Anti-Russian statements of foreign politicians must get an adequate response from Russia, the chairman of the State Duma lower house’s international affairs committee Alexey Pushkov said on Monday, referring to recent words of the Latvian foreign minister comparing Russia with the Third Reich.
"I don’t believe that foreign politicians can be allowed to talk nonsense without any consequences for them, for example as concerns their access to Russia at the very minimum," he told Govorit Moskva (Moscow Speaking) radio.
Response measures could also extended to the country whose official position this politician represents, he added. "If this person officially represents the state, the state must be responsible for his words," he explained, specifying that this was his personal point of view.
"When the foreign minister of Latvia allows such statements, he must be well aware that this may entail moves on our side that will deal a major blow to interests of Latvia — economic, trade or some others,"Pushkov added.
"It seems to me we must respond, and not necessarily in statements, but in some other moves that show that words have their price," he added.
He also dismissed as stupidity if not as a mean-spirited distortion of facts, statements that Russia was facing a standpoint shared by the whole world.
He said in this situation, "35 countries supporting sanctions against Russia and either being NATO member states or dreaming to join it, like Montenegro" were passed off as ‘the whole world’.
Pushkov reminded the audience that there were about 200 states in the world, some of them ‘quite powerful’.
"That is why saying that Russia stands against the whole world or the whole world stands against Russia does not represent the facts, to put it mildly," he said.
"I don’t believe that foreign politicians can be allowed to talk nonsense without any consequences for them, for example as concerns their access to Russia at the very minimum," he told Govorit Moskva (Moscow Speaking) radio.
Response measures could also extended to the country whose official position this politician represents, he added. "If this person officially represents the state, the state must be responsible for his words," he explained, specifying that this was his personal point of view.
"When the foreign minister of Latvia allows such statements, he must be well aware that this may entail moves on our side that will deal a major blow to interests of Latvia — economic, trade or some others,"Pushkov added.
"It seems to me we must respond, and not necessarily in statements, but in some other moves that show that words have their price," he added.
He also dismissed as stupidity if not as a mean-spirited distortion of facts, statements that Russia was facing a standpoint shared by the whole world.
He said in this situation, "35 countries supporting sanctions against Russia and either being NATO member states or dreaming to join it, like Montenegro" were passed off as ‘the whole world’.
Pushkov reminded the audience that there were about 200 states in the world, some of them ‘quite powerful’.
"That is why saying that Russia stands against the whole world or the whole world stands against Russia does not represent the facts, to put it mildly," he said.
Le parlementaire russe Alexeï Pouchkov a vivement condamné le chef de la diplomatie lettone Edgars Rinkevics pour avoir comparé la Russie au Reich allemand...
ReplyDeleteLe président de la commission des Affaires internationales de la Douma (chambre basse du parlement russe), Alexeï Pouchkov, a vivement réagi aux propos du ministre letton des Affaires étrangères Edgars Rinkevics qui a comparé la Russie au Reich allemand de l'époque de la Première et de la Seconde Guerres mondiales.
"Quand un ministre letton des Affaires étrangères se permet des propos de ce genre, il doit être conscient qu'ils pourraient provoquer de notre part une réponse qui porterait atteinte aux intérêts économiques, commerciaux et autres de la Lettonie. Je ne pense pas qu'on puisse permettre aux responsables politiques étrangers de débiter des inepties sans que cela entraîne des conséquences pour ces mêmes politiques tout au moins en ce qui concerne leur droit d'entrée en Fédération de Russie", a déclaré M. Pouchkov..............
Il presidente della Commissione Esteri della Duma, Alexey Pushkov, ha dichiarato che non si può permettere ai politici dei paesi esteri di dire della Russia “ogni sorta di sciocchezze” senza che ci siano per loro delle conseguenze, perché gli Stati devono rispondere di certe parole...
ReplyDeleteLunedì il ministro degli Esteri della Lettonia Edgars Rinkēvičs ha scritto su Twitter che la Russia potrebbe finire come ha finito il Reich tedesco dopo la Prima e la Seconda guerre mondiali.
"La mia opinione personale è che le parole debbano avere un prezzo. Cioè, quando il ministro degli Esteri della Lettonia si permette certe espressioni, deve rendersi conto che da parte nostra ci potranno essere dei passi che danneggeranno seriamente gli interessi economici, commerciali o di altro tipo, del suo paese", — ha detto Pushkov.
"Non credo che possiamo permettere ai politici dei paesi esteri di dire ogni sorta di sciocchezze senza che ci siano per loro delle conseguenze… pertanto, se la persona rappresenta lo Stato in maniera ufficiale, lo Stato deve rispondere delle sue parole", — ha aggiunto il parlamentare..............