Friday, October 30, 2015

Lavrov calls for efforts to prevent terrorists from getting power in Syria

Participants in the Syrian settlement talks are committed to do their best to prevent terrorists from taking power in Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday after the multilateral talks in Vienna.

"[US Secretary of State] John Kerry said much about the Syrian development, about the suffering of the Syrian people, about how much blood has been shed there and how many people have been driven out of their homes," he said. "We want to stop this situation and prevent terrorists from getting power in the country."

According to Lavrov, the meeting in Vienna was required to establish accord between countries interested in settling the conflict in Syria.

  • "This meeting was necessary to establish accord between us," he said. "Besides, we do not yet see a representative delegation of the opposition."

In Lavrov's words, participants in the Vienna talks on the Syrian settlement are asking the United Nations to organize a meeting between representatives of the Syrian government and the opposition to launch political process.

  • "One of the most important agreements reached today is that the participants in the meeting ask the United Nations to organize a meeting between representatives of the Syrian government and the opposition to kick off political process," he told a news conference.
  • Elections in Syria should be held under control of the United Nations and involve all Syrian citizens, Russian Foreign Minister went on to say.

"We have agreed that elections in Syria are to be held with active participation and control by the United Nations, and that all Syrian citizens, including refugees in neighboring state, should take part in these elections," he said at a news conference.


1 comment :

  1. Chancen auf eine diplomatische Lösung der Syrien-Krise sind nach Ansicht von US-Außenminister John Kerry jetzt höher denn je. „Ich bin Realist“, sagte der US-Chefdiplomat am Freitag nach Abschluss der Gespräche in Wien...

    „Ich weiß, dass dies überaus schwierig ist, wovon wir uns bei den Verhandlungen überzeugen konnten… Die Gespräche waren überaus hart, aber zugleich aufrichtig und transparent.“ Das multilaterale Treffen sei überaus konstruktiv gewesen, sagte Kerry.

    Die Gesprächspartner in Wien seien übereingekommen, die Militärkampagne in Syrien auszubauen. „Parallel sollen alle nur möglichen diplomatischen Schritte zur Beilegung des Konflikts unternommen werden“, sagte Kerry auf einer Pressekonferenz nach den Verhandlungen. „Wir (USA) haben beschlossen, eine kleines Kontingent in nördliche Regionen Syriens zu entsenden.“

    Kerrys russischer Amtskollege Sergej Lawrow teilte mit, die Gesprächsteilnehmer hätten sich für eine neue Verfassung in Syrien und für Wahlen unter Kontrolle der UN ausgesprochen. Die mögliche Feuereinstellung in dem Land werde nicht für terroristische Gruppierungen gelten, sagte Russlands Chefdiplomat............Weiterlesen:


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