Friday, May 1, 2015

Colourful rallies around the world mark May Day

Demonstrations have taken place around the world as protesters gathered to mark May Day, also known as Labour Day, the annual day when workers take action to demand increased labour rights.

With 80 countries around the world marking May 1 as a public holiday, Istanbul's Taksim Square was in lockdown on Friday, after the Turkish government banned May Day protests there.

Large rallies were held in Europe and across Asia - including in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Cambodia, the Philippines and South Korea - where workers demanded an increase in minimum wages and better living conditions....

  • Friday marks the 126th International Workers' Day. The following is a brief introduction to the big holiday for global laborers and workers.

International Workers' Day, also known as Labor Day, is a public holiday of laborers and the working class in about 90 countries all over the world, which is promoted by the international labor movement and celebrated every year on May 1.
  • The date was chosen by the Second International in July 1889 to commemorate the Haymarket affair, which occurred in Chicago, the United States, on May 4, 1886.
As a traditional spring celebration, May 1 or May Day is a national public holiday in many European countries, but only in some of them is celebrated specifically as "Labor Day" or "International Workers' Day."

Some other countries mark Labor Day on other dates, such as in the United States, which celebrates Labor Day on the first Monday of September.

Beginning in the late 19th century, as the trade union and labor movements grew worldwide, a variety of days were chosen by trade unions as a day to celebrate labor.

In the United States and Canada, a September holiday, called Labor or Labor Day, was first proposed in the 1880s. It became an official federal holiday in 1894, when 30 US states officially celebrated the Labor Day. By 1887 in North America, Labor Day was an established, official holiday in September instead of on May 1.

The Second International led by Friedrich Engels set May 1 as International Workers' Day in order to commemorate the Haymarket affair in Chicago on May 4, 1886.

In 1889, the first congress of the Second International held in Paris called for international demonstrations across the world on the anniversary of the Chicago protests starting from the next year. Since 1890, May 1 has been formally recognized as an annual celebration date for global proletariat and workers.

International Workers' Day has been an important official holiday in many countries such as China, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Cuba, the former Soviet Union and a lot of other socialist countries, while in the United States efforts to switch Labor Day from September to May 1 have been unsuccessful.

On May 1, 2012, members of "Occupy Wall Street" and labor unions held protests together in a number of cities in the United States and Canada to commemorate May Day and to protest the economic recession and inequality.

International Workers' Day has been a statutory holiday in China since 1950. It is now usually supplemented by two other days to give the appearance of a three-day holiday.

Since 1992, May 1 has been officially called "The Day of Spring and Labor" in Russia and remained a major holiday.

Today in Germany, the capital city of Berlin witnesses yearly demonstrations on May 1, the largest organized by labor unions, political parties and others.

In France, May 1 is a public holiday, when trade unions can organize parades in major cities to defend workers' rights.

In Britain, May Day activities are held on the first Monday of May. In recent years, the anti-capitalist movement has staged a number of large protests in London, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Doncaster on the day.
Source: Xinhua -

1 comment :

  1. 1 Mayıs Avrupa'da coşkuyla kutlandı...

    Almanya’nın başkenti Berlin’de binlerce kişi, Hackische Höfe meydanından tarihi Brandenburg kapısına kadar yürüdü. Almanya Sendikalar Birliği (DGB) tarafından düzenlenen yürüyüşe katılanlar kiralık işçi çalıştırılmasına son verilmesi, asgari ücret konusunda istisnaların getirilmemesi ve adil çalışma şartlarının oluşturulmasını talep eden pankartlar taşıdı.

    Brandenburg Kapısı önünde hazırlanan alanda ise kutlamalar düzenlendi.

    Thüringen eyaletinin Weimar kentinde düzenlenen 1 Mayıs gösterisine katılanlar aşırı sağcıların saldırısına uğradı. Weimar kent yönetiminden yapılan açıklamada, Sosyal Demokrat Parti Federal Meclis Üyesi Carsten Schneider’in konuşması sırasında aşırı sağcıların göstericilere saldırdığı ve zorla mikrofonu alarak aşırı sağcı sloganlar attığı ifade edildi.

    Thüringen polisinden yapılan açıklamada da olayda dört kişinin yaralandığı, 29 kişinin gözaltına alındığı kaydedildi.

    Almanya’da başta Bremen, Essen ve Münih olmak üzere çok sayıda kent de kutlamalara sahne oldu.


    Fransa’da 1 Mayıs kutlamaları her yıl olduğu gibi aşırı sağ parti Ulusal Cephe tarafından başkent Paris’te düzenlenen ülkenin ulusal kahramanı Jeanne d'Arc'ı anma töreniyle başladı. Kutlamalarda kadın aktivist grubu Femen üyeleri, Hitler'in selamına gönderme yaparak, ''Heil Le Pen'' yazılı pankartla protesto eylemi gerçekleştirdi.

    Fransa’daki çeşitli işçi sendikaları ise 1 Mayıs'ı Paris’teki Republique meydanında düzenlenen etkinliklerle kutladı. Gösterilerde 1 Mayıs’ın simgesi olan müge çiçeği dağıtıldı. Yaklaşık 30 bin kişinin katıldığı gösteri sonrasında sendika üyeleri Nation meydanına kadar yürüdü


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