The German cabinet has backed plans for military support in the fight against Islamic State (IS) militants in Syria.
Tornado reconnaissance aircraft, a naval frigate and a 1,200-strong force will be sent to the region under the proposals - expected to go for a parliament vote as early as Wednesday.
Germany decided to join the fight against IS after an appeal by French President Francois Hollande in the wake of the 13 November Paris attacks.
Its forces will not engage in combat.
MPs are expected to back the mission, which would become Germany's biggest current military operation abroad.
Last week, Germany agreed to send 650 soldiers to Mali, to join 1,500 French troops deployed to fight IS militants.
Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier told Bild newspaper before Tuesday's cabinet meeting: "We are doing what is militarily necessary, what we can do best, and what we can back politically. Against an opponent like IS we need plenty of stamina."
Tornado reconnaissance aircraft, a naval frigate and a 1,200-strong force will be sent to the region under the proposals - expected to go for a parliament vote as early as Wednesday.
Germany decided to join the fight against IS after an appeal by French President Francois Hollande in the wake of the 13 November Paris attacks.
Its forces will not engage in combat.
MPs are expected to back the mission, which would become Germany's biggest current military operation abroad.
Last week, Germany agreed to send 650 soldiers to Mali, to join 1,500 French troops deployed to fight IS militants.
Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier told Bild newspaper before Tuesday's cabinet meeting: "We are doing what is militarily necessary, what we can do best, and what we can back politically. Against an opponent like IS we need plenty of stamina."
Germany to send reconnaissance jets to Syria to help French fight against ISIS/ISIL

Diputado Iraquí: "EE.UU. se niega a bombardear los camiones con petróleo del Estado Islámico"
German cabinet backs plans to join military campaign against IS in Syria...
ReplyDeleteGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel's cabinet agreed on Tuesday on plans to join the military campaign against Islamic State in Syria, a government official said.
Under the plans, Germany will deploy Tornado reconnaissance jets, refuelling aircraft, a frigate and up to 1,200 military personnel to the region.
The Bundestag lower house of parliament will hold a vote on Wednesday.
Merkel's cabinet is made up of her own conservatives and the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD), with whom she shares power.
L'Allemagne rejoint la France et les Etats-Unis contre l'EI: 1.200 soldats vont partir...
ReplyDeleteFeu vert pour une intervention militaire. Le conseil des ministres allemand a validé ce mardi l'intervention militaire du pays en Syrie, selon l'AFP qui cite une source gouvernementale.
Dimanche, l'armée allemande avait indiqué qu'elle comptait déployer quelque 1.200 militaires pour aider la France dans la lutte contre Daesh en Syrie, ce qui en fera sa mission la plus importante en cours à l'étranger. "Du point de vue militaire le nombre de soldats nécessaire pour assurer le fonctionnement des avions et navires devrait tourner autour de 1.200", a déclaré l'inspecteur général de la Bundeswehr, le plus haut gradé de l'armée allemande, Volker Wieker à l'édition dominicale du quotidien Bild. La mission pourra débuter "très rapidement après l'octroi d'un mandat" en ce sens, avait-il ajouté. L'Allemagne, longtemps réticente à une intervention militaire en Syrie, a annoncé jeudi son accord de principe pour une telle mission suite aux attentats de Paris, sans toutefois donner de détails sur le nombre de troupes mobilisées.