The newly signed treaty between Russia and South Ossetia is an invalid international accord, US Department of State spokesperson Jen Psaki told journalists on Wednesday.
“Neither this agreement nor the one signed with Abkhazia in November 2014 constitutes a valid international agreement,” Psaki said.
The State Department spokesperson stressed that Washington does not recognize the legitimacy of the agreement.
“Neither this agreement nor the one signed with Abkhazia in November 2014 constitutes a valid international agreement,” Psaki said.
The State Department spokesperson stressed that Washington does not recognize the legitimacy of the agreement.
South Ossetia warns on NATO arms for Georgia
Georgia’s NATO bid prompts new treaty between Abkhazia, Russia, says foreign minister
Ukraine condemns Russia-'Abkhazia' deal
Russia, Abkhazia sign Treaty on Allied Relations and Strategic Partnership
Moscou renforce son emprise sur l'Ossétie du Sud ...
ReplyDeleteVladimir Poutine a scellé, mercredi, une série d'accords avec le dirigeant d'Ossétie du Sud Leonid Tibilov en vue d'étendre son contrôle sur la région sécessionniste géorgienne. Un accord que Tbilissi et les Occidentaux condamnent avec force.
Pour la Géorgie, c’est un nouveau "pas vers l’annexion" de son territoire. La Russie a signé, mercredi 18 mars, une série d'accords avec la région séparatiste géorgienne de l'Ossétie du Sud visant à étendre son contrôle sur ce territoire. Une décision que condamnent Tbilissi et les Occidentaux et qui intervient un an jour pour jour après la signature par Moscou du traité d'intégration de la péninsule ukrainienne de Crimée à la Russie.
"Cet accord historique [...] permettra la création d'un espace commun de défense et de sécurité entre nos deux pays et le libre franchissement des frontières par les citoyens des deux pays", a déclaré Vladimir Poutine après avoir signé ce document avec le dirigeant ossète Leonid Tibilov................
South Ossetia president says Georgia evades signing non-use of force deal...
ReplyDeleteGeorgia was accused by a neighbour state in the South Caucasus on Thursday of seeking to avoid pledging no use of force against the small territory of South Ossetia.
The charge was levelled by South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov one day after his country and Russia signed a treaty formalising alliance and "further integration with Russia".
He spoke one day after representatives from states in the volatile area reconvened for talks in Geneva to discuss ways of ensuring regional security, resolving refugee problems and seeking a Georgian undertaking not to use force against neighbour states.
Delegates from Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Georgia, Russia, and the United States had gathered in Geneva assembled in the single platform existing for dialogue between the three South Caucasus countries.
This was first convened on a deal between the Russian and French presidents after August 2008 events when Georgia attacked neighbour South Ossetia, leading to Moscow's recognition of South Ossetia as an independent nation.................