Monday, December 7, 2015

US coalition airstrike targets Syrian army for first time

US-led coalition airplanes struck positions of the Syrian army in the country's eastern province on Sunday evening, local media reported.

The airstrike caused casualties for the Syrian army in the Ayash area in the country's eastern province of Deir al-Zour, though the exact number was unknown, pro-government Sham FM radio reported.

The attack is the first of such incidents to have targeted the Syrian government troops since the US-led coalition started its operations specifically against the Islamic State (IS) group in Syria over a year ago.

Further details surrounding this incident are still forthcoming, the report said.

Syrian officials have repeatedly questioned the intention and the seriousness of the US coalition in the war on terror, especially after the recent involvement of the French and British warplanes in the coalition.

 Xinhua -


  1. Bombardement par la coalition d'un camp de l'armée syrienne, 4 soldats tués...

    Quatre soldats ont été tués et 13 blessés par un bombardement sans précédent de la coalition internationale dirigée par les Etats-Unis sur un camp de l'armée syrienne, a rapporté lundi l'Observatoire syrien des droits de l'Homme (OSDH).

    "Quatre soldats ont été tués et 13 blessés hier (dimanche) par un raid aérien de la coalition internationale sur un camp (...) de l'armée syrienne à l'ouest de Deir Ezzor, situé à 2 km environ d'une localité sous contrôle du groupe Etat islamique", a indiqué le directeur de l'OSDH, Rami Abdel Rahmane. "Il s'agit des premières victimes des forces du régime à la suite d'un raid aérien de la coalition", a-t-il précisé, soulignant que "les forces du régime n'avaient jusque-là jamais été visées par des bombardements de la coalition internationale, qui visent à Deir Ezzor les bases des jihadistes et leurs camions-citernes transportant du pétrole". Selon l'OSDH, les bombardements aériens ont touché un point de garde et un camp de soldats situé à 2 km de la localité d'Ayache que contrôle l'EI dans la région ouest de Deir Ezzor. (Belga)

  2. Syrien protestiert bei UN gegen tödlichen Angriff der US-Koalition...

    Nach dem Luftangriff der US-geführten Koalition auf ein Munitionslager der syrischen Armee hat das Außenministerium in Damaskus beim UN-Sicherheitsrat eine Protestnote eingereicht. Bei dem Angriff waren mindestens vier syrische Soldaten getötet und weitere 16 verletzt worden.

    Wie die Nachrichtenagentur RIA Novosti aus syrischen Regierungskreisen erfuhr, wurden bei dem Angriff zudem zwei Panzer beschädigt..........

  3. US-led coalition denies its strikes hit Syria army base...

    The US-led coalition fighting the Islamic State group denied Monday its planes carried out air strikes that killed at least three Syrian regime troops a day earlier.

    "We've seen those Syrian reports but we did not conduct any strikes in that part of Deir Ezzor yesterday. So we see no evidence," said Colonel Steve Warren, spokesman for the coalition.

    He said the coalition's only strikes in Deir Ezzor on Sunday were some 55 kilometers away from the area where the troops were allegedly killed.

    At least three Syrian soldiers were killed and 13 injured when a bombing raid by the US-led coalition hit an army camp in the east of the country, a monitor had said earlier on Monday.

    The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said an air raid "by the international coalition" hit the camp in the west of Deir Ezzor province, "around two kilometers from an area controlled by the Islamic State group".............

  4. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said he is hopeful talks will be held next week on ending the war in Syria...

    Speaking after a meeting with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in Paris, Kerry said the talks, scheduled for December 18 in New York, will depend on events in the coming week, including a Saudi-led conference of the Syrian opposition.

    Saudi Arabia has taken the lead at bringing together Syrian groups opposed to both President Bashar al-Assad and Islamic State militants.

    Last month, at Syria talks in Vienna, representatives of world powers, including the United States, Russia, Iran and the United Nations, laid out a broad plan for a political transition.

    It would include bringing Syrian government and opposition groups into U.N.-mediated talks by January 1.

    The world powers also voiced support for establishing a credible, inclusive government in Syria within six months, and free and fair elections within 18 months.

    The plan also would include a process aimed at leading to an agreement on which elements of the Syrian opposition are terrorists.


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