The UN's highest court has ruled that Serbia did not commit genocide against Croats during the Balkan wars of the early 1990s.
"Croatia has failed to substantiate its claim that genocide was committed" by Serbia, Judge Peter Tomka said.
He was reading the verdict in the landmark case at the Hague-based International Court of Justice.
A 17-judge bench ruled that the acts committed by the Serbs had not intended to "destroy" the Croatian ethnic group in certain areas of Croatia claimed by Serb secessionists, but to "move them by force."
The ICJ also dismissed a claim of genocide by Croatia against Serbs during an offensive to take back territory in the mid-1990s.
Croatia brought Serbia before the ICJ in 1999 on genocide charges linked to Croatia's war of independence in 1991-95 following the breakup of the former Yugoslavia.
Serbia was accused of ethnic cleansing as a "form of genocide", leading to large numbers of Croats being displaced, killed or tortured and their property being destroyed.
Croatia had sought financial compensation.
About 20,000 people died in the conflict, one of several bloody wars that shook the Balkans in the 1990s.
Belgrade responded with a counter-suit in 2010, saying 200,000 ethnic Serbs were forced to flee when Croatia launched a military operation to retake its territory.
Following Zagreb's counter-offensive, called Operation Storm, the proportion of ethnic Serbs in Croatia shrank from 12% to 4%.
"Croatia has failed to substantiate its claim that genocide was committed" by Serbia, Judge Peter Tomka said.
He was reading the verdict in the landmark case at the Hague-based International Court of Justice.
A 17-judge bench ruled that the acts committed by the Serbs had not intended to "destroy" the Croatian ethnic group in certain areas of Croatia claimed by Serb secessionists, but to "move them by force."
The ICJ also dismissed a claim of genocide by Croatia against Serbs during an offensive to take back territory in the mid-1990s.
Croatia brought Serbia before the ICJ in 1999 on genocide charges linked to Croatia's war of independence in 1991-95 following the breakup of the former Yugoslavia.
Serbia was accused of ethnic cleansing as a "form of genocide", leading to large numbers of Croats being displaced, killed or tortured and their property being destroyed.
Croatia had sought financial compensation.
About 20,000 people died in the conflict, one of several bloody wars that shook the Balkans in the 1990s.
Belgrade responded with a counter-suit in 2010, saying 200,000 ethnic Serbs were forced to flee when Croatia launched a military operation to retake its territory.
Following Zagreb's counter-offensive, called Operation Storm, the proportion of ethnic Serbs in Croatia shrank from 12% to 4%.
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague ruled Tuesday that Serbia did not commit genocide in Croatia during the 1991-1995 Yugoslav war...
ReplyDeleteCourt President Peter Tomka, reading out the decision passed by 17 judges, said Croatia failed to prove Serbia's intention to exterminate the Croatian population during the 1991-1995 Yugoslav war. The claim was rejected by 15 votes to two.
Serbia's counterclaim against Croatia was rejected by the court unanimously...............
BalkankriegIGH spricht Serbien und Kroatien vom Vorwurf des Völkermordes frei...
ReplyDeleteDer Krieg Serbiens gegen das abtrünnige Kroatien war dem Internationalen Gerichtshof zufolge kein Genozid. Auch die Gegenklage Serbiens wies das Gericht zurück.
Serbien hat sich nach Auffassung des Internationalen Gerichtshofs (IGH) in Den Haag während des Krieges Anfang der neunziger Jahre nicht des Völkermordes an Kroaten schuldig gemacht. Das Urteil gab der Vorsitzende Richter des höchsten UN-Tribunals, Peter Tomka, bekannt.
Der Internationale Gerichtshof hatte darüber zu entscheiden, ob Serbien im Krieg mit der abtrünnigen jugoslawischen Teilrepublik Kroatien in den Jahren 1991 und 1995 einen Völkermord begangen hat...............
Serbian PresidIent Tomislav Nikolic on Tuesday (Feb 3) voiced hope for lasting peace in the volatile Balkans region after the UN's top court rejected rival claims of genocide by Zagreb and Belgrade during the 1990s war...
ReplyDelete"I hope that in the future Serbia and Croatia will have the strength to jointly resolve all that is hampering the possibility of establishing a period of lasting peace and prosperity in our region," Nikolic told journalists.
- AFP/by
Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic voiced dismay Tuesday after the UN's top court rejected its genocide claim against Serbia in over the 1990s war...
ReplyDelete"We are not satisfied with the court's ruling, but we accept it in a civilised manner," Milanovic told reporters, adding that the International Court of Justice's verdict was final.
The IJC dismissed Croatia's claim that Serb forces committed genocide during the country's 1991-1995 war of independence and issued a similar ruling on a counter-claim by Belgrade over a Croatian counter-offensive that forced 200,000 Serbs to flee.