Britain's bombing campaign against Islamic State extremists in Syria is "illegal" and will only cause "terrorism" to spread, President Bashar al-Assad said in an interview published Sunday.
"It will be harmful and illegal and it will support terrorism as happened after the coalition started its operation a year or so (ago)," he told The Sunday Times after British MPs voted on December 2 to join the US-led bombing campaign over Syria.
Terror, he said, was like a cancer which needed to be tackled with a "comprehensive" strategy which would involve working with troops on the ground.
"You cannot cut out part of the cancer. You have to extract it. This kind of operation is like cutting out part of the cancer. That will make it spread in the body faster.
"You cannot defeat (IS) through air strikes alone. You cannot defeat them without cooperation with forces on the ground. You cannot defeat them if you do not have buy-in from the general public and the government," he said.
"They are going to fail again."..................
"It will be harmful and illegal and it will support terrorism as happened after the coalition started its operation a year or so (ago)," he told The Sunday Times after British MPs voted on December 2 to join the US-led bombing campaign over Syria.
Terror, he said, was like a cancer which needed to be tackled with a "comprehensive" strategy which would involve working with troops on the ground.
"You cannot cut out part of the cancer. You have to extract it. This kind of operation is like cutting out part of the cancer. That will make it spread in the body faster.
"You cannot defeat (IS) through air strikes alone. You cannot defeat them without cooperation with forces on the ground. You cannot defeat them if you do not have buy-in from the general public and the government," he said.
"They are going to fail again."..................
UK adds firepower over Syria but impact will be 'marginal'
Moscow Welcomes British Airstrikes Against Daesh in Syria - (Kremlin)
According to media reports, the first UK airstrikes in Syria targeted an oilfield controlled by the Daesh...
Der syrische Präsident Baschar al-Assad hat die optimistischen, aber wohl kaum realitätsnahen Worte Camerons über 70.000 Kämpfer der „gemäßigten“ Opposition in Syrien kommentiert....
ReplyDelete„Die Aussage des britischen Premiers David Cameron über die Präsenz von 70.000 „gemäßigten“ Kämpfern in Syrien ist eine neue Serie in einer Komödie, in der falsche Informationen statt die Wahrheit gezeigt werden. Russland hatte die westlichen Länder zuvor darum gebeten, Informationen zu dem Aufenthaltsort der Kämpfer und deren Kommando offenzulegen, doch die Staaten antworteten nicht“, zitiert die syrische Agentur SANA den Präsidenten.
Zuvor hatte der britische Premier David Cameron unter Berufung auf Daten des Vereinigten Aufklärungsausschusses mitgeteilt, dass sich in Syrien bis zu 70.000 sogenannter „gemäßigte“ Kämpfer aufhalten würden. Laut Cameron könnten nur diese Kräfte unter Beihilfe der internationalen Koalition aus der Luft Syrien vor dem Islamischen Staat schützen.............