The influx of migrants across the European Union (EU) represents a national security, and not a defense risk to NATO member state, US Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work stated on Wednesday following a meeting of Nordic defense ministers in Norway.
"I believe it’s not a security risk in — in the sense of national defense, but it's certainly a national-security risk in terms of the total number of people who happen to be flooding into the Southern Front of NATO," Work said.
Work emphasized that the United States is interested in cooperating with its NATO allies and other countries in the region to solving the migrant problem.
Hundreds of thousands of people from the Middle East and North and Sub-Saharan Africa have been attempting to reach European countries as they flee violence at home.
Earlier on Wednesday, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker called on EU member states to relocate 160,000 migrants throughout the bloc over the next two years.
Some 500,000 people have arrived in Europe since the beginning of 2015, many from Syria and Libya, Juncker said.
"I believe it’s not a security risk in — in the sense of national defense, but it's certainly a national-security risk in terms of the total number of people who happen to be flooding into the Southern Front of NATO," Work said.
Work emphasized that the United States is interested in cooperating with its NATO allies and other countries in the region to solving the migrant problem.
Hundreds of thousands of people from the Middle East and North and Sub-Saharan Africa have been attempting to reach European countries as they flee violence at home.
Earlier on Wednesday, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker called on EU member states to relocate 160,000 migrants throughout the bloc over the next two years.
Some 500,000 people have arrived in Europe since the beginning of 2015, many from Syria and Libya, Juncker said.
US-Präsident Barack Obama hat die Aufnahme von mindestens 10.000 syrischen Flüchtlingen angekündigt....
ReplyDeleteDie Zahl gelte für das im Oktober beginnende Haushaltsjahr 2016, sagte Obamas Sprecher Josh Earnest am Donnerstag in Washington. Angesichts der Flüchtlingskrise in Europa war die US-Regierung in den vergangenen Tagen zunehmend unter Druck geraten, mehr Flüchtlinge aus Syrien ins Land zu lassen.
Seit dem Beginn des Bürgerkriegs vor mehr als vier Jahren nahmen die USA nur gut 1500 Syrer auf. Earnest sagte, dass der Präsident seine Mitarbeiter nun angewiesen habe, Vorbereitungen für die Aufnahme von "mindestens 10.000" syrischen Flüchtlingen zu treffen. Zugleich machte der Präsidentensprecher deutlich, dass der "wirksamste Weg" im Umgang mit der Flüchtlingskrise die finanzielle Unterstützung für Hilfsorganisationen vor Ort
Obama wants U.S. to prepare for 10,000 Syrian refugees next year...
DeletePresident Barack Obama has directed his administration to prepare to take in at least 10,000 Syrian refugees next year, a White House spokesman said on Thursday.
The number reflects a "significant scaling up" of the U.S. commitment to accept refugees from the war-torn country and to provide for their basic needs, White House press secretary Josh Earnest.