Monday, December 7, 2015

Kremlin can't confirm reports on US-led coalition’s airstrike at Syrian government forces

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has not confirmed information about the airstrike of the US-led coalition at an army camp of the Syrian government forces.

"This question should better be addressed to our colleagues in the military," Peskov told journalists. "I do not have such information," he added.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry said earlier that four jets of the US-led coalition fired nine missiles at an army camp of the government forces in the Deir ez-Zor province in the country’s east. Three soldiers were killed by the airstrike and 13 more were injured. The incident occurred on Sunday, December 6.

US Defense Department spokesman for counter-terrorist operation in Iraq and Syria Colonel Steve Warren has already refuted reports about the airstrike against Syrian government forces...


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