Italy is ready to impose identification checks at Brennero on the border with Austria after receiving a request from Germany for help in easing the flow of migrants into Bavaria, the northern province of Bolzano said Wednesday.
Rome was ready to "reactivate" controls just as it did for the G7 in June, as "a temporary measure to allow Bavaria to reorganize and face the emergency," a statement from the province said.
Bolzano, in the German-speaking Alto Adige region in northern Italy, said Bavaria had asked for "logistical support."
The region will also take in "between 300 and 400 refugees," housing them temporarily in a number of gyms already equipped for such use, under the organization of the civil protection agency, and at the cost of the state.
"Bavaria is witnessing record arrivals of refugees, mainly via the Balkan route, which is creating an unmanageable situation," the province said, adding that efforts were underway "to find new structures and cope immediately with the exponential growth in the number of migrants."
Agence France Presse
Rome was ready to "reactivate" controls just as it did for the G7 in June, as "a temporary measure to allow Bavaria to reorganize and face the emergency," a statement from the province said.
Bolzano, in the German-speaking Alto Adige region in northern Italy, said Bavaria had asked for "logistical support."
The region will also take in "between 300 and 400 refugees," housing them temporarily in a number of gyms already equipped for such use, under the organization of the civil protection agency, and at the cost of the state.
"Bavaria is witnessing record arrivals of refugees, mainly via the Balkan route, which is creating an unmanageable situation," the province said, adding that efforts were underway "to find new structures and cope immediately with the exponential growth in the number of migrants."
Agence France Presse
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Zuwanderung: Orbán erklärt Flüchtlingskrise zu deutschem Problem...
ReplyDeleteNach Tagen des Wartens hat wieder ein Zug mit Flüchtlingen den Bahnhof von Budapest verlassen dürfen. Welche Taktik steckt hinter dem Verhalten der ungarischen Behörden? Premier Orbán schiebt die Verantwortung für das Chaos Deutschland zu.
Eine Lösung der Flüchtlingskrise in Ungarn ist offenbar nicht in Sicht. Während in seinem Land Hunderte Migranten in den Budapester Ostbahnhof drängen, erklärte Ministerpräsident Viktor Orbán: "Das Problem ist kein europäisches Problem. Das Problem ist ein deutsches Problem." Niemand wolle in Ungarn bleiben, sagte er während einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz mit EU-Parlamentspräsident Martin Schulz in Brüssel.
Stattdessen hätten die meisten Flüchtlinge Deutschland als Ziel. "Unsere Arbeit besteht nur darin, sie zu registrieren", sagte Orbán. Schulz erwiderte, das sei keine Problemlösung. Er forderte gesamteuropäische Lösungen und einen Verteilungsschlüssel. Damit würde auch Ungarn "besser dastehen". Nach seinem Gespräch mit Orbán sagte er, es gebe "sehr unterschiedliche Auffassungen, die in sehr klaren Worten zum Ausdruck gekommen sind". Für Diplomatenkreise sind das ungewöhnlich deutliche