European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker said Friday he was making 2
billion euros ($2.44 billion) of unused EU development funds available
to Greece as it battles a cash crunch.
Juncker made the offer a day after crisis talks between Greece's new Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and European leaders to shore up Greece's faltering EU-IMF bailout.
The two-month-old radical government of Tsipras has until April to reach agreement with its creditors, but its cash reserves are running dangerously low.
Late on Thursday, European leaders said they had agreed with Greece to finish work "as fast as possible" to unblock loans helping Athens to avoid bankruptcy and a catastrophic exit from the euro. "We have put the process back on track," Tsipras said after talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Francois Hollande and the EU's top officials on the sidelines of a summit in Brussels.
"Greek authorities will have the ownership of the reforms and will present a full list of specific reforms in the next days," said a statement issued after the talks.
France's Hollande urged Greece "to be more precise in its reform proposals and introduce them faster than planned." Greece's new government, which intends to eliminate austerity, made a pledge in February to present alternative reforms to its creditors by April. But technical talks in Athens and Brussels largely stalled amid reports that the Greek officials were being uncooperative in handing over budget data.
The Greek finance ministry on Friday said it was expecting a "detailed list" from EU-IMF technical teams on their data requirements.
In past weeks, the Greek government has released several reform lists but without citing the possible cost of the measures, a crucial point for the country's creditors................AFP................
Juncker made the offer a day after crisis talks between Greece's new Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and European leaders to shore up Greece's faltering EU-IMF bailout.
The two-month-old radical government of Tsipras has until April to reach agreement with its creditors, but its cash reserves are running dangerously low.
Late on Thursday, European leaders said they had agreed with Greece to finish work "as fast as possible" to unblock loans helping Athens to avoid bankruptcy and a catastrophic exit from the euro. "We have put the process back on track," Tsipras said after talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Francois Hollande and the EU's top officials on the sidelines of a summit in Brussels.
"Greek authorities will have the ownership of the reforms and will present a full list of specific reforms in the next days," said a statement issued after the talks.
France's Hollande urged Greece "to be more precise in its reform proposals and introduce them faster than planned." Greece's new government, which intends to eliminate austerity, made a pledge in February to present alternative reforms to its creditors by April. But technical talks in Athens and Brussels largely stalled amid reports that the Greek officials were being uncooperative in handing over budget data.
The Greek finance ministry on Friday said it was expecting a "detailed list" from EU-IMF technical teams on their data requirements.
In past weeks, the Greek government has released several reform lists but without citing the possible cost of the measures, a crucial point for the country's creditors................AFP................
La UE da un respiro a Grecia con una partida de 2.000 millones de euros...
ReplyDeleteLa Unión Europea comienza a dar aire a Grecia para aliviar su crítica situación económica y, al tiempo, intentar implicarla en las reformas exigidas para desembolsar dinero europeo. El presidente de la Comisión Europea, Jean-Claude Juncker, ha anunciado esta tarde una ayuda de 2.000 millones de euros para realizar proyectos de desarrollo este año. Juncker, el dirigente comunitario que hasta ahora ha mostrado la actitud más conciliadora hacia Atenas, ha asegurado que tomó esta decisión tras reunirse hace unos días con el primer ministro griego, Alexis Tsipras.............
Grèce: deux milliards d'euros de fonds européens non utilisés...
ReplyDeleteLa situation de la Grèce s'est brièvement invitée à la table des dirigeants européens réunis en sommet à Bruxelles quand le président de la Commission européenne Jean-Claude Juncker et son homologue du Conseil européen Donald Tusk ont présenté les résultats du "mini-sommet" organisé jeudi soir entre la Grèce et quelques dirigeants européens.
Lors de la conférence de presse à l'issue du sommet, Jean-Claude Juncker et Donald Tusk se sont rangés derrière la courte déclaration publiée dans la nuit pour réaffirmer l'importance des accords conclus le 20 février en Eurogroupe, la formation qui réunit les ministres des Finances de la zone euro, et promettre que les autorités grecques "auront la propriété des réformes".
En conférence de presse, Jean-Claude Juncker a reconnu "qu'on peut parler de crise humanitaire" en Grèce, un terme régulièrement utilisé par le gouvernement grec d'Alexis Tsipras mais encore peu repris jusqu'ici dans les cercles européens...............