Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Erdoğan warns Pope Francis not to repeat "mistake" about Armenian claims

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has condemned Pope Francis, warning him to not repeat the “mistake” of describing the mass killings of Ottoman Armenians as “genocide.”

“Whenever politicians, religious functionaries assume the duties of historians, then delirium comes out, not fact. Hereby, I want to repeat our call to establish a joint commission of historians and stress we are ready to open our archives. I want to warn the pope to not repeat this mistake and condemn him,” Erdoğan said at a meeting of the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM) on April 14.

Erdoğan said he greatly regretted the pontiff’s weekend remarks in which the leader of the world’s Catholics referred to the killings of Ottoman Armenians in 1915 as “the first genocide of the 20th century.”

“In the past century our human family has lived through three massive and unprecedented tragedies,” the pope said. “The first, which is widely considered ‘the first genocide of the 20th century,’ struck your own Armenian people,” he said in the presence of Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan.

Recalling the pope’s visit to Turkey in 2014, the president said he thought the pope was “a different politician.” “I don’t say a religious functionary,” he added.

“His remarks display the appearance of a mentality different to that of a religious functionary,” Erdoğan said. “I won’t let historical events be brought out of their own course and turned into a campaign against our country and nation.”...[hurriyetdailynews.com]



  1. Erdogan condemns Pope's remarks over 1915 events ...

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has condemned remarks made by Pope Francis over the 1915 events.

    Addressing a committee of Turkish Exporters Assembly in the Turkish capital of Ankara on Tuesday, he said he was upset by the Pope's description of the 1915 events being "genocide".

    "I would like to warn the honorable Pope not to make such a mistake again," he said.

    Pope Francis said on Sunday that “the first genocide of the 20th century” had struck Armenians.

    His statement led Turkey to recall its ambassador to the Vatican and also to summon the Vatican's envoy in Ankara.

    Recalling the Pope's visit to Turkey in November 2014, Erdogan said his remarks had been very different at the time.

    "Now, after his remarks, I have different opinions about him both as a politician and a religious man," he said......www.aa.com.tr

  2. Erdogan condemns Pope over Armenia 'genocide'...

    The Turkish president has sharply criticised Pope Francis for describing the mass killing of Armenians under Ottoman rule in WW1 as "genocide".

    Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he condemned the Pope and warned him to "not repeat this mistake".

    Turkey rejects the use of the term genocide to describe the killings, arguing it was a civil war in which both sides died.

    It is calling for a joint study by historians of what happened....bbc.com

  3. Erdogan condanna le parole del Papa e lo avverte: non commetta più uno sbaglio simile...

    Il presidente islamico turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan ha «condannato» le parole di Papa Francesco sul genocidio armeno del 1915-16 - mai ammesso dalle autorità di Ankara - e lo ha «avvertito» di non «ripetere questo errore».

    «Avverto il Papa di non ripetere questo errore, e lo condanno» ha affermato Erdogan, citato da Hurriyet online. «Quando dirigenti politici, religiosi, assumono il compito degli storici, ne deriva delirio, non fatti», ha aggiunto, affermando che è compito degli storici far luce su ciò che è realmente avvenuto nel 1915.

    Dopo la recente visita di Francesco in Turchia «pensavo che fosse un politico diverso» ma le sue parole, ha detto ancora il leader turco, «mostrano una mentalità diversa da quella di un leader religioso».

    Con Francesco si schiera però il presidente americano Barack Obama. «Il presidente e altri alti esponenti dell'amministrazione hanno più volte riconosciuto come un fatto storico che 1,5 milioni di armeni furono massacrati negli ultimi giorni dell'impero ottomano e che un pieno, franco e giusto riconoscimento dei fatti è nell'interesse di tutti», ha detto la portavoce del Dipartimento di Stato Usa Marie Harf.........ilmessaggero.it

  4. Turquie: Erdogan rejette par avance le vote du Parlement européen sur le génocide arménien...

    (Belga) Le président islamo-conservateur turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan a déclaré mercredi qu'il rejetait par avance le vote du Parlement européen, qui doit se prononcer sur la qualification en "génocide" des massacres d'Arméniens en 1915.

    "Quelle qu'en soit l'issue, le vote du Parlement de l'Union européenne m'entrera dans une oreille et ressortira aussitôt par l'autre parce que la Turquie ne peut reconnaître un tel péché ou un tel crime", a déclaré M. Erdogan devant la presse avant de s'envoler pour une visite officielle au Kazakhstan voisin. Le Parlement européen doit se prononcer mercredi sur une résolution concernant "la commémoration du centenaire du génocide arménien", le 24 avril prochain............rtl.be

  5. Génocide arménien: "Erdogan ne contribue ni à la paix, ni à la vérité"...

    Dans une résolution adoptée mercredi au Parlement européen, l'Union demande à la Turquie de reconnaître le génocide arménien. Mais Ankara refuse toujours d'admettre que ces massacres étaient planifiés par le pouvoir dès 1915. Invité de Matin Première ce jeudi, le député européen Jean-Marie Cavada a soutenu cette résolution, mais le problème vient selon lui de la position du président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan, qui refuse "l'émanation de la vérité".

    Si le Parlement européen a déjà lui-même reconnu le génocide arménien dès 1987, l'Europe est tout de même divisée sur la question et la Commission européenne n'a pas non plus officiellement reconnu le terme de génocide, ce que déplore Jean-Marie Cavada, député européen du groupe Alliance des Démocrates et des Libéraux pour l'Europe (ADLE).

    Mais c'est avant tout l'attitude du président turc, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, qui est pour lui un obstacle à cette reconnaissance.

    "Il ne s'agit pas d'attaquer la Turquie, assure-t-il. M. Erdogan n'était pas né, ce n'est pas lui qui qui a envoyé les troupes et organisé les massacres des Arméniens et le génocide systématique, c'est-à-dire un crime d'État – c'est la définition du génocide. En revanche, c'est bien lui qui aujourd'hui refuse de reconnaître la mémoire de ce génocide, même s'il a commencé à exprimer, avec son Premier ministre, des condoléances. Mais il ne s'agit pas de ça, il ne s'agit pas d'émotion, il s'agit de faire rentrer la vérité dans la Turquie d'aujourd'hui."

    "Or on voit bien que cet homme ne contribue pas à la paix, ni à l'émanation de la vérité, qui est absolument nécessaire pour construire l'avenir; on ne peut pas avoir d'avenir sans connaître son passé. Il est d'ailleurs est d'une arrogance absolument insoutenable; il a dit hier que le Parlement européen pouvait voter ce qu'il veut, ça entre par une oreille, ça sort par l'autre."...........rtbf.be

  6. Turkish PM’s Armenian-origin advisor steps down: official...

    The first ever member of Turkey's Armenian community to hold the post of senior advisor to the Turkish prime minister has retired, an official told AFP on Thursday, after he described the mass killings of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire as a "genocide".

    The official, who asked not to be named, denied any link between the departure of Etyen Mahcupyan and the looming 100th anniversary on April 24 of the start of the 1915 killings of Armenians, which Yerevan regards as genocide.

    Mahcupyan, 65, "has retired on the grounds of age," the official said, noting this was the age limit for all Turkish civil servants.

    Mahcupyan, who was appointed last year as senior advisor to Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, infuriated some within the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) this week when he qualified the mass killings of Armenians as a "genocide.".......alarabiya.net


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