Italian police have arrested 15 African men suspected of throwing about a dozen Christians from a migrant boat in the Mediterranean, as the crisis off southern Italy intensified.
Forty-one more deaths were reported in a separate incident.
Police in the Sicilian capital Palermo said they had arrested the men, from Ivory Coast, Mali and Senegal, after survivors reported they had thrown 12 people from Nigeria and Ghana to their deaths and threatened other Christians.
The survivors' account underscores the rising chaos in the Mediterranean, which thousands of migrants, many fleeing war and deprivation in Africa, try to cross in rickety boats in the hope of a better life in Europe.
Around 20,000 migrants have reached the Italian coast this year, the International Organisation for Migration estimates, fewer than arrived in the first four months of last year, but the number of deaths has risen almost nine-fold.
Almost 450 people are now thought to have died this week after rescued migrants brought to the Sicilian port of Trapani said 41 others travelling with them had drowned..........Reuters......
Forty-one more deaths were reported in a separate incident.
Police in the Sicilian capital Palermo said they had arrested the men, from Ivory Coast, Mali and Senegal, after survivors reported they had thrown 12 people from Nigeria and Ghana to their deaths and threatened other Christians.
- The 15 were arrested on charges of multiple homicide motivated by religious hatred.
The survivors' account underscores the rising chaos in the Mediterranean, which thousands of migrants, many fleeing war and deprivation in Africa, try to cross in rickety boats in the hope of a better life in Europe.
Around 20,000 migrants have reached the Italian coast this year, the International Organisation for Migration estimates, fewer than arrived in the first four months of last year, but the number of deaths has risen almost nine-fold.
Almost 450 people are now thought to have died this week after rescued migrants brought to the Sicilian port of Trapani said 41 others travelling with them had drowned..........Reuters......
Italie: plus de 11 000 migrants ont débarqué en six jours ...
ReplyDeletePlus de 11 000 migrants ont débarqué en Italie au cours des six derniers jours, et des centaines d'autres continuaient à arriver vendredi sur les côtes italiennes, ont indiqué les gardes-côtes italiens.
Plus de 300 de ces migrants, dont 45 femmes et 23 mineurs, partis depuis les côtes libyennes avant d'être récupérés en mer par les garde-côtes et la marine italienne, sont arrivés vendredi matin à Pozzallo en Sicile.
Par ailleurs, une femme est morte dans l'explosion d'une bombonne de gaz sur l'embarcation de fortune où elle avait embarqué avec près de 90 autres migrants, dont une quinzaine ont également été blessés, selon cette source. Les rescapés ont été conduits à Lampedusa, île italienne au large de la Tunisie.
A la faveur du chaos régnant en Libye et du beau temps qui s'est installé depuis plusieurs jours sur cette partie de la Méditerranée, les arrivées de migrants se multiplient sur les côtes italiennes.