Monday, December 7, 2015

Biden Visits Ukraine To Reaffirm U.S. Support

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden arrived in Kyiv late on December 6 for a two-day visit aimed at pushing Ukraine toward making reforms and reassuring Kyiv that the crisis in Syria is not overshadowing Washington's concerns about Ukraine.

Biden will meet Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk on December 7 and deliver an address to parliament the following day.

Fighting between Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine has diminished since early September.However, tensions remain high because of unresolved questions about the final political status of separatists regions in the east.

Meanwhile, Western attention has turned away largely toward the fight Islamic extremism in Syria and Iraq.

Since Russia began airstrikes in Syria on September 30, Ukrainian officials have worried their own country's troubles would fade from view.Biden's meetings with Ukrainian top leaders are intended to counter that concern.
 [Based on reporting by AP and AFP]


1 comment :

  1. Ukraine: Biden somme Moscou de respecter les accords de paix et de rendre à Kiev la Crimée...

    Le vice-président américain Joe Biden a apporté lundi à Kiev le soutien des Etats-Unis aux autorités pro-occidentales face à "l'agression russe continue" tout en réclamant la lutte contre la corruption qui gangrène cette ex-république soviétique.

    Principal responsable américain chargé du dossier ukrainien, M. Biden a sommé le Kremlin de respecter les accords de paix pour l'Est séparatiste prorusse de l'Ukraine et de rendre à Kiev la Crimée annexée en 2014 au moment où le conflit syrien et la menace jihadiste relèguent la crise ukrainienne au second


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