Hungary on Sunday lashed out at French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius over his criticism of the country’s new anti-migrant border fence, accusing him of “shocking and groundless” judgements.
In an interview with French radio Sunday morning Fabius said the razor-wire barrier, which runs the length of Hungary’s border with Serbia, does “not respect Europe’s common values”.
Fabius also called “scandalous” the attitude of “a certain number of European countries, particularly in the east” who oppose a quota scheme for the distribution of migrants across EU member states. He did not name the countries targeted by that remark.
“Instead of shocking and groundless judgements, one should instead concentrate on finding common solutions for Europe,” Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said in a statement quoted by MTI news agency, adding that a French Embassy representative would be summoned to the Foreign Ministry Monday over Fabius’s remarks.
The Hungarian army at the weekend finished erecting its controversial barrier, which consists of three rolls of razor wire extending along its 175-kilometre border with non-EU member Serbia.
Right-wing Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s government is also building a four-metre-high fence and wants to stiffen penalties for people entering the country illegally.
The measures come as Hungary struggles to cope with record numbers of migrants and asylum seekers crossing through the country on their odyssey to western Europe.
Hungary has received almost 150,000 migrants so far this year, 50,000 this month alone, mostly crossing from Serbia.
“It appears that certain people in Europe are still not capable of understanding what astonishing and dramatic pressure Hungary is under from migration via the Western Balkans,” Szijjarto accused.
The vast majority of the migrants entering Hungary, which is also a member of Europe’s passport-free Schengen zone, are bound for more prosperous EU countries such as Germany and Sweden.
“A good European is one who keep the rules of Europe,” Szijjarto said.
“The Schengen rules clearly commit all EU members to protect their own and the outer borders of the EU. Hungary is doing this, and hence is also fulfilling its commitments to the union.”
Le chef de la diplomatie française a visé notamment la Hongrie, qui, en érigeant des remparts de grillage à sa frontière, "ne respecte pas les valeurs communes de l'Europe".
L'attitude de certains pays de l'Europe de l'Est envers les migrants est "scandaleuse", a déclaré dimanche aux médias Europe 1, i-Télé, et Le Monde le ministre français des Affaires étrangères Laurent Fabius.
"Quand je vois un certain nombre de pays d'Europe qui n'acceptent pas les contingents (de répartition des réfugiés, ndlr), je trouve ça scandaleux", a-t-il déclaré, en précisant que ces pays se trouvaient "dans l'est de l'Europe".
Le chef de la diplomatie française a visé notamment la Hongrie, qui, en érigeant des remparts de grillage à sa frontière, "ne respecte pas les valeurs communes de l'Europe".
Pour lui, il faut "bien sûr" que la Hongrie démantèle ce mur et que l'Union européenne ait "une discussion sérieuse et sévère" avec les dirigeants hongrois.
La Commission européenne a souhaité répartir les demandeurs d'asile dans les pays européens pour soulager les pays d'arrivée. Cette répartition sur la base du volontariat se heurte toutefois au manque de volonté de certains pays, dont la Hongrie, l'Autriche, la Slovaquie et la Slovénie..............
In an interview with French radio Sunday morning Fabius said the razor-wire barrier, which runs the length of Hungary’s border with Serbia, does “not respect Europe’s common values”.
Fabius also called “scandalous” the attitude of “a certain number of European countries, particularly in the east” who oppose a quota scheme for the distribution of migrants across EU member states. He did not name the countries targeted by that remark.
“Instead of shocking and groundless judgements, one should instead concentrate on finding common solutions for Europe,” Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said in a statement quoted by MTI news agency, adding that a French Embassy representative would be summoned to the Foreign Ministry Monday over Fabius’s remarks.
The Hungarian army at the weekend finished erecting its controversial barrier, which consists of three rolls of razor wire extending along its 175-kilometre border with non-EU member Serbia.
Right-wing Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s government is also building a four-metre-high fence and wants to stiffen penalties for people entering the country illegally.
The measures come as Hungary struggles to cope with record numbers of migrants and asylum seekers crossing through the country on their odyssey to western Europe.
Hungary has received almost 150,000 migrants so far this year, 50,000 this month alone, mostly crossing from Serbia.
“It appears that certain people in Europe are still not capable of understanding what astonishing and dramatic pressure Hungary is under from migration via the Western Balkans,” Szijjarto accused.
The vast majority of the migrants entering Hungary, which is also a member of Europe’s passport-free Schengen zone, are bound for more prosperous EU countries such as Germany and Sweden.
“A good European is one who keep the rules of Europe,” Szijjarto said.
“The Schengen rules clearly commit all EU members to protect their own and the outer borders of the EU. Hungary is doing this, and hence is also fulfilling its commitments to the union.”
- Migrants: Fabius "scandalisé" par l'attitude des pays d'Europe de l’Est...
Le chef de la diplomatie française a visé notamment la Hongrie, qui, en érigeant des remparts de grillage à sa frontière, "ne respecte pas les valeurs communes de l'Europe".
L'attitude de certains pays de l'Europe de l'Est envers les migrants est "scandaleuse", a déclaré dimanche aux médias Europe 1, i-Télé, et Le Monde le ministre français des Affaires étrangères Laurent Fabius.
"Quand je vois un certain nombre de pays d'Europe qui n'acceptent pas les contingents (de répartition des réfugiés, ndlr), je trouve ça scandaleux", a-t-il déclaré, en précisant que ces pays se trouvaient "dans l'est de l'Europe".
Le chef de la diplomatie française a visé notamment la Hongrie, qui, en érigeant des remparts de grillage à sa frontière, "ne respecte pas les valeurs communes de l'Europe".
Pour lui, il faut "bien sûr" que la Hongrie démantèle ce mur et que l'Union européenne ait "une discussion sérieuse et sévère" avec les dirigeants hongrois.
La Commission européenne a souhaité répartir les demandeurs d'asile dans les pays européens pour soulager les pays d'arrivée. Cette répartition sur la base du volontariat se heurte toutefois au manque de volonté de certains pays, dont la Hongrie, l'Autriche, la Slovaquie et la Slovénie..............
Face à la crise migratoire, l'UE organise une réunion le 14 septembre...
ReplyDeleteAlors que des dirigeants européens sont montés au créneau dimanche en faveur du droit d'asile des réfugiés, une réunion d'urgence des ministres de l'Intérieur des Vingt-Huit consacrée à la crise migratoire a été programmée pour le 14 septembre.
À l'appel de Berlin, Londres et Paris, les ministres de l'Intérieur de l'Union européenne se réuniront le 14 septembre "pour avancer concrètement" face à la crise migratoire. Les gouvernements français et italien se sont prononcés, dimanche 30 août, pour une action rapide en faveur de l'octroi de l'asile aux réfugiés.
L'Italie fera de l'obtention d'un droit d'asile européen "la bataille des prochains mois", a affirmé dimanche le président du Conseil Matteo Renzi, dans une interview au quotidien "Corriere della Sera".
Les migrants qui "fuient la guerre, les persécutions, la torture, les oppressions, doivent être accueillis, (...) traités dignement, abrités, soignés", a abondé, de son côté, le Premier ministre français, Manuel Valls. Le chef de la diplomatie française, Laurent Fabius, a pour sa part jugé dimanche "scandaleuse" l'attitude de certains pays de l'est de l'Europe face à la crise des réfugié
Hungary is asking Germany to clarify the legal situation with respect to travel by illegal migrants within the European Union, a Hungarian government spokesman told national news agency MTI Monday...
ReplyDeleteAndras Giro-Szasz said under the EU's Schengen rules, migrants can only leave Hungary with valid travel documents and a visa from their destination country. This has resulted in masses of migrants waiting in Budapest railway stations.
Giro-Szasz said Germany has shown a more permissive stance towards illegal immigrants arriving from Syria and news of this has "boosted hopes" among migrants.
"In order to end the untransparent and adverse conditions we ask Germany to clarify the legal situation," he told MTI.