A suicide bomber on a motorcycle attacked a joint US-Afghan patrol in Afghanistan on Monday, killing at least six foreign soldiers, NATO said.
It is the deadliest attack on foreign troops since August.
Brig Gen Wilson Shoffner, head of public affairs at NATO's Resolute Support base in the Afghan capital Kabul, said in a statement that six members of its Resolute Support mission were killed in the attack that happened in the vicinity of the Bagram airbase, the biggest US military facility in Afghanistan.
Three other Resolute Support soldiers were wounded in the attack.
“We're deeply saddened by this loss," said Shoffner.
NATO did not confirm the nationalities of the casualties, in accordance with its normal practice.
Earlier, an Afghan official put the number of NATO personnel dead at three, with another two wounded.
Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid claimed responsibility on Twitter and said 19 soldiers had been killed and a number wounded.
Source: Al Jazeera and agencies
It is the deadliest attack on foreign troops since August.
Brig Gen Wilson Shoffner, head of public affairs at NATO's Resolute Support base in the Afghan capital Kabul, said in a statement that six members of its Resolute Support mission were killed in the attack that happened in the vicinity of the Bagram airbase, the biggest US military facility in Afghanistan.
Three other Resolute Support soldiers were wounded in the attack.
“We're deeply saddened by this loss," said Shoffner.
NATO did not confirm the nationalities of the casualties, in accordance with its normal practice.
Earlier, an Afghan official put the number of NATO personnel dead at three, with another two wounded.
Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid claimed responsibility on Twitter and said 19 soldiers had been killed and a number wounded.
Source: Al Jazeera and agencies
In der Nähe der afghanischen Hauptstadt Kabul sind nach NATO-Angaben mindestens sechs Soldaten bei einem Anschlag getötet worden, darunter US-amerikanische Soldaten. Die Taliban bekannten sich zu der Tat, die im Umfeld einer US-Militärbasis stattfand...
ReplyDeleteBei einem Selbstmordanschlag in Afghanistan sind mindestens sechs NATO-Soldaten getötet worden. Nach US-Angaben sind unter ihnen amerikanische Soldaten.
Der Attentäter sei mit seinem Motorrad nahe der US-Militärbasis Bagram in eine afghanisch-amerikanische Fußpatrouille gefahren und habe einen Sprengsatz gezündet, sagte der Leiter des afghanischen Bezirks Bagram, Abdul Schakur Kundus. Er sprach zudem von mehreren verwundeten Soldaten.
Zu dem Anschlag bekannten sich die Taliban. Die islamistische Rebellenbewegung hat ihre Angriffe seit dem Sommer deutlich verstärkt. Sie demonstrierten einmal mehr ihre Fähigkeit, auch Attentate gegen die internationalen Truppen zu verüben........http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/afghanistan-433.html
Les forces de sécurité afghanes ont lancé jeudi une opération pour tenter de reprendre Sangin, assiégé par les rebelles talibans qui affirment contrôler la totalité de ce district stratégique du sud de l'Afghanistan, gros producteur de pavot...
ReplyDeleteL'armée et la police afghanes sont prises en tenaille dans Sangin, un district de la province méridionale du Helmand, et harcelées par des insurgés ragaillardis par de récentes victoires remportées dans le cadre d'une offensive de grande envergure qui leur a notamment permis d'envahir et de tenir pendant trois jours la grande ville de Kunduz (nord), fin septembre.
Zabiullah Moudjahid, porte-parole des talibans, a affirmé que les insurgés étaient parvenus à prendre le contrôle de la totalité de Sangin, une assertion démentie par le gouvernement de Kaboul.
"Des commandos de l'armée afghane et des forces de police ont lancé une opération à Sangin", pour tenter de secourir les soldats et policiers assiégés dans le chef-lieu du district, a déclaré Sediq Sediqqi, porte-parole du ministère de l'Intérieur, sur Twitter.
"Nos forces avancent dans Sangin", a renchéri Omar Zwak, porte-parole du gouverneur.....rtbf.be