Germany's lower house of parliament has approved government plans to join the military campaign against Islamic State (IS) militants in Syria.
Of the 598 lawmakers who took part in the vote on December 4, 445 voted for, 146 against, and seven abstained.
The mission will include sending six Tornado reconnaissance jets, a frigate to help protect the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, refueling aircraft, and up to 1,200 military personnel.
Germany will not join countries like Britain, France, the United States and Russia in conducting air strikes.
The coalition has stepped up its campaign against the group in the wake of last month's terrorist attacks in Paris.
IS claimed responsibility for the massacre in which 130 people were killed.
[Based on reporting by AP and Reuters]
Of the 598 lawmakers who took part in the vote on December 4, 445 voted for, 146 against, and seven abstained.
The mission will include sending six Tornado reconnaissance jets, a frigate to help protect the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, refueling aircraft, and up to 1,200 military personnel.
Germany will not join countries like Britain, France, the United States and Russia in conducting air strikes.
The coalition has stepped up its campaign against the group in the wake of last month's terrorist attacks in Paris.
IS claimed responsibility for the massacre in which 130 people were killed.
[Based on reporting by AP and Reuters]
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ReplyDeleteAm Dienstag hatte die deutsche Regierung beschlossen, an der Anti-Terror-Operation gegen den IS teilzunehmen, nun hat der Bundestag für den Auslandseinsatz votiert. 445 von 558 Abgeordneten stimmten mit einem „Ja“ für den Einsatz in Syrien, 146 dagegen, 7 enthielten sich. In der heutigen Debatte des Bundestages kritisierte die Linksfraktionsvorsitzende Sahra Wagenknecht: «Sie bekämpfen den IS dadurch nicht, sie werden ihn dadurch nur noch stärken.»
Zuvor wurde berichtet, dass die Bundeswehr Satelliten- und sechs Aufklärungs-"Tornados" in Syrien und im Irak bereitstellen soll und ein Tankflugzeug nach Syrien entsendet. Insgesamt werden 1200 Soldaten geschickt.
„30 Tornados sind einsatzbereit, und wir brauchen davon 6. Das heißt, wir haben einen breiten Spielraum, der vorhanden ist", sagte die Verteidigungsministerin Ursula von der Leyen im ARD-"Morgenmagazin" am Freitag...........
A Muslim group in Germany on Saturday criticized German lawmakers for giving the go-ahead for the country to join the coalition fighting ISIS extremists in Syria, saying it was a "recipe for failure."..
ReplyDeleteThe head of the Central Muslim Council of Germany (ZMD), Aiman Mazyek, told the daily Neue Osnabruecker Zeitung that the so-called "war on terror" has failed.
"We know, even more so today, that the war on terror only reinforces terrorism... after Al-Qaeda came IS (ISIS), and what will be next?" he said, according to the newspaper.
His comments came the day after the German parliament green-lighted the deployment of Tornado reconnaissance jets, a frigate and up to 1,200 troops, allowing Germany to take a direct role in the battle against ISIS in