Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has signed a decree on the dismissal of Ihor Kolomoiskyi from the post of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Governor during a meeting with the Ukrainian oligarch, a statement released on the president's official website on Wednesday says.
Kolomoiskyi, who is one of Ukraine's wealthiest oligarchs, went to the office of state-owned oil company UkrTransNafta last week with a group of armed men, in an attempt to forcefully reappoint the firm's dismissed manager, Oleksandr Lazorko.
Following the incident, Poroshenko issued a decree reproaching Kolomoiskyi "for violating the rules of professional ethics."
"We have to ensure peace, stability and tranquility. The Dnipropetrovsk Region must remain a bastion of Ukraine in the east [and] defend the citizens' peace and quiet," Poroshenko said as quoted in the statement.
According to Ukraine's president, Zaporizhia Regional State Administration head Valentin Reznichenko will now be appointed acting Dnipropetrovsk Regional Governor.
On Monday, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk announced that Kiev will "do its job" and actively work against the political crisis scenario supported by oligarchs.
Kolomoiskyi's appearance at the UkrTransNafta office came after the decision of the Ukrainian parliament (Verkhovna Rada) to amend legislation on joint stock companies, reducing the oligarch's share in the enterprise and depriving him of crucial influence in the voting process.
Kolomoiskyi has reportedly accumulated an estimated wealth of around $6 billion. He is believed to sponsor a number of Ukrainian armed groups, including volunteer battalions that have committed human rights violations in the southeast of the country, where they have been fighting against independence supporters alongside Kiev forces.
Ihor Kolomoiskyi was appointed Dnipropetrovsk Regional Governor after last year's coup in Ukraine by then-acting president Oleksandr Turchynov, who is currently the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council's secretary.
Kolomoiskyi, who is one of Ukraine's wealthiest oligarchs, went to the office of state-owned oil company UkrTransNafta last week with a group of armed men, in an attempt to forcefully reappoint the firm's dismissed manager, Oleksandr Lazorko.
Following the incident, Poroshenko issued a decree reproaching Kolomoiskyi "for violating the rules of professional ethics."
"We have to ensure peace, stability and tranquility. The Dnipropetrovsk Region must remain a bastion of Ukraine in the east [and] defend the citizens' peace and quiet," Poroshenko said as quoted in the statement.
According to Ukraine's president, Zaporizhia Regional State Administration head Valentin Reznichenko will now be appointed acting Dnipropetrovsk Regional Governor.
On Monday, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk announced that Kiev will "do its job" and actively work against the political crisis scenario supported by oligarchs.
Kolomoiskyi's appearance at the UkrTransNafta office came after the decision of the Ukrainian parliament (Verkhovna Rada) to amend legislation on joint stock companies, reducing the oligarch's share in the enterprise and depriving him of crucial influence in the voting process.
Kolomoiskyi has reportedly accumulated an estimated wealth of around $6 billion. He is believed to sponsor a number of Ukrainian armed groups, including volunteer battalions that have committed human rights violations in the southeast of the country, where they have been fighting against independence supporters alongside Kiev forces.
Ihor Kolomoiskyi was appointed Dnipropetrovsk Regional Governor after last year's coup in Ukraine by then-acting president Oleksandr Turchynov, who is currently the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council's secretary.
Ukraine: les insurgés invitent Kolomoïski à créer une république indépendante...
ReplyDeleteLe conflit entre le président ukrainien Piotr Porochenko et les oligarques risque de provoquer un "morcellement féodal" de l'Ukraine.
Le milliardaire ukrainien Igor Kolomoïski, qui vient de quitter le poste de gouverneur de la région ukrainienne de Dniepropetrovsk (est), pourrait y créer la république indépendante, estime le président de la république autoproclamée de Donetsk (DNR) Alexandre Zakhartchenko.
"Je propose à M.Kolomoïski de créer la République Kolomoïski de Dniepropetrovsk (DRK). Ce serait une décision juste (…). M.Kolomoïski contrôle déjà ce territoire, il a un pouvoir réel et Kiev est obligé de dialoguer avec lui", a indiqué mardi M.Zakhartchenko à RIA Novosti.
Le 22 mars dernier, M.Kolomoïski, deuxième homme le plus riche de l'Ukraine et considéré comme l'une des personnalités les plus influentes du pays, a reconnu que les dirigeants des républiques autoproclamées de Donetsk et de Lougansk, Alexandre Zakhartchenko et Igor Plotnitski, disposaient d'un pouvoir réel et pourraient remporter les nouvelles élections régionales conformes aux lois ukrainiennes si celles-ci étaient organisées. Il a en outre rappelé qu'entre 1,5 et 2 millions de citoyens ukrainiens résidaient dans les républiques DNR et LNR, non reconnues par Kiev.
Selon Denis Pouchiline, représentant de la DNR aux négociations de Minsk sur le règlement de la crise ukrainienne, ces déclarations de M.Kolomoïski ont porté un coup dur au prestige du président ukrainien Piotr Porochenko...................Lire la suite:
Die Führung der nicht anerkannten „Volksrepublik Donezk“ im Osten der Ukraine hat den Milliardär Igor Kolomoiski aufgerufen, eine eigene Republik im ukrainischen Gebiet Dnjepropetrowsk auszurufen. Kolomoiski war am Dienstag nach einem öffentlichen Konflikt mit Staatschef Pjotr Poroschenko als Dnjepropetrowsk-Gouverneur entlassen worden...
ReplyDeleteDas Oberhaupt der „Volksrepublik Donezk“, Alexander Sachartschenko, verwies darauf, dass Kolomoiski weiterhin der Herrscher des Gebiets Dnjepropetrowsk sei. „Ich schlage Kolomoiski vor, eine ‚Dnjepropetrowsker Republik von Kolomoiski‘ auszurufen. Warum nicht? Das wäre doch gerecht“, sagte Sachartschenko Journalisten in Donezk. „Kolomoiski ist de facto der Herrscher dieser Region (Dnjepropetrowsk – Red.), der reale Machthaber, auf den Kiew Rücksicht nehmen muss.“............
Diputado ucraniano: Kolomoiski fue despedido después de una llamada de Joe Biden ...
ReplyDeleteEl presidente ucraniano he despedido al exgobernador de la región de Dnepropetrovsk después de una llamada del vicepresidente estadounidense, Joe Biden, al primer ministro Arseni Yatsenyuk, asegura un diputado ucraniano Sergey Leshenko apoyándose en diferentes fuentes.
El diputado Sergey Leshenko asegura en su blog que varias fuentes no relacionadas entre sí le han informado del papel decisivo que en el destino del ya exgobernador ha jugado una llamada de Joe Biden al primer ministro de Ucrania Arseni Yatseniuk. Según el legislador ello explica que el presidente Poroshenko lograra que el gobernador de Dnepropetrovsk, Ígor Kolomoiski, dejara su puesto de una manera tan rápida..........