s coordinated airstrikes.

    1. La oposición británica demanda un debate parlamentario sobre Siria

  37. Protestations et drapeaux américains brûlés en Irak après les frappes en Syrie

  38. L’opposition à Theresa May remet en question la légalité des frappes occidentales en Syrie

  39. Macron Says He Told Putin Russia 'Complicit' in Alleged Syrian Chemical Weapons Use

  40. Strike on Syria legitimate as 3 UNSC members acted - Macron

  41. Macron convence a Trump de "permanecer en Siria a largo plazo"

  42. Reino Unido, EEUU y Francia esperan que China y Rusia apoyen nueva resolución sobre Siria


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