Sunday, March 22, 2015

US, EU say Islamic State group expanding presence in Libya

The Islamic State terrorist group is expanding its operations in Libya, a joint statement by the governments of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States published on the US State Department's website says.

The statement says the governments are "deeply concerned about the growing threat from terrorist groups in Libya," including the Islamic State, which has expanded its presence in the country as a result of "the absence of a strong, united, central government" there.

"The United Nations-led process to establish a National Unity Government provides the best hope for Libyans to address this terrorist threat and to confront the violence and instability that impedes Libya’s political transition and development. The international community is prepared to fully support a unity government in addressing Libya’s challenges," the statement reads.

  • The United States and the EU countries have also strongly condemned the attack on Aziziyah, in northwestern Libya, on March 19-20, ongoing air attacks on Zintan and Metiga Airports and Tripoli, and all other acts of violence.
  • "We deeply regret the fact that the warring parties refuse to stop the fighting, endangering civilian lives and leading to the destruction of Libya’s national infrastructure," the statement says.

"Those who seek to impede the UN process and Libya’s democratic transition, four years after the revolution, will not be allowed to condemn Libya to chaos and extremism," it says.

The governments also welcomed the resumption of the Libyan political dialogue in Skhirat, Morocco, on Saturday and urged those taking part in the dialogue to "enter into the discussions constructively and in good faith in order to reach agreement on a National Unity Government and arrangements for a ceasefire as quickly as possible.".


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