A group of around 500 migrants, marching on a Hungarian motorway towards the Austrian border, broke through a police barricade and continued on the main highway connecting Budapest and Vienna.
The group, mostly from Syria and Afghanistan, left Budapest's Keleti railway station this morning after authorities refused to let them travel to Austria on trains.
Many of the people in the column held up pictures of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and chanted "Germany, Germany."
The crowd included people in wheelchairs and on crutches, as well as parents carrying children on their shoulders.
"We are very happy that something is happening at last, The next stop is Austria. The children are very tired, Hungary is very bad, we have to go somehow," one man from Syria told AFP
They were part of an estimated 2,000 migrants stuck in makeshift refugee camps at Keleti station.
Separately, 300 migrants broke out of a Hungarian reception camp near the Serbian border, fleeing towards a motorway that connects southern Hungary with Budapest.
Hungarian police said they had temporarily shut the Roszke border crossing with Serbia.
"In the interest of preventing accidents, the police have temporarily closed the Roszke motorway border crossing to incoming traffic and are redirecting traffic to (a national road)," police said in statement.
Police said around 2,300 people are still in the camp and are threatening to break out if their demands, which are not clear, are not met.
Meanwhile, state news agency MTI says dozens of migrants have broken out of a second camp near the town of Bicske, where hundreds of people have spent the night on a train after refusing to go to camp to process asylum seekers.
Hungary's prime minister has said Europeans risk becoming a minority on their own continent.......http://www.rte.ie/news/2015/0904/725574-migrants/
The group, mostly from Syria and Afghanistan, left Budapest's Keleti railway station this morning after authorities refused to let them travel to Austria on trains.
Many of the people in the column held up pictures of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and chanted "Germany, Germany."
The crowd included people in wheelchairs and on crutches, as well as parents carrying children on their shoulders.
"We are very happy that something is happening at last, The next stop is Austria. The children are very tired, Hungary is very bad, we have to go somehow," one man from Syria told AFP
They were part of an estimated 2,000 migrants stuck in makeshift refugee camps at Keleti station.
Separately, 300 migrants broke out of a Hungarian reception camp near the Serbian border, fleeing towards a motorway that connects southern Hungary with Budapest.
Hungarian police said they had temporarily shut the Roszke border crossing with Serbia.
"In the interest of preventing accidents, the police have temporarily closed the Roszke motorway border crossing to incoming traffic and are redirecting traffic to (a national road)," police said in statement.
Police said around 2,300 people are still in the camp and are threatening to break out if their demands, which are not clear, are not met.
Meanwhile, state news agency MTI says dozens of migrants have broken out of a second camp near the town of Bicske, where hundreds of people have spent the night on a train after refusing to go to camp to process asylum seekers.
Hungary's prime minister has said Europeans risk becoming a minority on their own continent.......http://www.rte.ie/news/2015/0904/725574-migrants/
More than 1,000 migrants stranded for days at Budapest's main train station left the building Friday, intent on walking to the Austrian border, according to an AFP journalist on the scene...
ReplyDeleteThe huge crowd included people in wheelchairs and on crutches, as well as parents carrying children on their shoulders, all prepared to march 175 kilometers (110 miles) to the border.
"We are very happy that something is happening at last, The next stop is Austria. The children are very tired, Hungary is very bad, we have to go somehow," 23-year-old Osama from Syria told AFP.
The migrants were part of an estimated 2,000 people stuck in makeshift refugee camps at Keleti station, after railway authorities had blocked them from boarding trains to Austria and Germany because they lacked EU visas.
Police watched the silent migrants walk through the Hungarian capital but did not intervene, the AFP correspondent said, adding there was no sign of conflict at the moment.....AFP
4000 auf dem Marsch von Budapest an die Grenze...
ReplyDeleteDas Chaos um die Flüchtlinge in Ungarn dauert an. Tausende entschlosen sich zum Fußmarsch. Sie wollen über Österreich nach Deutschland.
Töten Sie mich, aber ich werde nicht in Ungarn bleiben!" Das waren die Worte eines syrischen Vaters an die Polizei in Bicske. Treffender könnte die Atmosphäre unter den Flüchtlingen in Ungarn nicht beschrieben werden. Tausenden Flüchtlingen wird seit Montag die Ausreise nach Deutschland verwehrt. Mit jedem Wort, jeder Handlung machen sie klar, dass sie nichts mehr zu verlieren haben und zu allem bereit sind. Auch zu einem 500 Kilometer langen Fußmarsch.
Am Freitagvormittag machten sich zunächst einige Hundert Flüchtlinge von Budapest zu Fuß auf den Weg. Die Verzweiflung nach den Tagen mit unmenschlichen Zuständen auf dem Bahnhofsvorplatz ließen viele diesem Beispiel folgen. Gegen 16 Uhr hatten bereits rund 4000 Menschen Budapest verlassen und marschierten auf der Autobahn in Richtung Österreich. Vorneweg trug ein Mann eine EU-Flagge. Schilder mit dem Bild der deutschen Kanzlerin wurden in die Luft gehalten. Tausende Syrer erblicken in Angela Merkel den rettenden Engel in ihrer Not: "Sie sagt, wir dürfen bleiben. Sie ist die Einzige, die uns versteht. "..............http://kurier.at/politik/ausland/4000-auf-dem-marsch-von-budapest-an-die-grenze/150.879.055