Saturday, March 17, 2018

‘Not proxy’: Lavrov says US, British, French special forces ‘directly involved’ in Syria war

a direct involvement in the war
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has condemned the illegal presence of US coalition troops in Syria, saying the Western forces deployed on the ground amount to “a direct involvement in the war.”

“There are special forces on the ground in Syria from the US – they no longer deny it – the UK, France and a number of other countries,” Lavrov said in an interview to the Kazakh state broadcaster published on the Russian Foreign Ministry's website on Saturday. “Thus, it’s not so much of a ‘proxy war,’ but rather a direct involvement in the war,” the diplomat stressed.

The US coalition is “illegitimate” from the standpoint of international law and the UN Charter, Lavrov said. “But we are realistic and understand that we wouldn’t fight with them. So we coordinate actions at least to prevent unintended clashes. Our military always keeps in touch with the American commanders who lead the operation on Syrian territory.”


  1. He has also condemned illegitimate foreign military presence in Syria, saying that "special forces of such countries as the UK, the US, France, etc. maintain presence on Syrian soil, which means that it is not a proxy war anymore but a direct involvement in war."

    "What is happening on the eastern shore of the Euphrates River, where Americans have indeed liberated vast territories from terrorists with the help of Kurds, but plant local authorities, who are intentionally isolating themselves from Damascus, and declare that they will support these authorities without any contacts with the Syrian government," he said.

  2. El ministro ruso de Exteriores, Serguéi Lavrov, afirmó que las fuerzas especiales de Estados Unidos, el Reino Unido, Francia y otros países se encuentran "en el terreno" en Siria.

    "Ya no es una guerra subsidiaria [conocida como 'proxy' en inglés], es una participación directa en la guerra", aseguró el ministro.

    "Sobre el terreno en Siria hay fuerzas especiales de EE.UU. –ya no lo niegan–, del Reino Unido, Francia y varios otros países", dijo Lavrov en una entrevista a la emisora estatal kazaja publicada en el sitio web del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Rusia.

  3. Längst kein Stellvertreterkrieg mehr – Lawrow über westliche Spezialkräfte in Syrien


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