Hundreds of migrants broke through police lines in Hungary near the Serbian border Wednesday for a third day running, as the army began mobilising for a possible role in guarding the frontier.
The break-out involving at least 400 migrants took place near the flashpoint town of Roszke, where migrants have to wait at a collection point before being taken to a nearby centre for registration.
Shouting "No camp!" they scattered in all directions, some heading for a nearby motorway leading to Budapest, which police then temporarily closed down.
The migrants later agreed to be taken to a refugee camp in western Hungary.
It was the latest in a series of tense confrontations between police and desperate migrants and refugees as the Hungarian authorities struggle to cope with thousands of new arrivals every day.
In the 24 hours to midnight (2200 GMT), 2,770 people were intercepted nationwide, police said.
At Roszke, the main crossing point from Serbia, there were 2,529, including 455 children. Most were Syrian, Afghan or Pakistani.
On Tuesday, there was a series of similar breakouts in the same area involving several hundred people, with police using pepper spray on one occasion to move a group off a main road.
Hungary's southern border has become a major entry point into the European Union for migrants and refugees fleeing war and misery in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.
More than 165,000 migrants have crossed into Hungary so far this year. Most seek to travel on to Germany via Austria.
Army launches 'Decisive Action' exercise
The army on Wednesday launched an exercise called "Decisive Action" to prepare for a possible role in border control, pending a vote in parliament later September on the issue.
"It is our job to make sure Hungary is defended," General Tibor Benko told a news programme on the M1 channel.
Hungary recently completed a razor-wire barrier along its 175-kilometre (110-mile) frontier with Serbia, but it has failed to stop large numbers of people getting through.
It is currently building an additional four-metre (13-foot) fence despite widespread criticism from western European leaders.
Prime Minister Viktor Orban vowed earlier this week to speed up the new barrier's construction.
"Everyone has to get ready to do intensive work in the coming weeks," Orban said in a newspaper interview.
An army source told AFP that troops had begun preparing Wednesday for work on the fence.
A senior member of Orban's ruling Fidesz party on Tuesday gave the deadline for the fence's completion as "end-October, early-November".
The break-out involving at least 400 migrants took place near the flashpoint town of Roszke, where migrants have to wait at a collection point before being taken to a nearby centre for registration.
Shouting "No camp!" they scattered in all directions, some heading for a nearby motorway leading to Budapest, which police then temporarily closed down.
The migrants later agreed to be taken to a refugee camp in western Hungary.
It was the latest in a series of tense confrontations between police and desperate migrants and refugees as the Hungarian authorities struggle to cope with thousands of new arrivals every day.
In the 24 hours to midnight (2200 GMT), 2,770 people were intercepted nationwide, police said.
At Roszke, the main crossing point from Serbia, there were 2,529, including 455 children. Most were Syrian, Afghan or Pakistani.
On Tuesday, there was a series of similar breakouts in the same area involving several hundred people, with police using pepper spray on one occasion to move a group off a main road.
Hungary's southern border has become a major entry point into the European Union for migrants and refugees fleeing war and misery in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.
More than 165,000 migrants have crossed into Hungary so far this year. Most seek to travel on to Germany via Austria.
Army launches 'Decisive Action' exercise
The army on Wednesday launched an exercise called "Decisive Action" to prepare for a possible role in border control, pending a vote in parliament later September on the issue.
"It is our job to make sure Hungary is defended," General Tibor Benko told a news programme on the M1 channel.
Hungary recently completed a razor-wire barrier along its 175-kilometre (110-mile) frontier with Serbia, but it has failed to stop large numbers of people getting through.
It is currently building an additional four-metre (13-foot) fence despite widespread criticism from western European leaders.
Prime Minister Viktor Orban vowed earlier this week to speed up the new barrier's construction.
"Everyone has to get ready to do intensive work in the coming weeks," Orban said in a newspaper interview.
An army source told AFP that troops had begun preparing Wednesday for work on the fence.
A senior member of Orban's ruling Fidesz party on Tuesday gave the deadline for the fence's completion as "end-October, early-November".
No Need to Bomb: Migrants Pose No National Defense Risk to NATO (Pentagon)
Migrant crisis in Europe stems from US’ policy in Middle East (Alexei Pushkov)
Migrants allowed into Austria, Germany: Refugees begin arriving at Hungary-Austria border.(video Al Jazeera)
Slovak PM says will not 'bow' to Germany, France on migrants
Pourquoi les États-Unis n’accueillent-ils pas plus de migrants ?...
ReplyDeleteDes voix s'élèvent aux États-Unis pour que Washington accepte d'accueillir plus de migrants syriens. La Maison Blanche rappelle avoir déjà débloqué plus de 4 milliards de dollars d'aide humanitaire et attend 3 000 Syriens d'ici la fin de l'année.
Les États-Unis doivent-ils eux aussi accueillir des migrants syriens ? La question se pose de plus en plus outre-Atlantique et la Maison Blanche a été contrainte de réagir, mardi 8 septembre, déclarant qu'elle envisageait de nouvelles mesures. L'objectif de Washington est d'aider ses "alliés et partenaires" en Europe à faire face à cette crise humanitaire, a indiqué Josh Earnest, porte-parole du président Barack Obama.
Depuis le début de la crise syrienne, en mars 2011, qui s'est progressivement muée en guerre civile, 1 500 Syriens ont obtenu le statut de réfugiés aux États-Unis, la plupart cette année. Et le département d'État en attend environ 3 000 d’ici la fin de l’année.
Des voix se sont donc élevées le week-end dernier pour presser Washington de venir en aide à l'Europe. David Miliband, ancien ministre britannique des Affaires étrangères qui dirige aujourd'hui l'International Rescue Committee, a notamment appelé les États-Unis à faire preuve "des qualités de leadership qu'ils ont su montrer dans ce genre de crises".
"Les États-Unis, a-t-il dit dimanche sur ABC, ont toujours été à la pointe des questions de réinsertion de réfugiés, mais n'accepter que 1 500 personnes ces quatre dernières années est une contribution minuscule en réponse à l'aspect humain de ce problème."
Le Church World Service appelle la Maison Blanche à accueillir 100 000 Syriens
Une pétition en ligne lancée sur le site a par ailleurs recueilli près de 1 300 signatures en faveur d'une plus grande ouverture des frontières aux réfugiés fuyant la guerre civile. "Nul n'est mieux équipé que les États-Unis pour venir en aide au peuple syrien", écrivent les initiateurs de ce projet.
Dans leurs commentaires, certains signataires évoquent un impératif moral face à une crise humanitaire. D'autres rappellent Washington à ses responsabilités dans l'intervention militaire en Irak en 2003 et ses répercussions sur tout le Moyen-Orient.............
Migrant crisis: People treated 'like animals' in Hungary camp...
ReplyDeleteFootage has emerged of migrants being thrown bags of food at a Hungarian camp near the border with Serbia.
An Austrian woman who shot the video said the migrants were being treated like "animals". Human Rights Watch's emergency director said people were being held like "cattle in pens".
Hungary says it is investigating the scenes at the camp in Roszke.
Meanwhile, Central European ministers again rejected a mandatory quota system for sharing out migrant arrivals.
"We're convinced that as countries we should keep control over the number of those we are able to accept and then offer them support," Czech Foreign Minister Lubomir Zaoralek said at a press conference with his Hungarian, Polish and Slovak counterparts.
The European Commission, with Germany's backing, has proposed sharing out 160,000 asylum seekers a year between 23 of the EU's 28 members.....BBC