Friday, March 20, 2015

US, Iran Can Improve Relations for First Time in Decades

US President Barack Obama said the United States and Iran in 2015 have an opportunity to improve their relationship for the first time in decades.

“This year we have the best opportunity in decades to pursue a different future between our countries,” Obama said in an address on Thursday marking Nowruz, the Iranian New Year.

The president noted last year's progress in the ongoing Iranian nuclear program negotiations, stressing that the country and international community have kept their commitments.

“The days and weeks ahead will be critical. Our negotiations [on Iran’s nuclear program] have made progress but gaps remain,” Obama stressed, calling for people to “speak up for the future we seek.”

The president urged Iran to ensure the world that the country’s nuclear program is peaceful. He added that a “reasonable deal” will lead to more global trade, foreign investment and jobs for Iranians along with partnerships in science, innovation and technology.

Obama has repeatedly stressed the necessity to resolve the issue peacefully, with diplomacy, adding that the opportunity must not be missed.

Currently, the P5+1 group of international negotiators, comprising Russia, the United States, China, the United Kingdom, France and Germany are holding talks with Iran on a comprehensive nuclear deal.

Negotiations are expected to result in a political framework agreement by March 24, while a final agreement is expected to be worked out by July.

The UN Security Council and a number of countries have imposed several rounds of sanctions on Iran, accusing the country of developing nuclear weapons. Tehran has repeatedly rejected those claims, stating that its uranium enrichment program is for peaceful purposes only.




1 comment :

  1. Obamas Nowruz-Gruß an iranisches Volk: Dem Iran "bietet sich ein neuer Weg"...

    Die kommenden Wochen werden für die Lösung des Streits um das iranische Atomprogramm von kritisch wichtiger Bedeutung sein, heißt es im Nowruz-Gruß von US-Präsident Barack Obama an das iranische Volk.

    „Die kommenden Wochen werden kritisch wichtig sein. Unsere Unterhändler haben Fortschritte zu verzeichnen, Lücken bleiben aber. In unseren beiden Ländern und außerhalb von ihnen gibt es noch Menschen, die gegen eine diplomatische Lösung sind. Ich möchte Euch, dem iranischen Volk, sagen, dass wir gemeinsam auf die Zukunft hinarbeiten können, die wir brauchen“, so Obama.

    Sollten die iranischen Spitzenpolitiker „vernünftigen Vereinbarungen“ nicht zustimmen, sei mit einer Isolierung des Irans zu rechnen, betonte der US-Präsident....................


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