Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Mattis: US to Fight Islamic State in Syria 'As Long As They Want to Fight'

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis
The U.S. military will fight Islamic State in Syria "as long as they want to fight," Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Monday, describing a longer-term role for U.S. troops long after the terrorists lose all of the territory they control. 


  1. US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told reporters on Monday that the US military would only leave Syria after it is evident the Syrian settlement process in Geneva is successful.

    "We're not just going to walk away right now before the Geneva process has cracked. That doesn't mean everyone stays there. That doesn't mean for certain — certain troops are leaving. I'm just saying that we're going to condition — and I've honestly not made those decisions. We're going to make sure we set the conditions for a diplomatic solution… Not just, you know, fight the cop part of it and then say good luck on the rest of it. We did it for that — to support the diplomatic solution," Mattis said.

  2. Nach Angaben des Senders BBC hat ein Geheimabkommen zwischen der von den USA und Großbritannien angeführten Koalition und dem Islamischen Staat die Flucht von hunderten Kämpfern, mehreren berüchtigten Warlords der Terrororganisation sowie deren Familien aus Rakka ermöglicht...
    Im vergangenen Monat sei ein kilometerlanger Konvoi mit den berüchtigtsten Mitgliedern des IS aus der umkämpften und im Oktober befreiten syrischen Stadt Rakka geflüchtet. Einige von ihnen hätten sich bereits in ganz Syrien verteilt und es sogar bis in die Türkei geschafft.


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