Russia will introduce a food embargo against Ukraine next month over Kiev's trade deal with the EU, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said Monday, extending punitive measures already in place against Western countries.
"These measures will be extended to Ukraine too," Medvedev said at a government meeting. "I have just signed the relevant decree."
A free trade deal between Ukraine and the European Union is set to enter into force from January 1 as part of a broader agreement that helped spark the current crisis between Kiev and the West on one side and Moscow on the other.
Russia has repeatedly expressed concern that Ukraine's free trade agreement with Brussels may flood its market with European goods, and months of three-way talks with the EU to smooth the transition have yielded no results.
President Vladimir Putin last week ordered a suspension of Russia's 2011 free trade agreement with Ukraine.
The move will effectively raise customs tariffs for Ukrainian exporters to Russia by seven percent.
"We must protect our market and our producers and to prevent import of products masked as Ukrainian that are from other countries," Medvedev said.
"There have been several rounds of talks. They did not bring any result," he added.
"Neither Ukraine nor the European Union are ready to sign a legally binding agreement which would take into account Russia's interests."
Moscow's slapped a ban on a large array of agricultural produce from the EU and other nations including the United States in 2014 in retaliation for Western sanction against Russia over its meddling in Ukraine.
Medvedev's announcement came as European Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmstrom was engaged in the latest attempt to reach common ground on the issue with Russia's Economy Minister Alexei Ulyukayev and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin in Brussels
"These measures will be extended to Ukraine too," Medvedev said at a government meeting. "I have just signed the relevant decree."
A free trade deal between Ukraine and the European Union is set to enter into force from January 1 as part of a broader agreement that helped spark the current crisis between Kiev and the West on one side and Moscow on the other.
Russia has repeatedly expressed concern that Ukraine's free trade agreement with Brussels may flood its market with European goods, and months of three-way talks with the EU to smooth the transition have yielded no results.
President Vladimir Putin last week ordered a suspension of Russia's 2011 free trade agreement with Ukraine.
The move will effectively raise customs tariffs for Ukrainian exporters to Russia by seven percent.
"We must protect our market and our producers and to prevent import of products masked as Ukrainian that are from other countries," Medvedev said.
"There have been several rounds of talks. They did not bring any result," he added.
"Neither Ukraine nor the European Union are ready to sign a legally binding agreement which would take into account Russia's interests."
Moscow's slapped a ban on a large array of agricultural produce from the EU and other nations including the United States in 2014 in retaliation for Western sanction against Russia over its meddling in Ukraine.
Medvedev's announcement came as European Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmstrom was engaged in the latest attempt to reach common ground on the issue with Russia's Economy Minister Alexei Ulyukayev and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin in Brussels
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La Russie impose un embargo alimentaire à l'Ukraine ...
ReplyDeleteLe Premier ministre russe Dmitri Medvedev a confirmé lundi que la Russie étendrait à l'Ukraine l'embargo sur les produits alimentaires, déjà imposé aux pays occidentaux, à partir du 1er janvier, date de l'entrée en vigueur de l'accord de libre-échange entre Kiev et l'Union européenne.
"Je viens de signer le décret correspondant", a déclaré le chef du gouvernement, cité par les agences russes lors d'une réunion avec ses vice-Premiers ministres, au moment même où étaient prévus des pourparlers à Bruxelles censés pouvoir éviter une telle issue.
La Russie menaçait depuis des mois d'appliquer cette mesure de rétorsion déjà imposée depuis l'été 2014 aux pays occidentaux qui la sanctionnent pour son implication dans la crise ukrainienne dont ceux de l'Union européenne.
Mais elle avait indiqué qu'elle ne le ferait qu'en cas d'échec des négociations menées depuis des mois entre Moscou, Kiev et Bruxelles concernant l'application de l'accord d'association Ukraine-UE. Or, des pourparlers sont prévus ce lundi au niveau ministé
Ukraine's parliament approved a bill on Thursday granting the country's cabinet permission to introduce sanctions against Russia in response to Moscow's food import embargo and suspension of a free trade zone between the countries...
ReplyDeleteKIEV (Sputnik) — The bill was backed by 291 lawmakers with a required minimum of 226 votes.