Friday, March 6, 2015

A U.S.-drafted resolution: Russia supports UNSC resolution on inadmissibility of chlorine use in Syria

The United Nations Security Council on Friday passed a resolution on inadmissibility of the use of chlorine and other poisonous substances in combat operations in Syria.
The document provides for possible introduction of measures under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter in case such incidents reoccur.

The resolution was supported by 14 countries, including Russia. 

Venezuela abstained.
  • U.N. council threatens action if chlorine used in attacks in Syria...

(Reuters) - The United Nations Security Council condemned the use of chlorine as a weapon in Syria and threatened to take action if such arms are used again in the conflict, which is now in its fourth year, but didn't lay blame for previous chlorine attacks.

The 15-member council adopted a resolution that "stresses that those individuals responsible for any use of chemicals as weapons, including chlorine or any other toxic chemical, must be held accountable."

Fourteen members, including Syrian ally Russia, voted in favor of the U.S.-drafted resolution. Venezuela abstained because it said the resolution "opens a dangerous path to the use of force." .................



1 comment :

  1. Allegations of Chemical Weapons Use in Sarmin, Syria (U.S. State Department) ...

    Press Statement
    John Kerry
    Secretary of State
    Washington, DC
    March 19, 2015

    "The United States is deeply disturbed by reports that the Assad regime used chlorine as a weapon again, this time on March 16 in an attack on the town of Sarmin. We are looking very closely into this matter and considering next steps. While we cannot yet confirm details, if true, this would be only the latest tragic example of the Assad regime's atrocities against the Syrian people, which the entire international community must condemn.

    What is clear is that the Assad regime continues to flout international standards and norms, including, if these latest allegations are verified, the Chemical Weapons Convention. The international community cannot turn a blind eye to such barbarism. As has been well documented, the Assad regime continues to terrorize the people of Syria through indiscriminate airstrikes, barrel bombings, arbitrary detention, torture, sexual violence, murder, and starvation. The Assad regime must be held accountable for such atrocious behavior.....................


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