BRUSSELS -- All European Union member states, including Greece, have a
united position on the issue of sanctions imposed on Russia, it has been
said in Brussels...
This announcement was made by spokesman for the European Commission Margaritis Schinas.
The European Commission's starting point is that "all member states remain united in terms of sanctions against Russia, as confirmed by the latest decision of the European Council on March 19," said the Schinas.
The statement comes as Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras starts his two-day visit to Russia, where he will hold talks with President Vladimir Putin and other officials.
Tsiparas and his Russian hosts will discuss bilateral cooperation in trade, investment, energy, tourism, culture and education, while the media speculate that the Greek premier "could also request Russian economic assistance."
According to Deutsche Welle Tsiparas arrives in Moscow "at the right time for Russian President Vladimir Putin," who, this outlet said, "apparently hopes Tsipras will next time stand against an extension of sanctions against Russia."
European Parliament President Martin Schulz on Wednesday called on Tsipras "not to endanger the unity of the European Union" during his visit to Russia.
Schultz told the German newspaper Bild that he "did not know whether Russia will provide financial assistance to Greece, nor when it might happen."
"But I can advise Tsipras not to endanger the unity of the European Union," he added.
Speaking about "the suspension of food imports Russia introduced against EU member-states," he said that if one of them stepped out of "the EU mechanism against Russia," that would represent "a difficult political undertaking."
Source: Tanjug - b92
This announcement was made by spokesman for the European Commission Margaritis Schinas.
The European Commission's starting point is that "all member states remain united in terms of sanctions against Russia, as confirmed by the latest decision of the European Council on March 19," said the Schinas.
The statement comes as Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras starts his two-day visit to Russia, where he will hold talks with President Vladimir Putin and other officials.
Tsiparas and his Russian hosts will discuss bilateral cooperation in trade, investment, energy, tourism, culture and education, while the media speculate that the Greek premier "could also request Russian economic assistance."
According to Deutsche Welle Tsiparas arrives in Moscow "at the right time for Russian President Vladimir Putin," who, this outlet said, "apparently hopes Tsipras will next time stand against an extension of sanctions against Russia."
European Parliament President Martin Schulz on Wednesday called on Tsipras "not to endanger the unity of the European Union" during his visit to Russia.
Schultz told the German newspaper Bild that he "did not know whether Russia will provide financial assistance to Greece, nor when it might happen."
"But I can advise Tsipras not to endanger the unity of the European Union," he added.
- Austrian Finance Minister Hans-Jorg Schelling said today that if Athens decided to bypass EU's sanctions, that could create "a huge problem."
Speaking about "the suspension of food imports Russia introduced against EU member-states," he said that if one of them stepped out of "the EU mechanism against Russia," that would represent "a difficult political undertaking."
Source: Tanjug - b92
EU-Präsident Martin Schulz lobt Tsipras ...."Die erwartete Linie hat er nicht verlassen"...
ReplyDeleteDer griechische Ministerpräsident Alexis Tsipras hat sich in Moskau für ein Ende der EU-Sanktionen stark gemacht. Entgegen aller Befürchtungen, forderte er wohl keine Finanzhilfen von Russland.
Griechenlands Ministerpräsident Alexis Tsipras hat sich bei seinem Moskau-Besuch erneut für ein Ende der EU-Sanktionen gegen Russland stark gemacht, ohne jedoch russischen Beistand in der Schuldenmisere seines Landes zu fordern. Dies sei ein "europäisches Problem", für das eine "europäische Lösung" gefunden werden müsse, sagte er nach einem Treffen mit Präsident Wladimir Putin. Dieser stellte Athen Investitionen in Aussicht - aber keine Lockerung des