Tuesday, March 10, 2015

MartyroPathologia Kratos EL Times News and Global agencies (March 2015 - B)

The United States is urging its European partners to refrain from doing business with Russia over its alleged role in the Ukrainian crisis, US State Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf said, commenting on the bilateral agreements between Russia and Cyprus signed last week..................Russia and Cyprus signed nine documents on cooperation, including military, naval and anti-terrorism agreements


  1. Israël démolit des abris financés par l'UE près de Jérusalem-Est ...

    Les autorités israéliennes ont démoli mardi des abris financés par l'Union européenne près de Jérusalem-Est, partie palestinienne occupée et annexée par Israël de la Ville sainte, a dénoncé l'UE.

    Ces démolitions ont été confirmées par l'Autorité israélienne de la nature et des parcs, pour qui ces abris violaient la législation car ils étaient situés dans un parc national.

    Dans un communiqué, l'UE a condamné "la démolition aujourd'hui (mardi) d'abris temporaires financés par l'Union européenne", rappelant qu'elle appelait "de façon répétée le gouvernement israélien à mettre un terme à de (telles) démolitions".

    Les fonds européens ont aidé à l'installation de quelque 200 préfabriqués dans des villages habités par des bédouins en Cisjordanie, juste à l'extérieur de Jérusalem-Est........http://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_israel-demolit-des-abris-finances-par-l-ue-pres-de-jerusalem-est?id=8927797

  2. Venezuelan president asks parliament for special powers to counter US threats...

    Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has asked the country’s parliament, the National Assembly, to be granted special powers to struggle against the threats from the United States.

    "Special legislative powers will allow me to take measures in line with a complex scenario which Venezuela is going through to ensure peace and the country’s development in the face of the threats from the US," the president said.

    In case Maduro receives special powers, he will be able to issue decrees which will be equivalent to laws.............http://tass.ru/en/world/782008

  3. NATO Fighter Jets Scramble to Intercept Russian Fuel Tanker Over Baltic Sea..

    According to the Latvian National Armed Forces, Italian fighter jets protecting airspace over the Baltic states were deployed to intercept a Russian refueling aircraft over the Baltic Sea.................http://sputniknews.com/military/20150311/1019326485.html#ixzz3U3NlfWyu

  4. Four years after Fukushima, ‘new Chernobyl’ fears unfounded...

    Fukushima and Chernobyl – names now synonymous with one thing: nuclear catastrophe. But, as Japan marks the fourth anniversary of the Fukushima disaster on Wednesday, French experts say the two events are far from being on the same scale.

    Only two events in history have registered on the highest rung of the scale measuring the severity of nuclear accidents: Chernobyl, on April 26 1986, and Fukushima, on March 11, 2011. It is a fateful similarity that only heightened the wave of fear that spread across the globe following the tragic events in Japan four years ago...........http://www.france24.com/en/20150310-four-years-after-fukushima-new-chernobyl-fears-unfounded-japan-nuclear-power/

  5. Japanese government regrets former PM’s visit to Crimea...

    The visit of Japan’s former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama to Crimea is a thoughtless step, the country’s Chief Cabinet Secretary, Yoshihide Suga, said on Wednesday.

    "For a politician who formerly served as a prime minister, this is a really ill-considered move. The Japanese government expresses regret in connection to this," Suga told journalists.

    Hatoyama, who heads the Russia-Japan friendship society, arrived on a three-day visit to Crimea on Tuesday despite the criticism earlier voiced by the Japanese Foreign Ministry and the government..............http://tass.ru/en/russia/782010

  6. Streit um Reparationen: Athen droht Deutschen mit Pfändung ...

    Griechenland fordert immer offensiver deutsche Entschädigung für NS-Verbrechen. Justizminister Paraskevopoulos hat damit gedroht, deutsche Immobilien im Land zu pfänden. Regierungschef Tsipras warf Deutschland Tricksereien vor. Eine Summe nannte Athen aber noch nicht.

    Der griechische Justizminister Nikos Paraskevopoulos hat sich bereit erklärt, die Pfändung deutscher Immobilien in Griechenland zu erlauben, sollte es keine Einigung über die griechischen Reparationsforderungen aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg geben. Die endgültige Entscheidung werde jedoch die Regierung unter Premier Alexis Tsipras treffen. Zuvor hatte das Parlament beschlossen, solche Forderungen erneut prüfen zu lassen.....................http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/griechenland-pfaendungen-101.html

    1. Réparations de guerre : Athènes menace de saisir des biens allemands ...

      Selon le magazine «Der Spiegel», le ministre de la Justice grec a menacé mardi soir de saisir des biens allemands en Grèce au titre de réparations de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

      Le ton monte entre Athènes et Berlin. Selon le magazine «Der Spiegel» , le ministre de la Justice grec, Nikos Paraskevopoulos, a menacé mardi soir de saisir des biens allemands en Grèce au titre de réparations de la Seconde Guerre mondiale . Auparavant, le tribunal constitutionnel avait confirmé une décision datant de 1997 selon laquelle les familles de 218 victimes de crimes nazis du village de Distomo devaient être compensées pour des dommages évalués à 28 millions d’euros........http://www.lesechos.fr/monde/europe/0204217100279-reparations-de-guerre-athenes-menace-de-saisir-des-biens-allemands-1101015.php?BvjxE6VCVtoRYcDe.99#xtor=RSS37

  7. Russia says has right to deploy nuclear weapons in Crimea: report...

    Russia has the right to deploy nuclear arms in the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea, which Moscow annexed from Ukraine last year, a Foreign Ministry official said on Wednesday, adding he knew of no plans to do so.

    "I don't know if there are nuclear weapons there now. I don't know about any plans, but in principle Russia can do it," said Mikhail Ulyanovsk, the head of the ministry's department on arms control, was quoted as saying by Interfax news agency.

  8. Turkey shuts border crossings as fighting worsens around Syria's Aleppo...

    Turkey has closed two border crossings with Syria as a security precaution as fighting around the northern Syrian city of Aleppo intensifies, Turkish officials said on Wednesday.

    The crossings at Oncupinar and Cilvegozu in Turkey's Hatay province had been shut to vehicles and individuals crossing from Syria since March 9, officials at both posts told Reuters. Syrians with passports are allowed to cross back into Syria.

    Turkey has kept its borders open to refugees since the start of Syria's civil war four years ago. But it has come under criticism for doing too little to keep foreign fighters crossing and joining militant groups, including Islamic State.

    Aleppo, around 50 km (30 miles) south of the border, is divided between government forces and insurgent groups fighting to topple President Bashar al-Assad in a conflict estimated to have killed 200,000 people..................http://www.todayonline.com/world/turkey-shuts-border-crossings-fighting-worsens-around-syrias-aleppo

  9. Ex-prime minister Hatoyama defends referendum in Crimea as constitutional...

    Japan’s former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, visiting Crimea despite criticism from Tokyo, said Wednesday a controversial referendum last March that found a majority on the peninsula were in favor of joining Russia was in line with Ukraine’s Constitution.

    Hatoyama told a news conference in Simferopol on the Crimean peninsula that the referendum was held peacefully and democratically in accordance with the Constitution, Russian news agency Interfax reported...............http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/03/11/national/politics-diplomacy/ex-prime-minister-hatoyama-defends-referendum-crimea-constitutional/#.VQCi444YE9Q

  10. U.S. may be unable to defend its Syria recruits against Assad...

    The United States does not appear to have clear-cut legal authority to protect Syrian rebels it trains from attack by forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, even under new war powers, U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said on Wednesday.

    Still, Carter told Congress, a final determination had not yet been made.

    The remarks underscore the deep uncertainty surrounding a fledgling U.S. military-led training program expected to get under way in the coming weeks, first in Jordan, then at training sites in Turkey, Saudi Arabia and, later, Qatar, with the goal of training upwards of 5,000 fighters a year.

    President Barack Obama's government says the Syria train-and-equip program will complement the campaign against Islamic State militants across the border in Iraq...............http://www.todayonline.com/world/us-may-be-unable-defend-its-syria-recruits-against-assad

  11. Around seventy Syrian rebels have fled from an opposition held suburb south of the Syrian capital and surrendered with their light arms to the Syrian army, a monitoring group and an army source said on Wednesday...

    The head of the Anfal brigade took advantage of rebel infighting to slip with some of his fighters over lines in the south west of the capital, the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

    The incident occurred four days ago.

    A Syrian army source said the defection was a sign insurgents who are battling to overthrow President Bashar Assad's government were losing ground.............http://www.jpost.com/Breaking-News/Seventy-insurgents-defect-to-Syrian-army-in-Damascus-suburb-393626

  12. Aid groups say UN Security Council failed Syria, 2014 worst year yet...

    Aid agencies, in a scathing new report, have said that 2014 was the worst year of the Syrian conflict so far and that three United Nations Security Council resolutions aimed at alleviating the suffering had failed.

    The report condemns the world's most powerful countries for not having the will to enfore their own UN resolutions on the freeflow of humanitarian aid to the victims, four years into the conflict this week.

    Syria's crisis started in March 2011 with protests against the government and descended into a civil war that has killed more than 200,000 people.

    The UN resolutions passed last year demanded an end to arbitrary killing and torture, and the removal of barriers to aid access imposed by the Syrian government and insurgents.

    Oxfam and Save the Children are two of 21 humanitarian and human rights organisations that wrote the report.............http://www.rte.ie/news/2015/0312/686451-aid-groups-say-un-security-council-failed-syria/

  13. China to 'refresh' policy on visitors to Hong Kong...

    (Reuters) - The Chinese government will "refresh" its policy on granting entry permits to its citizens wishing to visit the separately administered territory of Hong Kong, a state-run paper said on Thursday, amid mounting anger at hordes of mainland shoppers.

    "We are talking with the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's government about refreshing the policies covering visits," Zhou Bo, deputy head of China's Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office, told the official China Daily.

    Zhou did not say when the talks would end, only that "it will not take a long time", the newspaper added.

    Hong Kong people fume that mainland tourists crowd them out of malls and buy up all available supplies of daily necessities such as diapers and milk powder. Police have used pepper spray to break up confrontations as locals have cursed mainlanders, shouting at them to go back to China..............http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/12/us-china-hongkong-idUSKBN0M809320150312?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

  14. Australia offers to pay for 2 prisoners’ keep in Indonesia...

    Australia has offered to cover Indonesia’s costs for keeping two Australian heroin traffickers in prison for life if Jakarta grants permanent stays of execution, the foreign minister said today (March 12).

    Australia is lobbying hard to prevent the executions by firing squad of Australians Andrew Chan, 31, and Myuran Sukumaran, 33. They are among nine foreign drug convicts plus an Indonesian who are to be executed soon on Nusakambangan Island prison off the main island of Java.............http://www.todayonline.com/world/asia/australia-offers-pay-2-prisoners-keep-indonesia

  15. Varoufakis kritisiert EZB-Politik: "EZB nimmt uns die Luft zum Atmen" ...

    Griechenlands Finanzminister Varoufakis hat der Europäischen Zentralbank erneut vorgeworfen, zuviel Druck auf sein Land auszuüben. In einem Interview im griechischen Fernsehen ging er auch auf sein schwieriges Verhältnis zu Bundesfinanzminister Schäuble ein.

    Griechenlands Finanzminister Yanis Varoufakis hat erneut gegen die Rolle der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB) im Schuldenstreit gewettert. "Aus meiner Sicht verfolgt die EZB eine Politik gegenüber unserer Regierung, die ihr die Luft zum Atmen nimmt", sagte Varoufakis dem griechischen Fernsehsender Mega.

    In dem Interview wertete Varoufakis das Vorgehen der EZB zudem als Druckmittel, mit dem die anderen Staaten der Euro-Zone und der Internationale Währungsfonds (IWF) gezwungen würden, eine Übereinkunft mit Griechenland zu erzielen.................http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/griechenland-425.html

  16. Greece and its international creditors were to begin fiscal talks in Athens on March 12, a government source said, breaking a six-week impasse over attempts to overhaul the country's unpopular bailout...

    "Talks are scheduled to begin on fiscal issues today," a finance ministry source told AFP, adding that discussions on structural reforms and banks would be held next week.

    Technical experts from Greece and creditor representatives launched parallel discussions in Brussels on Wednesday.

    The breakthrough came after six weeks of difficult talks between the EU-IMF-ECB creditors and the radical Greek government that came to power in January with the promise to tear up the country's austerity-driven bailout..................http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/greece-creditors-to-kick-off-fiscal-talks-in-athens-official-.aspx?pageID=238&nID=79565&NewsCatID=351

  17. Greece and its international creditors were to begin fiscal talks in Athens on March 12, a government source said, breaking a six-week impasse over attempts to overhaul the country's unpopular bailout...

    "Talks are scheduled to begin on fiscal issues today," a finance ministry source told AFP, adding that discussions on structural reforms and banks would be held next week.

    Technical experts from Greece and creditor representatives launched parallel discussions in Brussels on Wednesday.

    The breakthrough came after six weeks of difficult talks between the EU-IMF-ECB creditors and the radical Greek government that came to power in January with the promise to tear up the country's austerity-driven bailout..................http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/greece-creditors-to-kick-off-fiscal-talks-in-athens-official-.aspx?pageID=238&nID=79565&NewsCatID=351

  18. Both Turkish and Greek Cypriots have banded together to oppose plans to build a nuclear power station on nearby Turkey’s southern coast...

    The Cyprus Anti-Nuclear Platform brings together dozens of Greek and Turkish Cypriot groups opposed to the planned Akkuyu station some 80 kilometers from the island’s northern coastline.

    The opponents say completion of the Akkuyu plant carries huge risks because of the potential for an earthquake in the region.

    In a declaration on Wednesday’s fourth anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster, the platform said it also opposes any nuclear plants in other neighboring countries that may cause “a tremendous disaster” for Cyprus.

  19. La BCE a déjà acheté 9,8 milliards d’euros de dette...

    Alors que le programme d’achats de dette (QE) a été lancé lundi par la BCE, Benoît Coeuré a indiqué qu’elle avait racheté pour 9,8 milliards d’euros de titres sur le marché

    La Banque Centrale européenne (BCE) a acheté pour 9,8 milliards d’euros de dette publique sur les marchés en trois jours, a indiqué Benoit Coeuré, membre du directoire de la BCE lors du forum GI ce jeudi matin.

    La maturité moyenne des achats réalisés est proche de 9 ans. « C’est très important que ce soit une maturité longue car cela va renforcer l’effet économique de nos interventions. Si l’on achetait que des titres courts, cela équivaudrait à remplacer des titres qui sont un substitut au cash, par du cash. Cela ne sert à rien. On ne peut avoir un impact sur l’économie que si on intervient sur la partie longue de la courbe », a-t-il précisé............http://www.lesechos.fr/finance-marches/marches-financiers/0204220306377-la-bce-a-deja-achete-98-milliards-deuros-de-dette-1101420.php?5YXejLFpmQQUIdpt.99#xtor=RSS37

  20. Latvia minister cites threat from 'information war' over Russian minority...

    (Reuters) - Latvia's security is at risk from Russian-funded advocacy groups waging "information war" that suggests the Baltic state is persecuting its Russian minority, its interior minister said in an interview.

    Latvia and neighboring Estonia and Lithuania, all part of the Soviet Union until 1991, are wary about their newly assertive giant neighbor Russia, which has long complained the rights of ethnic Russians are being undermined in the Baltics.

    Tensions have increased over Russia's perceived support for Russian-speaking separatists in Ukraine. A quarter of the population in Latvia, which like Lithuania and Estonia is a European Union member state, is ethnic Russian.

    "If we talk about domestic security, then one of the threats is the information war ... in media," Interior Minister Rihards Kozlovskis told Reuters on Wednesday.............http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/12/us-latvia-threat-idUSKBN0M823L20150312?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

  21. Turkey's coast guard units have fired on a rogue cargo ship in the Dardanelles Strait before capturing hundreds of migrants inside....

    The 59 meters long cargo ship, named "Doğan Kartal," ignored the security forces' calls to stop off the Gallipoli peninsula on March 12.

    After halting the sea traffic in the Strait, the Coast Guard fired on the engine room of the ship that was fleeing. Security forces boarded ship at 6.30 p.m. and captured some 400 unregistered migrants, according to Doğan News Agency which also broadcast a footage of the incident......................http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkish-coast-guard-fires-on-rogue-ship-captures-hundreds-of-migrants.aspx?pageID=238&nID=79610&NewsCatID=341

  22. The radicalization of Americans by ISIS and other groups, particularly through sophisticated use of social media, is a top concern for the FBI as it grapples with evolving terrorism threats, Director James Comey said on Thursday....

    Like other militant groups, ISIS has called for lone wolf attacks in Western countries and has specifically encouraged attacks on soldiers, law enforcement officers and the intelligence community, Comey said at an appropriations subcommittee budget hearing.

    Comey referred to the group's efforts to recruit Americans to join ISIS fighting in Syria and Iraq, then have them return to the United States to commit acts of terrorism...............http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/World/2015/Mar-12/290544-fbi-chief-warns-of-isis-recruits-lone-wolf-attacks.ashx

  23. Tsípras vient chercher l’aide de l’OCDE pour ses réformes...

    L’institution va apporter son expertise à Athènes. Le Premier ministre grec continue à plaider pour une restructuration de la dette.

    En rencontrant, jeudi à Paris, les dirigeants de l’OCDE, le Premier ministre grec Alexis Tsipras a voulu prouver à ceux qui en doutent sa volonté de réformer son pays . « Nous avons un problème de confiance réciproque avec nos partenaires européens » a-t-il lancé à l’issue de sa séance de travail avec Angel Gurria, le secrétaire général de l’organisation multilatérale. « C’est pour rétablir la confiance que nous sommes venus ici, montrer que nous sommes résolus, non pas seulement à réformer la Grèce, mais à la transformer ». Les deux hommes ont signé un accord qui renforce leur coopération dans une série de domaine où l’OCDE dispose d’experts et d’une longue tradition d’assistance technique : l’efficacité du marché de l’emploi et la création de débouchés pour les jeunes, l’allègement du poids de la bureaucratie sur les entreprises, l’amélioration du système fiscal, l’efficacité des services publics, la culture de la transparence et la lutte contre la corruption.................http://www.lesechos.fr/monde/europe/0204222326978-tsipras-vient-chercher-laide-de-locde-pour-ses-reformes-1101525.php?oHJyZmPfIxkJIpgs.99#xtor=RSS37

  24. The man who helped the British school girls cross into Syria is under custody of Turkish authorities, a Turkish official who did not want to be named said Thursday...

    According to the official, the man detained was not Turkish. Also, he was not a citizen of the country for whose spy agency he allegedly worked for.

    The remarks of the Turkish official came after the country's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Turkish police detained a suspect on the payroll of a foreign spy agency who allegedly helped three teenaged British schoolgirls cross into Syria to join Daesh.....................http://www.aa.com.tr/en/headline/477763--turkey-takes-custody-of-suspect-in-syria-bound-girls

  25. Ferguson on edge after shootings of police officers...

    Dozens of demonstrators have returned to the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, one night after two police officers were wounded during a protest.

    Authorities on Thursday continued to search for suspects in the early morning shooting as the two officers were released from hospital.

    Thursday's protests were peaceful, but similar events have escalated into confrontations with police.

    Ferguson police have ceded security responsibilities to outside agencies.

    The fatal shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, last year in Ferguson sparked protests about the police use of lethal force. The shootings occurred during protests after the announcement that Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson would resign.

    One officer was shot in the face and the other was hit in the shoulder as protestors were heading home for the night................http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-31864839

  26. Tropical cyclone Olwyn has hit Australia’s western coast, Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology said on Thursday...

    The cyclone, accompanied by torrential rains, is moving south-ward along the coast line.

    The cyclone has intensified to a category three, with wind gusts reaching up to 55 km/h near the epicenter. A red alert has been issued for people in coastal communities of Exmouth, Onslow and Coral Bay.

    Meanwhile, Australian Manufacturing Workers Union accused US company Chevron of gross negligence toward its 1,600 employees on Barrow Island, who are developing a local coastal gas deposit. Barrow Island, located 50km from the continent, was hit by the cyclone on Thursday, but Chevron refused to evacuate its workers. The company’s representatives say no standard work procedures were violated and safety regulations were closely followed, adding that no one was harmed in the incident.

  27. US: We want non-binding Iran nuclear deal...

    The Obama administration is seeking a non-binding agreement with Iran on the Republic's nuclear program in order to have flexibility with Congress and international law, according administration officials on Wednesday.

    As the deadline approaches for formulating a framework for the nuclear deal between Iran and the P5+1 -- the U.S., the China, France, Russia, the U.K., plus Germany -- the debate about the legal character of the deal gains momentum in the U.S.

    U.S. officials say a deal with Iran will not be binding and thus will provide the administration flexibility in its actions against Iran as well as sparing the administration from congressional blockage.

    The overriding reason for the administration to prefer a “non-binding arrangement” to a “binding treaty” is the need to “preserve the greatest possible flexibility to re-impose sanctions," said State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki.

    A binding deal will create obligations on the parties under international law and violations of any obligation will require a legal process at the International Court of Justice and other international organizations including the UN Security Council...................http://www.aa.com.tr/en/news/477812--us-we-want-non-binding-iran-nuclear-deal

  28. EU ministers to hold critical data protection talks...

    EU justice and data protection ministers are meeting in Brussels this morning to agree controversial new rules on how to balance individual privacy with the huge encroachment of technology in everyday lives.

    The issue is a critical one for the Government because so many of the world's big hi-tech firms have their European headquarters in Ireland.

    How much information users leave about themselves when using the internet or social media, and how much hi-tech and retail companies can use that data, has become a critical dilemma for the digital age.

    Many European countries prefer stricter privacy rules, while the US tends to see a consumer's digital footprint as the key to unlocking economic growth.

    At present EU data protection rules are governed by a 20-year-old directive drawn up before Google and Facebook existed..................http://www.rte.ie/news/2015/0313/686753-data-protection/

  29. North Korea fires 7 missiles into sea amid U.S.-South Korea military drills...

    Republic Of - North Korea has test fired seven short-range missiles into the sea, South Korean officials said Friday, in the latest such tests launched during ongoing South Korea-U.S. military drills.

    The surface-to-air missiles launched late Thursday flew into waters off the country's eastern coast, said a South Korean defence official who requested anonymity because of official policy.

    A South Korean Joint Chief of Staff officer, who also did not want to be named citing office rules, said North Korean leader Kim Jong Un inspected the missile tests but he refused to say how he obtained the information. Kim occasionally guides his military's weapons tests, according to Pyongyang's state media.

    North Korea routinely test launches missiles, rockets and artillery but the latest launch came as the country reacts angrily to the annual springtime military drills between South Korea and the U.S. Pyongyang says the drills are aimed at practicing toppling its government, though Seoul and Washington say the training is purely defensive.

    North Korea fired two short-range missiles on the first day of the drills earlier this month and warned of “merciless” strikes against South Korea and the U.S. The exercises will continue until late April...................http://www.ctvnews.ca/world/north-korea-fires-7-missiles-into-sea-amid-u-s-south-korea-military-drills-1.2277948

  30. Repúblicas de Donbás piden a Berlín y París presionar a Kiev para cumplir Minsk...

    Las repúblicas populares de Donetsk y Lugansk pidieron a los dirigentes de Alemania y Francia presionar a Kiev para que cumpla los compromisos asumidos en Minsk.

    "Nos vemos obligados a dirigirnos a ustedes, como garantes de los acuerdos de Minsk, para que ejerzan presión sobre Kiev", dice una declaración conjunta de los líderes de la RPD y la RPL, Alexandr Zajárchenko y Ígor Plotnitski.

    En particular, Zajárchenko y Plotnitski, sugieren en el documento la posibilidad de imponer sanciones individuales y económicas contra Ucrania para hacer que cumpla su parte de lo acordado en la capital bielorrusa el pasado 12 de febrero................http://mundo.sputniknews.com/europa/20150313/1035323268.html#ixzz3UGAxd6oA

  31. Russian lawmakers slam US claim Vietnam should not let Russia use Cam Ranh military base...

    Russian lawmakers are criticising the United States’ demands addressed to Vietnam to stop letting Russia refuel its military planes at the Cam Ranh base.

    A member of the Federation Council’s international affairs committee, Konstantin Kosachyov, said the US Department of State’s demand, which looks "absurd from the standpoint of its practical feasibility," has a "major psychological and public relations effect: the domestic and external audiences should get the impression that’s the way it should be."

    "In other words, the underlying message is the United States really has the right to lecture other countries, even those which are not its allies or neighbours, on the way they should behave themselves, who they should be on friendly terms and develop relations with. Whatever may be happening at any place in the world, it is ostensibly falls within the jurisdiction of the last superpower," Kosachyov said...................http://tass.ru/en/russia/782537

  32. Unfallartiger Euro-Ausstieg: Für Wolfgang Schäuble ist ein "Grexident" möglich ...

    Griechenland kämpft gegen die Staatspleite. Einen ungeplanten Austritt Athens aus der Euro-Zone hält Finanzminister Wolfgang Schäuble für möglich. Das Land müsse sich helfen lassen, so Schäuble.

    Bundesfinanzminister Wolfgang Schäuble hält einen ungeplanten, unfallartigen Austritt Griechenlands ("Grexit by accident") aus der Euro-Zone für möglich. Darin stimme er mit seinem österreichischen Amtskollegen Hans Jörg Schelling überein, sagte er in einem Fernsehinterview des ORF. "Da ja die Verantwortung, die Möglichkeit, zu entscheiden was passiert, nur bei Griechenland liegt, und da wir nicht so genau wissen, was die Verantwortlichen in Griechenland tun, können wir es nicht ausschließen", sagte er am Rande eines Besuchs in Wien.................http://www.n24.de/n24/Nachrichten/Politik/d/6300164/fuer-wolfgang-schaeuble-ist-ein--grexident--moeglich.html

  33. Spain arrests 8 suspected Islamic militants in dawn raid ...

    Spanish police arrested eight suspected Islamic militants in a dawn raid on Friday who were planning attacks in Spain and were recruiting fighters to send to Syria and Iraq, the Interior Ministry said in a statement.

    Police are now searching properties in four provinces: Barcelona and Girona in the north east of Spain and Ciudad Real and Avila in the center, the ministry said..........http://www.jpost.com/Breaking-News/Spain-arrests-8-suspected-Islamic-militants-in-dawn-raid-393822

  34. Pakistan court orders release of Mumbai attacks plotter...

    A Pakistani court has declared the continued detention of Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, the operational chief of the Lashkar-e-Tayyaba (LeT) and alleged mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai attacks, void.

    The Islamabad High Court accepted an appeal from Lakhvi that challenged his detention under the Maintenance of Public Order (MPO) Act during a hearing on Friday.

    It is unclear if Lakhvi, who has been in prison since 2009, will be released, as the government has challenged similar judgments in the past. He is currently in custody at Rawalpindi’s Adiala jail.

    Lakhvi is accused of being the mastermind of the 2008 gun and bomb attacks in Mumbai which claimed the lives of 166 people and left more than 300 injured. The assault, which lasted more than 60 hours, was one of the worst attacks in India’s history, and badly affected India-Pakistan relations................http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2015/03/pakistan-court-orders-release-mumbai-attacks-suspect-150313075220947.html

  35. UK emphasizes ‘close cooperation’ with Turkey on foreign fighters ...

    U.K. Ambassador to Turkey Richard Moore has stressed the ongoing close cooperation between his country and Turkey, upon Ankara’s announcement that a spy who worked for a country in the U.S.-led coalition fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) helped three British girls cross into Syria to join the militants and has been caught.

    “We are aware that an arrest has been made by the Turkish National Police and that the Metropolitan Police have informed the families of the three girls,” Moore said on March 13.

    “There has been close cooperation between ourselves and the Turkish authorities and the Foreign Secretary is in regular contact with his Turkish counterpart. As soon as the U.K. received this information it was acted upon appropriately,” he added..........http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/uk-emphasizes-close-cooperation-with-turkey-on-foreign-fighters-.aspx?pageID=238&nID=79626&NewsCatID=351

  36. EU seeks ways to stem tide of migrants...

    European Union interior ministers thrashed out ways Thursday to tackle the growing tide of migrants fleeing conflict in the Middle East and North Africa by seeking illegal residence in Europe.

    Setting up asylum processing facilities in third countries was one of the methods discussed to deal with would-be migrants, but with unrest creating chaos in most of those nations, the European Union faces a huge challenge surmounting the problem.

    "The pressure from migration just keeps growing," Latvian interior minister Rihards Kozlovskis said after talks in Brussels.

    "The European Union has to do more not only in the Mediterranean but also in the land borders in the Western Balkans."

    But he added that the 28-nation bloc was "determined to take necessary measures."

    The number of migrants entering the EU illegally in 2014 nearly tripled to 276,000 people compared to 2013, according to the EU borders agency Frontex. Out of the total, 220,000 arrived via the Mediterranean..............http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/2/9/125111/World/International/EU-seeks-ways-to-stem-tide-of-migrants.aspx

  37. Las milicias califican de "pura provocación" los ejercicios en el oeste de Ucrania...

    Los ejercicios de las tropas ucranianas en la provincia de Lvov con la participación de EEUU son "pura provocación", declaró a RIA Novosti el subjefe de las milicias de la República Popular de Donetsk (RPD), Eduard Basurin.

    "Organizar maniobras en el contexto de una paz frágil es pura provocación desde el punto de vista militar", dijo.

    Subrayó que las milicias se proponen seguir cumpliendo con los acuerdos de Minsk pero observarán los ejercicios y transmitirán la información pertinente a las organizaciones internacionales, en particular a la OSCE.

    Previamente, el titular de Interior ucraniano, Arsén Avákov, declaró que los ejercicios podrían comenzar la semana que viene si lo aprueba el Parlamento ucraniano...............http://mundo.sputniknews.com/europa/20150313/1035338837.html#ixzz3UHbXfOyE

  38. Russia, South Ossetia leaders to sign 25-year alliance treaty next week...

    Treaty documents formalizing alliance and integration between Russia and the South Ossetia region of the Caucasus will be signed by the leaders of the two states next Wednesday, the Kremlin press service said on Friday.

    "There are plans to sign a treaty on alliance and integration between the Russian Federation and the republic of South Ossetia," the Kremlin said, adding that during the meeting in Moscow, the two leaders were also expected to discuss "a wide range of bilateral issues and cooperation in ensuring stability and security in the Caucasus region"...................http://tass.ru/en/russia/782615

  39. Cypriot politicians called on the central bank governor on Friday to resign, accusing her of a conflict of interest, days after a media leak, which many believe came from the central bank, listed members of parliament who owe millions in loan arrears...

    Central Bank Governor Chrystalla Georghadji has been fending off accusations for weeks about her estranged husband's role in a legal dispute about a bank forced to wind down as part of Cyprus's 2013 financial bailout.

    But relations with lawmakers hit a new low after claims Georghadji was gathering ammunition against her political detractors, and a list of heavily indebted members of parliament appeared in at least one newspaper on Friday.

    "The least the central bank board could do is resign," Demetris Syllouris, head of parliament's ethics committee, said...................http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/cyprus-politicians-call-o/1714562.html

  40. Eurogruppen-Chef Jeroen Dijsselbloem hat Griechenland ermahnt, seinen Ton gegenüber Deutschland zu mäßigen. Die Bundesregierung versucht zu beschwichtigen...

    "Es gibt viel verbale Gewalt, und das führt zu nichts", sagte der niederländische Finanzminister am Freitag in Den Haag dem niederländischen Fernsehen. Griechenland suche zu sehr die Schuld für seine Probleme außerhalb des eigenen Landes. "Jetzt scheint Deutschland das Lieblings-Opfer davon zu sein", sagte Dijsselbloem. Deutschland habe Griechenland sehr geholfen. Das Land sollte auf angemessene Weise mit seinen Partnern und Verbündeten zusammenarbeiten................http://www.n24.de/n24/Nachrichten/Politik/d/6300164/eurogruppe-ruegt--verbale-gewalt--griechenlands.html

  41. Chypre n'a pas besoin de la totalité de son plan de sauvetage de 10 milliards d'euros...

    Chypre n'aura finalement pas besoin de la totalité des dix milliards d'euros prévus dans le cadre de son plan de sauvetage car son économie se redresse plus rapidement que prévu, a affirmé son ministre des Finances dans un entretien à l'AFP............http://www.rtbf.be/info/economie/detail_chypre-n-a-pas-besoin-de-la-totalite-de-son-plan-de-sauvetage-de-10-milliards-d-euros?id=8930030

  42. La Grèce veut utiliser les archives de la Wehrmacht pour obtenir des réparations de Berlin...

    (Belga) Le gouvernement grec a annoncé vendredi vouloir utiliser les archives secrètes de la Wehrmacht, l'armée allemande nazie, à l'appui de sa demande de réparations de guerre à l'Allemagne pour des faits remontant à la seconde guerre mondiale.

    "Ces archives contiennent plus de 400.000 pages (...) et seront utilisées pour soutenir la demande grecque sur les obligations allemandes de la période 1941-1944", a annoncé le ministère de la Défense. "Ces documents ne corroborent pas seulement une vérité historique, ce sont les documents de la Wehrmacht elle-même, la force d'occupation" allemande, souligne le secrétaire d'Etat à la Défense Kostas Isichos................http://www.rtl.be/info/monde/europe/la-grece-veut-utiliser-les-archives-de-la-wehrmacht-pour-obtenir-des-reparations-de-berlin-707865.aspx

  43. Resignation, Despair in Cradle of Syrian Revolt ...

    At a new graveyard in a Jordanian border town near the southern Syrian city of Deraa, burial space is already running out.

    The "Syrian Martyrs Cemetery" accepts victims from the city across the frontier where Syria's civil war first broke out four years ago. That city no longer has a functioning graveyard of its own, since its cemetery has become a battlefield.

    "When battles rage, I just know there are many wounded who will be coming to Jordan and become martyrs," said Abdullah al-Zubi, a 32-year-old ex-farmer and now a graveyard volunteer. He has helped wash and bury the bodies of hundreds of fighters and civilians who died of wounds after being rushed across the frontier or perishing in Jordan's refugee camps................http://www.voanews.com/content/reu-resignation-despair-cradle-of-syria-revolt-deraa/2679544.html

  44. Thousands evacuated in Chile as fire threatens port city Valparaiso...

    (Reuters) - Thousands of people were evacuated from around the Chilean port city of Valparaiso on Friday as a forest fire raged out of control, emergency service agency Onemi said.

    Some 4,500 people were being evacuated from Valparaiso and neighboring Vina del Mar and a state of emergency had been declared, Onemi said.

    The fire was advancing rapidly, and the numbers being evacuated could rise to 16,000, depending on how the fire progressed, the interior ministry said.

    Three firefighters were taken to hospital with injuries and one woman died of cardio-respiratory causes, it said. The fire had begun in a rubbish dump and had burnt some 260 hectares................http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/14/us-chile-fire-idUSKBN0MA00H20150314?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

  45. China's Air Force sent fighter jets to patrol over the China-Myanmar border after four Chinese were killed by a bomb dropped by a Myanmar warplane in southwestern Yunnan Province, a military spokesman said Saturday...

    The People's Liberation Army Air Force dispatched several batches of fighter jets on Friday to "track, monitor, warn and chase away" Myanmar military planes flying close to the Chinese border, said Air Force spokesman Shen Jinke.

    The Air Force have been always on high alert, kept close watch on the air situation and strengthened surveillance over the China-Myanmar border recently, said Colonel Shen.

    He said the Air Force will take measures to enhance response over the China-Myanmar border in order to "safeguard sovereignty of the national territorial air space."

    Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin summoned Myanmar ambassador Thit Linn Ohn in Beijing Friday night, lodging solemn representations to him after the bomb hit a sugarcane field in the border city of Lincang and killed four people working there on Friday afternoon. Nine others were also injured.................http://www.china.org.cn/world/2015-03/14/content_35052236.htm

  46. Death toll after Cyclone Pam expected to rise...

    At least eight people have been confirmed dead after a cyclone devastated the Pacific island nation of Vanuatu, according to a senior aid agency official.

    Another 20 had been confirmed injured.

    Winds of up to 340km/h ripped metal roofs off houses and downed trees as relief agencies braced for a major rescue operation and unconfirmed reports said dozens had died...........http://www.rte.ie/news/2015/0314/687063-cyclone-pam/

  47. Markus Söder: "Griechenland beginnt zu nerven"...

    Bayerns Finanzminister Markus Söder spricht in der AZ über griechische Drohungen, eine mögliche Abschaffung des Soli sowie Nachbesserungen beim Mindestlohn.

    . . . die griechischen Reparationsforderungen: „Griechenland beginnt zu nerven. Der Geduldsfaden der Europäer ist kurz vor dem Reißen. Die hochsensible Frage der historischen Verantwortung zu instrumentalisieren, um aktuelle Schuldenfragen zu klären, ist nicht akzeptabel. Die Bundesregierung hat klargemacht: Es gibt keine Reparationsforderungen mehr. Unabhängig davon ist die moralische Schuld unbestritten. Dies aber zu nutzen, um von eigenen Aufgaben abzulenken, geht auf keinen Fall.“..................http://www.abendzeitung-muenchen.de/inhalt.az-interview-markus-soeder-griechenland-beginnt-zu-nerven.5126a4c5-a279-4cd9-910e-18e496049ea1.html

  48. Western oil workers in Saudi Arabia may be the target of militant attacks, the US embassy warned on Friday...

    "The US Embassy has information stating that, as of early March, individuals associated with a terrorist organization could be targeting Western oil workers, possibly to include those U.S. citizens working for oil companies in the Eastern Province, for an attack(s) and/or kidnapping(s)," it said.

    The message did not identify the militants.

    Tensions are growing in the country's oil-rich Eastern province, one of the main centers of the Shi'ite community in majority Sunni Muslim Saudi Arabia, as neighboring Yemen, Iraq and Syria contend with violent sectarian conflict.

    Some leading clerics of Saudi Arabia's official Wahhabi school of Sunni Islam view Shi'ites as heretics................http://www.jpost.com/Breaking-News/US-warns-of-possible-attacks-on-Western-oil-workers-in-Saudi-Arabia-393884

  49. Τέσσερις εναλλακτικές λύσεις θα έχουν στη διάθεσή τους οι οφειλέτες του δημοσίου προκειμένου να διαγράψουν μεγάλο μέρος ή ακόμη και το σύνολο των προσαυξήσεων με τις οποίες έχουν επιβαρυνθεί...

    Προϋπόθεση είναι, να δώσουν κάποια χρήματα «μπροστά» έτσι ώστε να επιτευχθεί και ο βασικός στόχος του υπουργείου Οικονομικών που είναι να τονώσει εδώ και τώρα τη ρευστότητα των κρατικών ταμείων. Οι οφειλέτες θα πρέπει να λάβουν άμεσα τις αποφάσεις τους καθώς οι προθεσμίες είναι ασφυκτικές.

    1η εναλλακτική (προθεσμία ένταξης έως 27 Μαρτίου):

    Με τροπολογία που κατατέθηκε το βράδυ της Παρασκευής στη Βουλή, δίδεται η δυνατότητα στους οφειλέτες της εφορίας να πληρώσουν ότι θέλουν από όποιο φόρο θέλουν και να «σβήσουν» ανάλογο ποσοστό προσαυξήσεων. Δηλαδή, αν κάποιος χρωστάει 1000 ευρώ από παλαιό φόρο εισοδήματος και αυτός έχει γίνει 3000 ευρώ με τις προσαυξήσεις, τότε καταβάλλοντας 500 ευρώ, θα μπορεί να «διαγράψει» και 1000 ευρώ προσαυξήσεων. Δηλαδή, παίζει ρόλο το ποσοστό του κεφαλαίου που πληρώνει κάποιος καθώς γίνεται αντίστοιχη διαγραφή των προσαυξήσεων. Αυτό μπορεί να γίνει για οποιαδήποτε οφειλή εμφανίζεται (ΦΠΑ, φόρο εισοδήματος, ΕΝΦΙΑ κλπ). Εννοείται ότι στη ρύθμιση εξπρές, συμφέρει να ξεφορτωθεί κάποιος τα παλαιότερα χρέη στα οποία έχουν φορτωθεί και οι περισσότερες προσαυξήσεις. Το νομοσχέδιο στο οποίο συμπεριελήφθη η τροπολογία ψηφίζεται την επόμενη Τετάρτη οπότε οι οφειλέτες θα έχουν πολύ λίγες ημέρες στη διάθεσή τους για να κινητοποιηθούν..................http://www.naftemporiki.gr/finance/story/927539/oi-tesseris-enallaktikes-gia-to-kourema-ton-prosauksiseon

  50. Le Royaume-Uni envisage de prendre une part plus active aux exercices de l'Otan prévus cette année, notamment aux manœuvres qui auront lieu dans les pays Baltes...

    La Grande-Bretagne soutient la proposition de mettre en place une force de réaction rapide de l'Otan et envisage de prendre une part plus active aux exercices de l'Alliance, y compris dans les pays Baltes, a annoncé vendredi le premier ministre britannique David Cameron.............http://fr.sputniknews.com/international/20150313/1015168508.html#ixzz3UNM4HN00

  51. Nato-Chef: Ukraine-Konflikt liegt nicht im Verantwortungsbereich der Nato...

    Der Konflikt in der Ostukraine gehört nicht zum Verantwortungsbereich der Nato – ungeachtet dessen, dass dort Verletzungen der völkerrechtlichen Normen vorkommen, sagte Allianz-Chef Stoltenberg am Freitag im britischen TV-Sender Sky News.

    „Die Ukraine ist kein Nato-Mitglied und darin besteht der Unterschied zwischen der Ukraine und den Nato-Mitgliedern, denn die Sicherheitsgarantien umfassen nur die Mitglieder der Allianz“, erklärte Stoltenberg.

    Das Wichtigste sei aktuell, „eine Unterstützung bei der Umsetzung der Minsker Vereinbarungen, welche die Einhaltung des Waffenstillstands, den Abzug schwerer Waffen von der Frontlinie sowie die Gewährleistung dessen vorsehen, dass dies unter gebührender Überwachung geschieht“.

  52. Grecia y Chipre quieren resolver sus problemas energéticos sin control de la Eurocomisión...

    Los países miembros de la UE deben tener derecho a firmar acuerdos en la esfera de la energía con terceros países, sin ser controlados por parte de la Comisión Europea, expresaron representantes de Grecia y Chipre.

    El ministro de la Reconstrucción Industrial, Medio Ambiente y Energía de Grecia, Panagiotis Lafasanis, y el eurodiputado del partido chipriota AKEL, exministro de la Energía de Chipre, Neoklis Silikiotis, se expresaron en este sentido durante un encuentro en Atenas, según reportó el servicio de prensa del Ministerio heleno............http://mundo.sputniknews.com/economia/20150314/1035360242.html#ixzz3UNNPGEt0

  53. Moscow does not plan tit-for-tat sanctions against Switzerland - minister...

    Moscow does not plan measures in response to Switzerland’s decision to introduce tougher sanctions against the Russian Federation, Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulukayev told reporters on Saturday.

    "We have not discussed any tit-for-tat measures," he said.

    The Federal Council (government) of Switzerland approved on March 6 additional measures aimed at prevention of the use of the Swiss Confederation territory for bypassing the EU anti-Russian sanctions...............http://tass.ru/en/russia/782778

  54. Varoufakis zu Verschiebung von Wahlversprechen bereit ...

    Der griechische Finanzminister Gianis Varoufakis erklärt sich bereit, Wahlversprechen zu verschieben. Außerdem äußerte er Zweifel am Nutzen des großangelegten Kaufs von Staatsanleihen durch die EZB.

    Der griechische Finanzminister Gianis Varoufakis hält im Schuldenstreit eine Einigung mit den internationalen Geldgebern bis zum 20. April für möglich. Die Links-Rechts-Regierung sei bereit, dafür einige ihrer Wahlversprechen zu verschieben, sagte Varoufakis am Samstag nach griechischen Medienberichten im italienischen Como, ohne jedoch konkret zu werden. Athen muss bis Ende nächsten Monats eine Reform- und Sparliste vorlegen, um grünes Licht für ausstehende Kredithilfen zu bekommen.

    Auf einer Konferenz im norditalienischen Cernobbio äußerte Varoufakis Zweifel am Nutzen des großangelegten Kaufs von Staatsanleihen durch die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB). "................http://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/international/schuldenstreit-varoufakis-zu-verschiebung-von-wahlversprechen-bereit-/11504300.html

  55. Kurdish officials claim ISIS used chemical weapons on peshmerga forces...

    Kurdish authorities in Iraq said Saturday they have evidence that the Islamic State group used chlorine gas as a chemical weapon against peshmerga fighters, the latest alleged atrocity carried out by the extremist organization now under attack in Tikrit.

    The allegation by the Kurdistan Region Security Council, stemming from a Jan. 23 suicide truck bomb attack in northern Iraq, did not immediately draw a reaction from the Islamic State group, which holds a third of Iraq and neighbouring Syria in its self-declared caliphate. However, Iraqi officials and Kurds fighting in Syria have made similar allegations about the militants using the low-grade chemical weapons against them.

    In a statement, the council said the alleged chemical attack took place on a road between Iraq's second-largest city, Mosul, and the Syrian border, as peshmerga forces fought to seize a vital supply line used by the Sunni militants. It said its fighters later found "around 20 gas canisters" that had been loaded onto the truck involved in the attack..............http://www.ctvnews.ca/world/kurdish-officials-claim-isis-used-chemical-weapons-on-peshmerga-forces-1.2279773

  56. Moderate Syrian Rebels Seek More US Help ...

    Syrian rebel leaders say they hope their recent tactical gains around Aleppo will prompt U.S. leaders to reverse recent cuts in supplies and funding to opposition militias.

    Rebel units disrupted an effort by Syrian government forces to surround insurgent-held districts this week in Aleppo. The ancient city in northern Syria was by far the country's most populous and wealthiest area before the ravages of the civil war that is now in its fifth year.

    “The advances by our forces on the outskirts of Aleppo show we are to be trusted,” argues Hisham Marwah, vice president of the Syrian National Coalition, the main Western-backed political opposition group to President Bashar al-Assad............http://www.voanews.com/content/moderate-syrian-rebels-seek-more-us-help/2680107.html

  57. The European Union's foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, is to visit Cuba this month in the latest sign of warming relations between the Communist-ruled island and the West...

    Mogherini, a former Italian foreign minister, will visit Havana on March 23 to 24 to discuss developments in the country and prospects for EU-Cuba cooperation, the EU said in a statement on Saturday.

    She will be the most senior EU official to visit Cuba in recent years, and the trip comes as both the 28-nation EU and the United States have made diplomatic overtures to the island...................http://www.todayonline.com/world/eu-plans-high-level-visit-cuba-ties-west-warm

  58. Iraqi troops prepare for final assault to flush out IS group fighters in Tikrit..

    Iraqi commanders were plotting a strategy for flushing out the few remaining Islamic State group jihadists from central Tikrit, a city one commander said Saturday would be liberated within three days.

    The massively outnumbered IS fighters are completely boxed in but protected by snipers and thousands of bombs they planted across the city.

    That has slowed the progress of the broad alliance of forces battling IS, which is keen to minimise casualties on the way to what would be the biggest victory yet against the jihadists.

    Karim al-Nuri, a top leader of the Badr militia and spokesman of the volunteer Popular Mobilisation units, said it would take no more than "72 hours" to liberate Tikrit from IS, which seized it last summer...............http://www.france24.com/en/20150314-iraq-troops-is-group-tikrit/

  59. Vatican envoy says force needed to combat ISIS...

    The Vatican’s ambassador in Geneva has said the use of force will be necessary to protect minority groups from Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) aggression if a political solution cannot be achieved.

    In an interview with U.S. Catholic website Crux, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi said the militants, who have declared a cross-border caliphate after seizing land in eastern Syria and northern Iraq, were committing “genocide” and must be stopped.

    “What’s needed is a coordinated and well-thought-out coalition to do everything possible to achieve a political settlement without violence,” Crux quoted Tomasi as saying on Friday, “but if that’s not possible, then the use of force will be necessary.”..........http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/world/2015/03/15/Vatican-official-says-force-may-be-needed-to-combat-ISIS.html

  60. Venezuela stages military exercise to counter U.S. 'threat'...

    (Reuters) - Venezuela on Saturday staged a military exercise to counter an alleged U.S. threat, deploying soldiers and partisans across the country to march, man shoulder-fired missiles and defend an oil refinery from a simulated attack.

    Socialist President Nicolas Maduro has framed recent U.S. sanctions on seven Venezuelan officials as a bid to topple him, and on Saturday his government mobilized 80,000 soldiers and 20,000 civilians as part of a 10-day military drill.

    "The United States has declared Venezuela a threat," said General Vladimir Padrino, Venezuela's defense minister.

    "And that means an imminent danger for us, so we have to use the National Bolivarian Armed Forces (FANB) as part of our constitutional mission to guarantee independence and sovereignty."

    Opposition leaders labeled the exercise a farce and accused Maduro, increasingly unpopular as a result of an economic crisis, of seeking to distract Venezuelans from long queues for scarce products, sky-high inflation and rampant crime................http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/15/us-venezuela-usa-military-idUSKBN0MA0WN20150315?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

  61. Syrie: les jihadistes avaient créé un "Guantanamo" pour leurs otages...

    L'organisation "Etat islamique" avait rassemblé jusqu'à 23 otages de onze nationalités différentes, dont sept sont morts, dans une prison en Syrie conçue comme la réplique à la prison américaine de Guantanamo, raconte dimanche un otage espagnol libéré............http://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_syrie-les-jihadistes-avaient-cree-un-guantanamo-pour-leurs-otages?id=8931680

  62. Jihad : trois adolescents britanniques arrêtés en Turquie...

    Trois jeunes Britanniques sont arrivés, dimanche, à Londres après avoir été arrêtés en Turquie d'où ils s’apprêtaient à rejoindre la Syrie. Ils ont été interceptés par les autorités turques sur la base d'informations transmises par Londres.

    Trois adolescents britanniques, soupçonnés de vouloir se rendre en Syrie, ont été arrêtés en Turquie, vendredi 13 mars, a annoncé dimanche Scotland Yard..................http://www.france24.com/fr/20150315-royaume-uni-jihad-trois-adolescents-britanniques-syrie-turquie-etat-islamique-ei-terrorisme/

  63. Les sanctions devraient être imposées à l'encontre des auteurs du coup d'Etat, a déclaré dimanche le président russe Vladimir Poutine...

    "Il faut imposer les sanctions contre ceux qui organisent du coup d'Etat et ceux qui les aident", a indiqué le chef de l'Etat russe en commentaire du film "Crimée: le voie vers la Patrie" sorti à l'occasion du premier anniversaire du rattachement de la péninsule à la Russie...........http://fr.sputniknews.com/international/20150315/1015181086.html#ixzz3UToOGo2X

  64. Laut US-Außenminister John Kerry müssen sich die US-Behörden mit dem syrischen Präsidenten Baschar Assad über die Beendigung des Bürgerkrieges in Syrien verhandeln...

    „Wir (USA) werden uns letztendlich mit Assad verständigen müssen. Wir sind immer bereit gewesen, Verhandlungen im Kontext der Syrien-Konferenz Genf 1 zu führen“, sagte Kerry in einem Interview für den Fernsehsender CBS News.............http://de.sputniknews.com/politik/20150315/301497392.html#ixzz3UTpKAwSA

  65. Putin acusa a EEUU de estar detrás del golpe de Estado en Ucrania..

    “Formalmente la oposición (a Yanukóvich) contaba en primer lugar con el apoyo de los europeos, pero desde el primer momento sabíamos perfectamente que en la realidad los titiriteros han sido nuestros socios y amigos estadounidenses. Ellos ayudaron a entrenar a los combatientes nacionalistas ” en Polonia y Lituania, dijo el presidente ruso en la película documental "Crimea. El camino hacia la Patria" que emitió la televisión Rossiya 1.

    Añadió que los métodos aplicados por los socios norteamericanos "no es la mejor manera de actuar".............http://mundo.sputniknews.com/europa/20150315/1035373591.html#ixzz3UTq5CbWP

    1. Putin 'was ready for nuclear alert'...

      President Vladimir Putin has said he was ready to put Russia's nuclear weapons on standby during tensions over the crisis in Ukraine and Crimea.

      In comments in a documentary aired on state TV on Sunday, Mr Putin said the life of ex-Ukrainian leader Viktor Yanukovych had been in danger.

      He also said Russians in Crimea were in danger before Russia annexed it.

      In a previously released clip from the film, he said he ordered the annexation weeks before a referendum was held.

      Crimea was formally absorbed into Russia on 18 March, to international condemnation, after unidentified gunmen took over the peninsula............http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-31899680

    2. Putin: Russia Prepared Raising Nuclear Readiness Over Crimea ...

      Russia was ready to bring its nuclear weapons into a state of alert during last year's tensions over the Crimean Peninsula and the overthrow of Ukraine's president, President Vladimir Putin said in remarks aired on Sunday.

      Putin's comments, in a documentary being shown on state TV, highlight the extent to which alarm spread in Russia in the weeks following Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych's ouster in February 2014 after months of street protests that turned increasingly violent................http://www.voanews.com/content/putin-says-russia-prepared-raising-nuclear-readiness-over-crimea/2680992.html

  66. China says world order after WWII should be kept....

    China is for keeping of the world order established after WWII, China’s Prime Minister Li Keqiang told a news conference on Sunday.

    "This year we are celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Chinese people’s victory in the war against the Japanese invaders and in the global war against fascism," he said. "Not only China, but also other countries are organising memorial events."

    "Today, we should remember very well lessons of that historic tragedy and must not allow it is repeated," the prime minister said. "It is necessary to keep the world order, established after the victory in World War II and, with involvement of the mankind, to support the long-term peace."

    He also said it important to maintain objectivity in relation to the history so that "looking back at the past to be looking towards the future.".

  67. Schuldenkrise: Athen könnte schon Ende März insolvent sein ..

    Laut einem Zeitungsbericht könnte der griechischen Regierung bereits Ende März das Geld ausgehen. Das befürchtet zumindest Ministerpräsident Tsipras - und wendet sich mit neuen Forderungen an die EZB.

    Die griechische Regierung befürchtet einem Zeitungsbericht der "Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung" zufolge, dass Athen Ende März das Geld ausgeht. Ministerpräsident Alexis Tsipras fordert daher die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) dazu auf, den Rahmen für kurzfristige Staatsanleihen (T-Bills) um zwei bis drei Milliarden Euro zu erhöhen............http://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article138425583/Athen-koennte-schon-Ende-Maerz-insolvent-sein.html

    1. Griechenland könnte schon Ende März das Geld ausgehen. Das Links-Rechts-Bündnis von Ministerpräsident Alexis Tsipras fürchtet, dann Gehälter von Beamten sowie Renten nicht mehr voll auszahlen zu können...

      Tsipras hofft nun auf Hilfe der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB). Erschwert wurde die Suche nach Kompromissen aber durch neue Drohungen des rechtspopulistischen Verteidigungsministers Panos Kammenos an die deutsche Adresse.

      Um flüssig zu bleiben, setzt Tsipras darauf, dass die EZB den Rahmen für kurzfristige Staatsanleihen (T-Bills) um zwei bis drei Milliarden Euro erhöhe, berichtete die «Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung» (FAS)...............http://www.fr-online.de/schuldenkrise/griechenland-athen-droht-das-geld-auszugehen,1471908,30126296.html

  68. 800 Millionen Franken vermeintlich unversteuertes Vermögen griechischer Bürger lagert in der Schweiz. Behörden warten seit Monaten darauf, dass es sich die griechische Regierung abholt. Vergeblich...

    Die griechische Regierung hat seit mehr als einem Jahr nichts unternommen, um vermeintlich unversteuertes Vermögen griechischer Bürger in der Schweiz zurückzuholen. Schon seit Februar 2014 liegt ein Angebot des Schweizer Staatssekretariats für internationale Finanzfragen vor, das Geld aufzuspüren und nach Athen zu überweisen..............http://www.n24.de/n24/Nachrichten/Wirtschaft/d/6309456/griechisches-schwarzgeld-in-der-schweiz.html

  69. Myanmar denies bombing in China as Beijing protests...

    A senior Myanmar official yesterday denied Chinese accusations that one of its warplanes crossed China’s border and dropped a bomb that killed four farmers during fighting with Myanmar’s rebels.

    Beijing strongly protested against the bombing and said it had sent fighter jets to fend off further intrusion.

    Calling the bombing a “very distressful matter”, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang yesterday underscored the strong responses made by China’s Foreign Ministry and military.

    “We have the responsibility and capacity to firmly safeguard stability in the border areas between the two countries and protect the life and property of our people,” Mr Li told reporters at a previously scheduled news conference.

    The official in Myanmar’s presidential office said his government regrets the deaths and suggested it could have been the work of a group seeking to create confusion. He also promised “full cooperation” with Beijing into the incident, which has tested generally good ties that have been strained in recent years by Myanmar’s perceived shift towards the United States..............http://www.todayonline.com/world/asia/myanmar-denies-bombing-china-beijing-protests15/3/15

  70. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has been granted the power to govern by decree until 31 December...

    The measure was approved by the National Assembly, where Mr Maduro has a majority.

    He requested the approval of the Enabling Law after the United States issued new sanctions against Venezuelan officials.

    The opposition says he is using the incident to amass power and divert attention from the economic crisis.

    Mr Maduro said he needed the special powers to deal with the threat posed by the United States, which he accuses of meddling in Venezuela's affairs.
    Continue reading the main story
    “Start Quote

    This is a weapon they are giving Maduro to use against those who disagree with him”

    Angel Medina Opposition politician
    'Weapon against critics'

    National Assembly president Diosdado Cabello led a group of politicians who went in person to hand over the new legislation to Mr Maduro outside the Miraflores presidential palace.........http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-31899510

  71. After hosting parades through snowy streets and weathering storms that snarled traffic and commerce over the last few months, Boston residents have seen the snowiest winter in the city's recorded history, the National Weather Service said...

    Boston got 108.6 inches (275.8cm) of snow over the winter, surpassing the city's previous 1995-1996 record of 107.6 inches. The new record was officially set at about 7pm on Sunday, after a storm dropped 2.9 inches on the capital and largest city in Massachusetts.

    "Boston, you survived the snowiest winter on record!!!," the National Weather Service in Taunton wrote in a message on Facebook.

    The record-setting inches, the most snowfall of any season since 1872, the first year on record, came after a day of rain began melting snow piles around the city and hinted at the onset of spring.

    "Superbowls, World Series', Stanley Cups, and snowfall records. We are truly a title city," said Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, on Twitter. "There will be no parade," he deadpanned.................http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/us/Boston-gets-most-winter-snow-in-its-recorded-history/articleshow/46578808.cms

  72. Cyclone Pam has "wiped out" development in Vanuatu, its president said, amid ongoing concern over residents of the Pacific nation's outlying islands....

    Aid has begun arriving in the storm-hit nation - one of the world's poorest - where trees and power lines have been felled and many buildings destroyed.

    Aid agencies say it could be one of the worst disasters ever to hit the region.

    The situation on some remote islands closer to the eye of the storm is not yet known as communications are down. ...........http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-31866783

  73. Coastal Areas Evacuated As Cyclone Pam Hammers New Zealand

    The storm, probably the strongest cyclone to hit the region since Cyclone Zoe struck in 2002, was reclassified as "an intense tropical cyclone" early on Monday, China’s Xinhua news agency reported, citing a statement from the government's MetService weather bureau.

    The eye of the storm was 230 km east of East Cape and it still had the power to bring severe weather.

    The cyclone brought more than 200 mm of rain and gale-force winds reaching up to 145 km per hour.

    "Cyclone Pam is moving southeast and is expected to maintain its intensity, or may even intensify slightly, reaching the Chatham Islands around midday Tuesday. A warning is now in place for severe gales, heavy rain and heavy swells for the Chathams," the MetService weather bureau’s statement said...........http://sputniknews.com/asia/20150316/1019540613.html#ixzz3UXEUUsBB

  74. IDF forces arrested 23 crime suspects in the West Bank during the night, the IDF reported Monday...

    Out of the 23, 11 were people suspected of involvement in terror groups targeting civilians.

  75. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that his future government would not make any withdrawals and that it would continue to put Jerusalem under Israel's control...

    Addressing tens of thousands of Israelis at a rally in central Tel Aviv, the Israeli premier added that any government he would lead in the future after Israel's snap general election would not offer any concessions.

    He said his government would not divide Jerusalem either, but would continue to put the old city as a whole under Israel's control.

    Israel should hold its snap general election on Tuesday. Campaigning for the election came to an end on Sunday..........http://www.aa.com.tr/en/news/478862--jerusalem-to-continue-under-israels-control-netanyahu

  76. The Russian military on Monday launched sweeping military manoeuvres in the Arctic and other areas, a show of force ordered by President Vladimir Putin amid spiraling tensions with the West over Ukraine...

    The five-day Arctic drills involving 38,000 servicemen, more than 50 surface ships and submarines and 110 aircraft are intended to check the readiness of Russia's Northern Fleet and the military's ability to deploy additional forces from central Russia.

    Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said "the new challenges and military threats require further increase of the armed forces' capabilities."...........http://www.ctvnews.ca/world/russia-launches-large-scale-military-manoeuvres-in-the-arctic-1.2281388

  77. Le président ukrainien Piotr Porochenko estime nécessaire de boycotter la tenue de la Coupe du monde de football 2018 en Russie tant que se poursuivra le conflit dans le sud-est de l'Ukraine...

    "Je pense qu'il faut envisager un boycott de cette Coupe du monde. Tant que les troupes russes resteront en Ukraine, je considère que la tenue de la Coupe du Monde en Russie est impossible", a déclaré le chef d'Etat ukrainien dans une interview accordée au journal allemand Bild.

    Il a rappelé que le club Shakhtar Donetsk, participant à la Ligue des Champions 2014-2015, était contraint de s'entraîner et de jouer ses matchs à Lvov, à 1.200 kilomètres de sa ville de base, en raison des hostilités dans le Donbass.................http://fr.sputniknews.com/international/20150316/1015187192.html#ixzz3UY80gt8g

  78. Saudi prince: Iran deal could prompt nuclear fuel race...

    Saudi Prince Turki al-Faisal warned on Monday that a possible deal on Iran’s nuclear program will prompt Saudi Arabia and other states to seek the development of atomic technology.

    “I’ve always said whatever comes out of these talks, we will want the same,” he told the BBC in an interview.

    “So if Iran has the ability to enrich uranium to whatever level, it’s not just Saudi Arabia that’s going to ask for that,” he added.

    Ongoing negotiations between Tehran and six world powers are aimed at securing the outlines of a deal that limits Iran’s nuclear activity and seeks to assuage fears that it is using the fuel enrichment to covertly develop a nuclear weapon.............http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2015/03/16/Saudi-prince-Iran-deal-could-prompt-nuclear-fuel-race.html

  79. Earthquake M 4.5 - 141 km N of Bucharest- ROMANIA - local time: 17:49 ...

    Magnitude mb 4.5
    Region ROMANIA
    Date time 2015-03-16 15:49:47.3 UTC
    Location 45.68 N ; 26.41 E
    Depth 140 km

    Distances :

    141 km N of Bucharest, Romania / pop: 1,877,155 / local time: 17:49:47.3 2015-03-16
    53 km SE of Sfântu-Gheorghe, Romania / pop: 60,677 / local time: 17:49:47.3 2015-03-16
    15 km SE of Comandău, Romania / pop: 1,034 / local time: 17:49:47.3 2015-03-16

  80. Pour Netanyahu, c'est non à un Etat palestinien, oui à la colonisation ...

    Le Premier ministre israélien sortant Benjamin Netanyahu a lancé lundi ses dernières forces dans la bataille des législatives en se posant comme le garant de l'unité de Jérusalem, au contraire selon lui de son adversaire Isaac Herzog...........http://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_elections-en-israel-netanyahu-s-erige-en-defenseur-de-jerusalem?id=8932355

  81. Fighting rages near Donetsk airport despite Ukraine ceasefire...

    Heavy machinegun and light artillery fire pounded a district of Donetsk, the biggest city of eastern Ukraine, on Monday and pro-Russian rebels said there had been no lull in the fighting since a February ceasefire.

    The Spartak district, adjacent to the city's now-flattened airport, is one of several sites in eastern Ukraine to have seen continued hostilities between the rebels and Ukrainian government forces since last month's ceasefire, brokered by France and Germany in the Belarussian capital Minsk.

    The ceasefire is broadly holding in the rest of the region.

    "Not a single day has been quiet here since the deal. One of our guys got killed here today and we have lost nine in total since the deal," said one rebel fighter who gave his name as Roman and bore the nickname Gruzin, or 'the Georgian'.

    He commands some 120 members of the rebel Vostok (East) battalion in Spartak, an area where most houses and other infrastructure were destroyed during months of heavy fighting for control of the nearby Donetsk city airport.

    The airport is now completely destroyed but its ruins lie in an area now controlled by the rebels.................Reuters...............http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/fighting-rages-near/1719562.html

  82. EU-Außenminister: EU bereitet Militäreinsatz in Libyen vor...

    Zwei Regierungen, zahlreiche Flüchtlinge und islamistische Milizen: Libyen droht, im Chaos zu versinken. Die EU-Außenminister beraten nun über eine neue Militärmission.

    Die Europäische Union trifft Vorbereitungen für einen möglichen sogenannten Friedenseinsatz im Bürgerkriegsland Libyen. In Brüssel sollen in den kommenden Wochen Pläne für eine neue, möglicherweise militärische EU-Mission erarbeitet werden. Man suche nach "konkreten Schritten", um die Vermittlungsbemühungen der Vereinten Nationen in Libyen zu unterstützen, sagte die EU-Außenbeauftragte Federica Mogherini. Ihre Behörde hatte den EU-Staaten eine Reihe von Vorschlägen für zivile oder militärische Missionen unterbreitet...............http://www.zeit.de/politik/2015-03/libyen-eu-friedensmission

  83. Tsipras kündigt offiziellen Berlin-Besuch an...

    Ministerpräsident Alexis Tsipras kommt mitten in der aufgeheizten Stimmung wegen der Schuldenkrise seines Landes zum ersten offiziellen Besuch nach Berlin. Tsipras habe die Einladung von Kanzlerin Angela Merkel zu einem Besuch am kommenden Montag (23. März) angenommen, teilte Regierungssprecher Steffen Seibert am Montag mit. Merkel hatte am Montagnachmittag mit Tsipras telefoniert............http://www.fr-online.de/politik/griechenland-tsipras-kuendigt-offiziellen-berlin-besuch-an,1472596,30138776.html

  84. EU foreign ministers named Fernando Gentilini on Monday as new special representative for the Middle East, filling a post vacant since early 2014 in the hope of getting the stalled peace process back on track, officials said...

    Gentilini -- an Italian, as is EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini -- currently heads the EU's Western Balkans and Turkey division and his appointment will have to be confirmed by member states.

    The Middle East position was created in 1996 after the Oslo Accords offered the prospect of real progress towards a Israel-Palestinian peace deal..................AFP......................http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/2/8/125404/World/Region/EU-names-new-Middle-East-special-envoy.aspx

  85. Families fled Libya's coastal city of Sirte in the dozens on Monday after two days of clashes between Islamic State militants and fighters loyal to a government based in Tripoli, with the violence set to escalate, according to witnesses...

    Families were seen packing into cars and heading westwards along the coast for Misrata, the stronghold of Libya Dawn, the armed group that backs the government in the capital, Tripoli.

    Some 20 cars evacuated staff from a hospital.

    One resident leaving the city said Islamic State had told them that more fighting was likely in the next few days. Fuel was running short in Sirte while some shops had closed, he said...............http://www.voanews.com/content/families-flee-libyan-town-of-sirte-as-clashes-with-is-escalate/2682592.html

  86. Griechenland: Des Fiskus leere Taschen...

    Mit Ausgabenkürzungen hat es der griechische Staat geschafft, die große Haushaltslücke fast zu schließen. Die Steuereinnahmen liegen derzeit dagegen deutlich unter Plan...............http://www.zeit.de/wirtschaft/2015-03/griechenland-staatshaushalt-euro-krise

  87. Schäuble rechnet mit Tsipras-Regierung ab: "Alles Vertrauen ist zerstört" ...

    Mit deutlichen Worten hat Finanzminister Schäuble erneut die Tsipras-Regierung kritisiert. Diese würde nicht nur Absprachen brechen, sondern auch den Griechen nicht die Wahrheit sagen. Dabei hatte Athen gerade mehr als eine halbe Milliarde Euro an die Geldgeber überwiesen.

    Bundesfinanzminister Wolfgang Schäuble hat in einem Rundumschlag die griechische Regierung kritisiert. "Sie haben alles Vertrauen zerstört. Das ist ein schwerer Rückschlag", sagte Schäuble bei einer Diskussionsveranstaltung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Berlin. Er warf der Regierung von Ministerpräsident Alexis Tsipras vor, nicht nur Absprachen zu brechen, sondern auch die Griechen zu belügen - indem sie die Schuld immer nur bei Berlin, Brüssel und dem Rest Europas suche.

    Schäuble schmetterte erneut auch das Ansinnen der Griechen ab, Milliarden aus Deutschland für eine Zwangsanleihe aus der Nazi-Zeit zu bekommen. Auf diesem Weg werde Athen seine Schuldenprobleme nicht lösen können: "Sie werden auch die griechischen Schulden nicht durch wie immer zu konstruierende deutsche Verpflichtungen aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg bezahlt bekommen", sagte Schäuble. "Wer so etwas seiner Bevölkerung verspricht, verschweigt ihr die Wahrheit. Das ist ganz schlecht.".............http://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/griechenland-437.html

  88. Israeli politicians make last-ditch efforts ahead of polls ...

    The country's sitting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed not to allow the Palestinians to have their own state if he gets reelected for another term.

    In an interview with the NRG news website on Monday, Netanyahu repeated his warnings that Israel's withdrawal from occupied territories as proposed by his center-left rivals would offer Islamic extremists a bridgehead to attack Israel.

    "I think that anyone who moves to establish a Palestinian state today, and evacuate areas, is giving radical Islam an area from which to attack the State of Israel," Netanyahu said.

    Netanyahu's Likud party has trailed the center-left Zionist Union led by Issac Herzog and Tzipi Livni in recent opinion polls, with the Likud projected to win around 21 seats, four seats less than the Zionist Union..............http://www.china.org.cn/world/2015-03/17/content_35076066.htm

  89. Ukraine unveils draft bills on rebel autonomy...

    Ukraine on Monday (Mar 16) said it will vote this week on bills granting separatist areas in the east special status in line with a February peace deal, as one soldier died in continuing sporadic clashes.

    The bills, submitted by President Petro Poroshenko to parliament at the weekend and whose text became available on Monday, fall in line with the commitments by Kiev in the ceasefire deal inked on Feb 12 in Minsk.

    The rebels in the east have threatened to resume fighting unless Kiev follows through on promises given in Minsk to grant rebel areas greater autonomy, although keeping them within Ukraine...................http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/ukraine-unveils-draft/1719620.html

  90. Pakistani police on Monday used tear gas and water cannons to disperse clashes between Christian protesters and Muslims in the northeastern city of Lahore...

    Frustrated Christians were demonstrating after 16 people were killed Sunday in twin suicide bombings outside two churches during weekly prayer services.

    The protesters had blocked roads and reportedly clashed with other citizens, according to local media.

    The epicenter of the clashes was in Youhanabad, a low-income suburb of Lahore with a large Christian population and the target of Sunday’s suicide bombings.

    Groups of Muslims reportedly organized in reaction to attacks on passers-by, leading to clashes between the two sides.................http://www.aa.com.tr/en/news/479367--christian-protesters-and-muslims-clash-in-pakistan

  91. South Korea, Japan, China to meet on three-way cooperation...

    (Reuters) - The foreign ministers of South Korea, China and Japan will meet on Saturday in Seoul for the first time in nearly three years in a bid to restore cooperation between the three Asian economic powers, South Korea's foreign ministry said.

    South Korea and China's ties with Japan have chilled over what they view as Japan's reluctance to properly atone for its wartime past. Both South Korea and China also have territorial disputes with Japan.

    But ties between China and Japan have shown signs of warming over recent months and South Korea's foreign ministry said senior officials from the three countries had met recently and the foreign ministers aimed to put trilateral cooperation back on track.

    "The meeting is the first in about three years since April 2012 and is expected to lay the foundation for restoring a mechanism for three-country cooperation," the ministry said in a statement on Tuesday.....................http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/17/us-southkorea-china-japan-idUSKBN0MD03J20150317?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

  92. Israeli voters started to cast their ballots Tuesday morning in an early parliamentary election which will decide whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's rightwing Likud will continue its hold on power...

    Voting started at 7 am local time (0500 GMT) Tuesday at 10,119 polling stations across the country and is due to end at 10 p.m. According to the Central Election Committee, there are around 5.8 million Israeli citizens eligible to vote in this election.

    Vying for the 120 seats in the one-chamber parliament Knesset are 24 parties, of which opinion polls predict some 11 will make it into the Knesset.The opposition center-left Zionist Union is projected to be the largest party with around 25 seats,followed by the Likud with around 21 seats.

  93. Pakistan on Tuesday hanged 10 convicted murderers from prisons across the country, the highest number in a single day after the government lifted a six-year-old moratorium on capital punishment, officials said...

    Eight of the convicts were hanged in the populous Punjab province, while two others were hanged in the southern metropolis of Karachi, according to prison officials.

  94. Foreign ministers of S Korea, Japan, China to meet on Saturday...

    The foreign ministers of South Korea, China and Japan will meet on Saturday in Seoul for the first time in nearly three years in a bid to restore cooperation between the three Asian economic powers, South Korea’s foreign ministry said.

    South Korea and China’s ties with Japan have chilled over what they view as Japan’s reluctance to properly atone for its wartime past. Both South Korea and China also have territorial disputes with Japan.

    But ties between China and Japan have shown signs of warming over recent months and South Korea’s foreign ministry said senior officials from the three countries had met recently and the foreign ministers aimed to put trilateral cooperation back on track.

    “The meeting is the first in about three years since April 2012 and is expected to lay the foundation for restoring a mechanism for three-country cooperation,” the ministry said in a statement on Tuesday.

    Three-way summit meetings of the countries’ leaders, which had been held annually from 2008, have also been on hold since May 2012.

    The foreign ministers’ meeting would signal progress in the push to restore three-way ties amid pressure from South Korea and China for Japanese leaders to take steps to show they fully recognise the country’s past during World War Two.................http://www.japantoday.com/category/politics/view/foreign-ministers-of-s-korea-japan-china-to-meet-on-saturday

  95. Units of the Baltic Fleet, Southern Military District and Airborne Forces have been brought to highest state of combat readiness in the framework of large-scale strategic drills, the Russian Defense Ministry’s press service said on Tuesday....

    "A number of military units and formations of the Baltic Fleet, Southern Military District and Airborne Forces have been moved to the highest state of combat readiness and started entering land and sea ranges," the press service said.................http://tass.ru/en/russia/783186

  96. UN Secretary General`s Special Adviser on Cyprus Espen Barth Eide will be received today by President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades. Eide`s visit to the island, to be concluded on March 18th, aims at the resumption of UN-backed talks on Cyprus, divided since the Turkish invasion of the island in 1974...

    Eide will also hold a meeting today with the Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu. His schedule includes meetings with the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot negotiating teams, as well as a range of other interlocutors.

    According to a UN press release, Eide “looks forward to this visit as a chance to continue his dialogue with the leaders on the resumption of structured negotiations.”

    Eide will also host an event for women civil society representatives and media from both communities.

    In October 2014 President Anastasiades suspended his participation in the peace talks following a Navigational Telex or NAVTEX, issued by Turkey in October last year, as Turkish seismic research vessel “Barbaros” violated the Republic’s exclusive economic zone.

    Repeated calls for the withdrawal of “Barbaros” went unheeded by Ankara, which announced in January the NAVTEX`s extension until April 6, 2015.
    - See more at: http://www.parikiaki.com/2015/03/eide-to-hold-separate-meetings-today-with-cyprus-leaders/#sthash.OWGSmaaI.dpuf

  97. Ballistic missile systems to be redeployed to Russia's westernmost region...

    The Iskander tactical ballistic missile systems will be redeployed during a surprise inspection of troops to the Kaliningrad region in Russia’s northwest, a source in the Russian Defense Ministry told TASS on Tuesday.

    "The redeployment of the fighter and bomber aviation is planned to the Kaliningrad region, and the army grouping in the Baltic region will be reinforced with the Iskander missile systems of the Western Military District that will be moved by the large landing ships of the Baltic Fleet," said the source.................http://tass.ru/en/russia/783204

  98. At least five people were killed when a boat carrying migrants sank near the southwestern province of Muğla early on March 17, state hospital sources said...

    The vessel was carrying about 15 Syrian and Iraqi migrants when it capsized off the coast of Muğla’s Bodrum district while proceeding toward the Greek island of Kos.

    Turkish Coast Guard rescued eight migrants after fishermen spotted the boat sinking off of Kara Island, 3.2 kilometers away from Bodrum.

    Search and rescue teams backed by helicopters are continuing to look for more survivors.

    1. Five Syrian migrants were found dead Tuesday after their boat sank en route from Turkey to EU waters, the latest tragedy off the Turkish coast, reports said...

      Eight migrants were rescued from the boat, which was carrying 15 people from Syria and Iraq, the official Anatolia news agency said, with rescue efforts continuing to find the remaining missing.

      The migrants had been seeking to reach the Greek island of Kos from the Turkish resort of Bodrum but their boat ran into difficulty and the coastguard was mobilised following a tip-off................http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2015/Mar-17/291146-five-dead-in-new-turkey-migrant-boat-tragedy.ashx

  99. EU energy chief voices concern over Russia's Turkish pipeline plan...

    Any decision to build a pipeline to transport Russian gas through Turkey should be made in consultation with the European Union and should not breach pre-existing legal commitments, the European Commission's energy chief said.

    Russia in December abandoned its $40 billion South Stream project after objections from the EU over potential excessive Russian control of European gas supplies through a pipeline that would have passed under the Black Sea to Bulgaria and carried up to an annual 63 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas to Europe.

    Instead, Russian gas exporter Gazprom announced in January its intention to build an undersea gas pipeline with the same capacity to an as yet unbuilt hub on the Turkish-Greek border by the end of 2016.

    During a visit to Turkey, Maros Sefcovic, the European Commission's Vice President in charge of Energy Union, said that no details on the Russian proposal had been received and that any plans should be economically viable and compatible with Gazprom's obligations to its long-term European customers...................http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/World/2015/Mar-17/291082-eu-energy-chief-voices-concern-over-russias-turkish-pipeline-plan.ashx

  100. AirAsia 8501 crash: Official search for bodies ends...

    The search for remaining bodies from a plane crash in the Java Sea ends on Tuesday night, the head of Indonesia's rescue agency has confirmed.

    The ships involved in the search will then be pulled out on Wednesday, Bambang Soelistyo told the BBC.

    AirAsia lost contact with flight QZ 8501 on 28 December as it was flying from Surabaya in Indonesia to Singapore with 162 people on board.

    The search effort has recovered 106 bodies, with 56 unaccounted for.

    Some of the families of those missing are unhappy that the search is now coming to an end.

    Frangky Chandra, the older brother of Gani Chandra, an Indonesian man who was on board the plane, and whose body has not been found, said relatives wanted to continue with their own investigation.............http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-31925944

  101. Klimawandel: Ab 2036 bis zu 3000 Hitzetote jährlich...

    Ein Voranschreiten des Klimawandels wird dramatische Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit der Österreicher haben - vor allem dann, wenn nicht mehr unternommen wird, die Klimaänderungen abzuschwächen: Bei einem starken Klimawandel - und ohne weitere Anpassungsmaßnahmen - werden zwischen 2016 und 2045 jährlich bis zu rund 1200 Hitzetote in Österreich erwartet. Zwischen 2036 und 2065 sogar bis zu zu 3000. Das sind zentrale Ergebnisse der Studie "COIN - Cost of Inaction" der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt im Rahmen eines interdisziplinäres Projektes der Universität Graz zu den Folgen des Klimawandels mit 42 ForscherInnen aus 18 Forschungsgruppen aus ganz Europa, Zwischen 2003 und 2012 wurden jährlich durchschnittlich 240 Hitzetote gezählt...............http://kurier.at/lebensart/gesundheit/klimawandel-ab-2036-bis-zu-3000-hitzetote-jaehrlich/120.003.417

  102. El Ejército italiano está dispuesto a realizar una operación militar en Libia, si el Gobierno de Italia toma la decisión de ejecutarla, declaró el jefe del Estado Mayor del Ejército de Tierra de las Fuerzas Armadas del país, Danilo Errico...

    "Si el Gobierno ordena empezar la operación, estamos dispuestos" a hacerlo, dijo durante una entrevista al periódico italiano Corriere della Sera, precisando que "la situación es difícil" y ahora "todo depende del consenso internacional"...........http://mundo.sputniknews.com/orientemedio/20150317/1035443376.html#ixzz3Uf3I4hoZ

  103. Greece rejects 'blackmail', seeks meeting with top EU leaders...

    Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has requested a meeting with top European leaders including German Chancellor Angela Merkel at this week's EU summit, a Greek official said on Tuesday, as Athens insisted it would not be 'blackmailed' over its debt crisis.

    Greece is at risk of running out of cash within weeks but its EU partners, angered by the new government's fiery rhetoric against its international bailout, have frozen financial aid until it shows evidence it is implementing reforms............http://www.todayonline.com/world/greek-pm-seeks-meeting-key-eu-leaders-week-govt-source

  104. Syria's state news agency says the country's air defense forces have shot down a U.S. reconnaissance aircraft...

    SANA says the aircraft was downed Tuesday north of the coastal city of Latakia. It provided no further details.

    State television broadcast footage of what it said was the wreckage, including a wheel and electronic parts. Soldiers in camouflage could be seen loading some of the debris into the back of a truck.

    U.S. officials said they were looking into the reports.

    If confirmed, this would be the first American aircraft to go down over Syria since the U.S. began its aerial campaign against Islamic extremists there in September.

    A Jordanian jet crashed near the northern Syrian city of Raqqa in December. The Islamic State group captured the pilot and later killed him.

  105. Netanyahu claims 'major victory' in Israeli election...

    Israeli Prime Benjamin Netanyahu has claimed a "major victory" after exit polls showed his right-wing Likud neck-and-neck with the centre-left Zionist Union in the country’s general election.

    "Against all odds: a great victory for the Likud. A major victory for the people of Israel!", he wrote on his official Twitter account. ........http://www.rte.ie/news/2015/0317/687626-israel/

  106. The third round of Cuba-U.S. talks meant to restore diplomatic relations ended after one day's effort, agreeing to 'maintain the communication' toward normalization of ties between the two countries, said a press release from the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Minrex) Tuesday...

    The Cuban ministry didn't disclose what was discussed in Monday 's meeting, which was held in Havana, the capital of Cuba, behind closed doors, only stressing the meeting took place in a " professional climate."

    The Cuban team participating at the talks was led by Josefina Vidal, director general for the Minrex's United States Division; and the American team was headed by Roberta Jacobson, assistant secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs at the U.S. State Department.............http://english.cntv.cn/2015/03/18/ARTI1426637932363622.shtml

  107. Police cars were set on fire, windows were smashed and demonstrators threw stones at police in Frankfurt early this morning ahead of a massive anti-austerity rally marking the opening of the European Central Bank's new headquarters...

    At least one officer was injured when protesters threw stones at police not far from the city's Alte Oper concert hall, a police spokeswoman said.

    A police car was set alight in the east of the city just outside the security zone erected around the 185m, €1.3 billion new skyscraper which is to be officially inaugurated later in the day...............http://www.rte.ie/news/2015/0318/687787-ecb-frankfurt/

  108. Syrian opposition calls for establishing no-fly zone in north-east...

    National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces (Syrian National Coalition) has sent a request to the UN Security Council on Tuesday to establish a no-fly zone in the north-east of the country. The Syrian National Coalition calls on UN member-countries to act unilaterally, as Russia and China may veto the decision in the UN Security Council.

    The Syrian National Coalition said that government forces delivered an air strike using chlorine in the Indlib Governorate on March 16. More than 70 people were injured in the incident, the coalition’s spokesman Najib Gadban said.

  109. Proteste gegen EZB-Politik: Blockupy sorgt für Chaos in Frankfurt...

    Verletzte Polizisten und Demonstranten, Autos in Flammen und brennende Barrikaden: Die Blockupy-Proteste sind in Gewalt umgeschlagen. Die Polizei wirkte von der Heftigkeit überrascht.

    Bilder aus Frankfurt...................http://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/proteste-gegen-ezb-politik-blockupy-sorgt-fuer-chaos-in-frankfurt/11519998.html

  110. Protest gegen EZB-Eröffnung: Wasserwerfer gegen Demonstranten...

    Bei den gewalttätigen Blockupy-Protesten am EZB-Neubau in Frankfurt hat die Polizei am Mittwochmorgen Wasserwerfer gegen die Demonstranten eingesetzt. Zuvor waren sieben Polizeiwagen angezündet worden.

    "Ausschreitungen machten den Wasserwerfereinsatz erforderlich", twitterte die Frankfurter Polizei am Mittwochmorgen. Es seien mehrere Brände gelegt und insgesamt sieben Polizeiwagen angezündet worden, sagte eine Polizeisprecherin.

    Im Frankfurter Ostend, wo die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) ihren Sitz hat, gab es kaum eine Straßenkreuzung, an der nicht Mülltonnen, Autoreifen oder Fahrzeuge brannten. Die Feuerwehr hatte es allerdings schwer, an die Einsatzorte zu gelangen. "Bitte lasst unsere Einsatzkräfte in Ruhe und ihre Arbeit machen!", appellierte die Feuerwehr über Twitter. Gewalttätige Demonstranten hatten auch Feuerwehr und Straßenbahnen mit Steinen beworfen. Die Feuerwehr sei dadurch am Löschen gehindert worden...................http://www.hr-online.de/website/rubriken/nachrichten/index.jsp?rubrik=91009&key=standard_document_54812349

  111. Hamas reacted to the results of Israel's election on Tuesday, saying that there is no difference between Israeli political parties, because there is a consensus among them to deny the rights of the Palestinian people and continue aggression against them.

    Hamas spokesman Sami Abu-Zuhri said the "Palestinian resistance is strong and capable of making its mark. The leaders of the occupation must think again about their stances after the failure in Gaza."

    1. White House says will evaluate approach to Mideast peace process after Netanyahu's 'no Palestinian state' pledge

  112. Transnistrie: l'Ukraine et la Roumanie veulent "dégeler" le conflit...

    Selon un analyste politique transnistrien, Andreï Safonov, si Kiev se met d'accord avec Bucarest, il trahira les ressortissants ukrainiens qui résident en Transnistrie et montrera que les dirigeants ukrainiens "sont à la botte des Américains".

    L'Ukraine souhaite "dégeler" le conflit en Transnistrie, région moldave qui ne reconnaît pas l'autorité de Chisinau, a déclaré mercredi le président ukrainien Piotr Porochenko lors d'une conférence de presse conjointe avec son homologue roumain Klaus Iohannis.

    Selon M.Porochenko, il s'est mis d'accord avec les dirigeants roumains pour coordonner les démarches face au problème transnistrien "en vue de dégeler ce conflit et d'aider la Moldavie souveraine et indépendante à rétablir son intégrité territoriale et à réintégrer la Transnistrie"................http://fr.sputniknews.com/international/20150318/1015234260.html#ixzz3UkgrRQwi

  113. Abbas coopérera avec tout gouvernement d'Israël acceptant un Etat palestinien...

    Les Palestiniens se déclarent prêts à coopérer avec tout gouvernement d'Israël à condition qu'il accepte la solution à deux Etats.

    Le président de l'Autorité palestinienne Mahmoud Abbas est prêt à coopérer avec "tout gouvernement israélien" acceptant un Etat palestinien aux côtés de l'Etat hébreu, a indiqué mercredi son porte-parole Nabil Abou Roudeina.

    "Peu nous importe qui sera le prochain premier ministre d'Israël, ce que nous attendons de tout gouvernement c'est qu'il reconnaisse la solution à deux Etats", a déclaré M.Roudeina, suite à l'annonce de la victoire du Likoud, parti du premier ministre sortant Benjamin Netanyahu, aux élections législatives israéliennes...............http://fr.sputniknews.com/international/20150318/1015241954.html#ixzz3UktCGbuq

  114. NATO intercepts Russian fighters over Baltic Sea...

    (Reuters) - A NATO patrol intercepted Russian fighter jets over the Baltic Sea, Lithuanian authorities said on Wednesday, as Moscow marks the anniversary of its takeover of Crimea with one of its largest military drills in years.

    The group of eight Su-27 and Su-34 fighter jets and three Russian military transports was intercepted over international waters on Tuesday, a Lithuanian Ministry of Defense spokeswoman said.

    "These were first Russian fighters intercepted by NATO's Baltic air police this year," Viktorija Cieminyte said, adding that the Russian pilots switched off their transponders to avoid commercial radar and did not talk to air traffic control.

    "Civil aviation over the Baltic Sea was endangered because of the secretive way the airplanes flew," she said..............http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/18/us-russia-nato-idUSKBN0ME22220150318?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

  115. Greek Parliament Adopts anti-Poverty Law despite EU Row ...

    The Greek parliament overwhelmingly adopted a "humanitarian crisis" bill on Wednesday aimed at helping its poorest people, ignoring apparent pressure from the European Union to halt the legislation.

    This first package of social measures put forward by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' radical left-wing government drew support across the board in parliament, including from the conservative, former ruling New Democracy party.

    The bill had prompted a request from Declan Costello, a representative on the European Commission team monitoring heavily-indebted Greece, telling the government to stall its vote on what Brussels called "unilateral" measures....................http://www.almanar.com.lb/english/adetails.php?eid=201485&cid=22&fromval=1

  116. Armes russes en Crimée: Washington préoccupé...

    Les Etats-Unis sont préoccupés par l'éventuel déploiement d'armes nucléaires en Crimée, a déclaré mercredi à Washington le général Martin Dempsey, président du Comité des chefs d'Etats-majors interarmées des Etats-Unis.

    "Cela m'inquiète beaucoup (…). Certaines démarches de la Russie ont l'air d'une provocation", a déclaré le général Dempsey lors d'auditions à la chambre des représentants du Congrès américain...............http://fr.sputniknews.com/international/20150318/1015245293.html#ixzz3UlmntNOy

  117. US President Barack Obama spoke with German Chancellor Angela Merkel about the situation in Ukraine and stressed that the sanctions on Russia would not be lifted until the Minsk agreements are fully implemented, the White House announced in a statement on Wednesday...

    “The two leaders agreed on the need for full and prompt implementation of the three Minsk agreements in order to reach a lasting and peaceful resolution to the conflict,” the White House statement read. “They [Obama and Merkel] reiterated their agreement that there will be no easing of sanctions imposed on Russia until it has fulfilled all of its Minsk commitments.”................http://sputniknews.com/politics/20150318/1019692040.html#ixzz3Ulnxw2or

  118. Tunisia's president has vowed to fight terrorism "without mercy", following a gun attack on the Bardo Museum in the capital Tunis that killed 19 people...

    Seventeen tourists were killed in the attack, including visitors from Japan, Italy, Colombia, Australia, France, Poland and Spain, officials said.

    Two Tunisians, one a police officer, were also killed in Wednesday's attack.

    Security forces have killed two gunmen but are continuing the search for accomplices.

    Officials say that more than 40 people, including tourists and Tunisians, were injured.
    'Democracy will win'

    President Beji Caid Essebsi said the country was "in a war with terror"...........http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-31956026

  119. Multiple deaths after restaurant shooting in Sweden...

    (Reuters) - Several people were killed in a restaurant shooting in the Swedish city of Gothenburg on Wednesday in what police say was likely to be a gang-related shooting.

    Police said there was no indication that the shooting in Sweden's second biggest city was terror-related.

    "There's absolutely nothing suggesting this would have anything to do with terrorism," police spokeswoman Ulla Brehm said.

    Police said there were multiple deaths in the shooting in which automatic weapons were used, but would not say how many, adding the death toll was likely to rise.............http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/19/us-sweden-shooting-idUSKBN0MF09S20150319?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

  120. The US Army has begun destroying the nation's largest remaining stockpile of chemical weapons, using explosives to rip open a container of mustard agent inside a sealed chamber and then flooding it with another chemical to neutralise it...

    It was the first few pounds of 2,600 tons of mustard agent that will be destroyed at Pueblo Chemical Depot in southern Colorado, most of it contained in about 780,000 shells.

    "Everybody's really excited, but we're being cautious, making sure all the procedures are followed exactly," said Bruce Huenefeld, manager of the first destruction process to get underway at the depot yesterday...........http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/us/US-begins-destroying-its-largest-cache-of-chemical-weapons/articleshow/46616441.cms

  121. Crimée: Moscou dénonce une "réunion provocatrice" à l'Onu...

    La Russie ne prendra pas part aux consultations des membres du Conseil de sécurité de l'Onu sur la situation en Crimée prévues jeudi, a annoncé le service de presse de la mission russe auprès des Nations unies.

    "Nous estimons que cette réunion revêt un caractère contreproductif et provocateur. Elle ne relève pas de la compétence du Conseil de sécurité de l'Onu. La délégation russe, comme les délégations de plusieurs autres pays, n'y participera pas", lit-on dans un communiqué.................... http://fr.sputniknews.com/international/20150319/1015246625.html#ixzz3UoihkeQt

  122. US, South Korea start major joint military drills on Korean peninsula...

    South Korean and US marines have started major joint military drills on the Korean peninsula, a representative of South Korea's military command said Thursday.

    The exercises involve 500 South Korean and 1,700 US marines from Okinawa. It takes place on the south-eastern coast of South Korea, in the area of Osan and south of Seoul. After the drills are over, the two countries plan to train landing operations in an exercise known as Ssangyong, taking place from March 28 through to April 1 and involving up to 1,000 US and 3,000 South Korean marines, as well as three US landing ships.

  123. Krisentreffen zu Griechenland : Schuldenstreit wird Chefsache ...

    Die Gespräche zwischen Griechenland und den internationalen Geldgebern scheinen festgefahren. Am Rande des heute beginnenden EU-Gipfels wird es ein Sondertreffen zum Schuldenstreit geben. Der wird damit Chefsache. Athen räumte Liquiditätsprobleme ein.

    Von Holger Romann, ARD-Hörfunkstudio Brüssel

    Schonzeiten sind in der Politik relativ, zumal in der europäischen. Das muss Alexis Tsipras dieser Tage am eigenen Leib erfahren. Nicht einmal zwei Monate ist der junge, noch recht unerfahrene Mann griechischer Ministerpräsident. Doch diese zwei Monate waren für ihn und sein Land ein einziges Wechselbad aus Triumphgefühlen, Lehrstunden und Rückschlägen. Bei seinem ersten EU-Gipfel, Mitte Februar, hatte man den Neuen noch mit offenen Armen empfangen. Und das, obwohl keiner der Regierungschefs ein echter Fan seines Links-Rechts-Bündnisses ist.

    Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel betonte vor fünf Wochen, dass Europa immer darauf ausgerichtet sei, einen Kompromiss zu finden: "Deutschland ist dazu bereit", so die rhetorische Streicheleinheit der Kanzlerin damals................http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/eu-gipfel-griechenland-101.html

  124. Schulz: Griechenland braucht schnell bis zu drei Milliarden Euro...

    Die Geldgeber Griechenlands fühlen sich ignoriert und beklagen mangelnde Kooperationsbereitschaft. Gleichzeitig drängt Griechenland auf eine neue Finanzspritze. EU-Parlamentspräsident Martin Schulz sagt, das Land brauche kurzfristig zwei bis drei Milliarden Euro. Der EU-Gipfel soll nun die Lösung bringen. ...........http://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/eurokrise/griechenland/martin-schulz-griechenland-braucht-drei-milliarden-euro-13492525.html

  125. Griechenland stoppt Gespräche mit Geldgebern ...

    Die Stimmung zwischen Griechenland und seinen Geldgebern verschlechtert sich erneut - die Gespräche sind vorerst ausgesetzt. Einem Medienbericht zufolge hat die Regierung in Athen die "Institutionen" rausgeworfen.

    Ein neuer Tag mit schlechten Nachrichten von der griechischen Schuldenkrise: Die Gespräche zwischen der Regierung in Athen und den internationalen Geldgebern über die weitere Zusammenarbeit sind offenbar erneut gescheitert. Politische Kreise in Athen bestätigten einen entsprechenden Medienbericht, in Brüssel hieß es, die Gespräche seien auf Eis gelegt worden..................http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/soziales/griechenland-regierung-schmeisst-troika-raus-a-1024336.html

  126. Lebanon to seek $2 billion in aid for Syrian refugees...

    Lebanon will request for $2.1 billion in international aid for Syrian refugees to cover expenses for next two years, Social Affairs Minister Rashid Derbas said Thursday.

    “Lebanon will ask the [Kuwait] conference for $2.1 billion to address the refugees’ needs over the course of two years, provided that the financial aid comes directly to Lebanon and not to the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) or other U.N. organizations,” Derbas told local daily Al-Liwaa.....................http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Lebanon-News/2015/Mar-19/291359-lebanon-to-seek-2-billion-in-aid-to-syrian-refugees.ashx

  127. Merkel : «Si l’euro échoue, l’Europe échoue»...

    La chancelière allemande a prononcé ce jeudi matin un vibrant discours devant le Bundestag excluant de facto une sortie de la Grèce de l’euro.

    Angela Merkel a prononcé ce jeudi matin un vibrant discours devant le Bundestag excluant de facto une sortie de la Grèce de l’euro. C’est la première fois que la chancelière allemande se positionne aussi clairement contre un « Grexit » depuis que la crise grecque est revenue sur le devant de la scène, après l’élection du gouvernement d’Alexis Tsipras fin janvier.

    «J’ai toujours dit, si l’euro échoue, l’Europe échoue, a déclaré Angela Merkel avant de se rendre à Bruxelles où elle doit participer au sommet européen. Certains ont trouvé cela trop dramatique mais je reste sur cette position car l’euro est beaucoup plus qu’une monnaie», a-t-elle ajouté, évoquant les succès de la zone euro et de l’Union européenne, communauté de paix, de stabilité et de liberté, selon elle.

    La phrase «si l’euro échoue, l’Europe échoue» a contribué à la création du parti eurosceptique AfD. Son nom - Alternative pour l’Allemagne - est une réponse à la politique européenne d’Angela Merkel, qui juge qu’il n’y a pas d’alternative à la monnaie unique. Pour autant, la chancelière a parlé d’un «tour de force» devant lequel Athènes est confronté pour sortir de la crise.

  128. The United States will remove sanctions on Iran only in stages as part of a nuclear deal, tied to Tehran's "verifiable" steps in curbing its nuclear activities, a senior US Treasury official said on Thursday...

    Iran and six world powers are seeking an agreement to curb Iran's most sensitive nuclear activities for at least 10 years in exchange for a gradual end to sanctions on Tehran.

    If the powers reach a deal, Washington still plans to keep any sanctions tied to Iran's support for militant groups, human rights abuses and other "destabilizing" activities in the Middle East, said Adam Szubin, the acting head of Treasury's Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence.

  129. The United States is deeply disturbed by reports that Syria attacked the town of Sarmin using chlorine as a weapon on March 16, Secretary of State John Kerry said in a statement on Thursday...

    "We are looking very closely into this matter and considering next steps," he said. "While we cannot yet confirm details, if true, this would be only the latest tragic example of the Assad regime's atrocities against the Syrian people, which the entire international community must condemn."

  130. US ‘to reevaluate’ backing of Israel at UN ...

    The White House on Thursday raised the prospect of withdrawing crucial diplomatic cover for Israel at the United Nations, following Benjamin Netanyahu's divisive election victory.

    Angered by Netanyahu's shock campaign pledge to block the creation of a Palestinian state, the White House warned the foundation of its policy for backing Israel had been undermined.

    The United States – a veto-wielding member of the UN Security Council – has frequently opposed moves at the UN to recognize a Palestinian state.

    "Steps that the United States has taken at the United Nations had been predicated on this idea that the two-state solution is the best outcome," said spokesman Josh Earnest.................http://www.france24.com/en/20150319-us-israel-un-reevaluate-netanyahu/

  131. Kremlin: Russia will consider national interests to decide on counter-sanctions...

    Russia will decide on the extension of its counter-sanctions proceeding from its national interests, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday.

    "We’re not discussing these issues and the Russian Federation will do what meets its national interests with regard to retaliatory steps," the spokesman said in reply to a question about whether Moscow would extend its counter-sanctions in response to the West’s intention to keep its restrictions until the Minsk accords are met in full.

    "We have already said the topic of sanctions is not the theme which is on our agenda. We prefer after all to deal with constructive issues in our agenda rather than such destructive topics as sanctions rhetoric," the presidential spokesman said.........http://tass.ru/en/russia/783973

  132. EU: Widerstand gegen Russland-Sanktionen wächst - Experten...

    Ungarn, Griechenland, Italien, Österreich, Spanien, Zypern und die Slowakei sind gegen die Politik von systematischen Sanktionen gegen Russland im Ukraine-Konflikt. Von RIA Novosti befragte Experten erklären die Positionen ihrer Länder...............http://de.sputniknews.com/wirtschaft/20150320/301582372.html#ixzz3UwmKj1FW

  133. Cyprus invites Russian companies to take part in hydrocarbons development projects within the exclusive economic zone of the country, minister of energy, trade, industry and tourism Yiorgos Lakkotrypis said on Friday in his address to participants in Cyprus-Russian Business and Investment Forum....

    The forum is organized by chambers of commerce and industry of both nations with assistance of Cyprus-Russia Association of Business Cooperation and the Friendship Society. More than 200 representatives of business communities, experts, political leaders and parliament members are taking part in the event.............http://tass.ru/en/economy/784070

  134. The European Union has produced an explosive new report recommending sanctions against Israel over its construction policies and security measures in Jerusalem, the British daily Guardian reported on its website on Friday...

    The leaked report, which comes just days after incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu handily won re-election, describes Israel's capital as a city gripped by the worst "polarization and violence" since the Second Intifada of a decade ago.

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