Friday, February 23, 2018

Syrian army urges civilians in terrorist/rebel-held Eastern Ghouta to leave ahead of major military offensive

Eastern Ghouta
Syrian military on Thursday urged civilians in Eastern Ghouta in east of Damascus to leave ahead of an imminent military offensive.

Syrian military helicopters dropped leaflets over the rebel-held areas, reported the War Media, the media wing of the Syrian army.

The civilians were requested to move to areas under the Syrian army control, as the leaflet included instructions on how to take safe exits illustrated on a small map.

The instructions also warned the civilians against cooperating with the anti-government rebels.

"Brother citizens in Eastern Ghouta, the area is surrounded by the Syrian army... Everyone is tired of this war that has brought nothing to the Syrians but death and destruction of the homes, hospitals, and schools," the leaflet said.

Because of the armed rebels, thousands of children, mothers, fathers, and brothers have lost their lives or ended up in shelters and camps, it continued.

"Our families in Eastern Ghouta, we hope you don't cooperate with the armed men to protect your lives and we call on you to leave the area as we guarantee your safety," it said.

The military also pledged to offer security and food to the people once they left Eastern Ghouta, promising them a safe return to their homes "after the elimination of terrorism."

This development came as massive military reinforcements have reached the outskirts of Eastern Ghouta as part of the preparations for a military campaign to defeat the rebels in that sprawling area, including the al-Qaida-linked ones.

1 comment :

  1. La couverture par les médias des combats dans la Ghouta pose certaines questions selon Moscou...

    De nombreux journalistes s'acharnent à présenter l'offensive de l'armée syrienne dans la Ghouta comme un acte barbare, sans jamais rappeler les motivations de Damas ni l'identité de ses adversaires. La Russie déplore une «psychose» médiatique.

    Après que la Russie a opposé son veto à une résolution portée par les Occidentaux le 22 février, qui réclamait un cessez-le-feu de 30 jours pour permettre l'accès humanitaire à la Ghouta orientale, de nombreux médias se sont abstenus de rapporter les arguments de Moscou justifiant cette opposition. Selon le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov, le but réel de cette résolution était de faire porter la responsabilité des bombardements à l'armée syrienne et de dédouaner les groupes armés antigouvernementaux. D'autres médias sont allés jusqu'à affirmer que Moscou «paralys[ait] la communauté internationale», ou encore que «les Russes n’[avaient] strictement rien à faire des appels à la raison»......RT.FR


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