The United States on Feb. 10 denied that it was coordinating air strikes
either directly or indirectly with the Syrian regime against Islamic
militants and renewed calls for President Bashar al-Assad to go.
In an interview with the BBC, Assad said Damascus was being informed about the US-led coalition air strikes against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)..............US denies 'coordinating' Syria air strikes with Assad
In an interview with the BBC, Assad said Damascus was being informed about the US-led coalition air strikes against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)..............US denies 'coordinating' Syria air strikes with Assad
Stocks Soar As Greece Reaches Emergency Loan Deal With Eurozone...
ReplyDeleteStock markets in the United States hit record highs Friday after Greece and its eurozone creditors agreed in principle on a deal to extend emergency aid to Athens — staving off the threat of imminent bankruptcy. But bigger hurdles lie ahead...... VOA's Henry Ridgwell reports.......video.......http://www.voanews.com/media/video/stocks-soar-greece-reaches-loan-deal-eurozone/2653003.html
Griechenland-Krise: Athen und Euro-Partner einigen sich im Schuldenstreit...
ReplyDeleteGriechenland und die Euro-Gruppe haben sich auf eine Fortführung der Finanzhilfen für Athen geeinigt. Das pleitebedrohte Land hat Zeit gewonnen - doch gelöst ist die Krise noch nicht.
Am Ende ging es schneller als erwartet - ohne aufreibende Nachtsitzung und ohne ermüdenden Verhandlungsmarathon. Selbst die kühnsten Optimisten in Brüssel hatten im griechischen Schuldendrama nicht diesen Ausgang erwartet...............http://www.n24.de/n24/Nachrichten/Politik/d/6182910/athen-und-euro-partner-einigen-sich-im-schuldenstreit.html
Yunanistan'ın mali programına 4 ay şartlı uzatma...
ReplyDeleteAvro Bölgesi maliye bakanları Yunanistan'ın Şubat sonunda sona eren mali programının 4 ay şartlı uzatılması konusunda anlaştı.
Avusturya Maliye Bakanı Hans Jörg Schelling, Avro Bölgesi maliye bakanlarının 5 saate yakın süren toplantısının ardından yaptığı açıklamada, Yunanistan'ın mali programının "şartlı olarak" 4 ay uzatılacağını söyledi.
Schelling, Yunanistan'ın uzatma karşılığı hangi reformları hayata geçireceğini Pazartesi troykaya sunacağını ve uygun görülmesi halinde Avro Bölgesi maliye bakanlarının Salı günü nihai onayı vereceğini belirtti.
Yunanistan mali programının 6 ay uzatılması için dün resmi başvurusunu yapmış, bunun üzerine Avro Bölgesi maliye bakanları olağanüstü toplanma kararı almıştı..................http://www.aa.com.tr/tr/manset/468519--avro-bolgesinden-yunanistana-4-ay-sure
Head of the foreign-affairs committee of the Russian State Duma (lower house of parliament) Alexei Pushkov said Moody's is untrustworthy and overly politicized after the agency lowered Russia's sovereign debt rating to Ba1...
ReplyDelete"There is a feeling that Moody's ratings are written either by [US] Senator [John] McCain, or [US Vice President] Joe Biden. Everything is so politically charged that it's impossible to trust them," Pushkov wrote on his Twitter page early on Saturday.
Moody's downgraded Russia's sovereign debt rating from Baa3 to Ba1 with a negative outlook late on Friday. The rating agency cited the situation in Ukraine and a decline in oil prices as some of the reasons behind the decision.
The Russian Finance Ministry said that Moody's downgrade was based on an excessively pessimistic forecast that does not reflect the real market situation..................Read more: http://sputniknews.com/business/20150221/1018564066.html#ixzz3SMRYoEXQ
Australia prepares for floods in aftermath of major cyclones...
ReplyDeleteAustralia braced on Saturday for heavy rains and floods after weather authorities downgraded two cyclones that lashed its north and northeast, damaging homes and snapping power links, but there were no reports of casualties.
Troops were on standby to help with clean-up efforts in the northeastern state of Queensland after heavy rains and winds in excess of 200 kph (125 mph) brought by Cyclone Marcia on Friday.
Weather authorities warned of destructive winds, heavy rains and abnormally high tides as rivers swelled, but officials said the storm's impact had been weaker than expected....................http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/21/us-australia-cyclone-idUSKBN0LP05X20150221?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews
Best Solution for Eurozone Crisis? Germany Should Divorce the Euro...
ReplyDeleteBerlin insists that the road to recovery and prosperity lies through trade surplus and export-led growth, but the former is what hurts the country and the Eurozone, according to some experts.
"Germany’s chronic trade surpluses lie at the heart of Europe’s problems; far from boosting the global economy, they are dragging it down. The best way to end this perverse situation is for Germany to leave the Eurozone," argues Patrick Chovanec, an adjunct professor at the School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University.
Germany produces more than it spends, but there is no evident reason for Berlin not to spend excess savings on goods and services, as well as smart investing both domestically and abroad, according to the expert. Instead, Germany lends money to struggling European economies, forcing them in fact to spend less....................http://sputniknews.com/business/20150221/1018568181.html#ixzz3SNUb2eIB
Wagenknecht kritisiert Erpressung Griechenlands...
ReplyDeleteDie Linken-Politikerin hat die Eurogruppe für ihren Verhandlungsstil gerügt. Die CSU nennt die Einigung "nicht zustimmungsfähig" und prophezeit ihr Scheitern.
Die stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Partei Die Linke, Sahra Wagenknecht, hat die Eurogruppe für ihren Verhandlungsstil scharf kritisiert. Es sei unglaublich, mit welcher Ignoranz die griechische Regierung bei den Verhandlungen erpresst worden sei, sagte Wagenknecht. "Es ist gut, dass die Bundesregierung mit ihrer unnachgiebigen Alles-oder-nichts-Position von den anderen Euroländern ausgebremst wurde."..................http://www.zeit.de/wirtschaft/2015-02/griechenland-eurogruppe-sahra-wagenknecht-kritik
Ausgeträumt: Griechenland auf dem Boden der Tatsachen ...
ReplyDeleteGriechenland, die Länder der Euro-Gruppe und der IWF haben sich geeinigt. Das Hilfsprogramm soll vier Monate weiterlaufen. Nun warten alle auf einen überzeugenden Reformplan.
Wolfgang Schäuble ist ein Mann, der schon lange Politik macht. Ein alter Hase im Geschäft. Und so kann man es ihm verzeihen, wenn er – auf die griechische Regierung angesprochen – zu einer fast schon väterlichen Weisheit greift. "Regieren ist ein Rendezvous mit der Realität", sagte der 72-Jährige am späten Freitagabend in Brüssel. "Und die Realität ist manchmal nicht so schön wie die Träume."............http://www.n24.de/n24/Nachrichten/Wirtschaft/d/6183424/griechenland-auf-dem-boden-der-tatsachen.html
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has warned of "real difficulties" ahead, as his government faces a Monday deadline to submit a list of reforms to lenders....
ReplyDeleteUnder a deal agreed on Friday, the list must be approved by the international creditors in order for Greece to secure a four-month extension of its bailout.
"We won a battle, not the war," Mr Tspiras said on Saturday.
The deal is widely regarded as a major climb down for the PM, who won power vowing to reverse budget cuts.
He hailed the agreement as a "decisive step" that "achieved much" towards ending austerity, but added: "We have a long and difficult road ahead."
The BBC's Mark Lowen in Athens says the government is engaged in a hard-sell to the Greek people over the deal with eurozone ministers and the IMF in Brussels.
The Greek cabinet is due to meet to discuss it later on Saturday.
No details have emerged about the potential list of reforms, which must be approved before eurozone members ratify the bailout extension on Tuesday.
Analysts say a collapse of the deal would revive fears of an exit from the euro, a so-called "grexit" - something both the EU and Greece say they want to avoid...............http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-31564846
La pauvreté atteint des records en Allemagne selon une étude...
ReplyDelete12 millions de personnes vivent en dessous du seuil de pauvreté en Allemagne, soit 11% de pauvres en plus par rapport à 2006. Un niveau jamais atteint selon un rapport réalisé par l’organisation allemande d’aide sociale "Paritatischer Wohlfahrtsverband". Et cette dernière estime que l’introduction du salaire minimum n’y changera rien................http://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_la-pauvrete-atteint-des-records-en-allemagne-selon-une-etude?id=8912698
Ianoukovitch: l'Europe est responsable des événements en Ukraine...
ReplyDeleteL'ex-président ukrainien Viktor Ianoukovitch a rejeté la responsabilité du conflit en Ukraine sur les ministres européens qui avaient initié la signature d'un accord avec l'opposition à Kiev en février 2014.
L'Europe doit assumer la responsabilité des événements en cours en Ukraine, a déclaré samedi l'ancien président ukrainien Viktor Ianoukovitch.
"L'arrivée de trois ministres européens à Kiev était significative. Ils ont élaboré un accord en coopération avec le président, les autorités ukrainiennes et l'opposition. Comment peut-on le qualifier? Participation, complicité? A quel titre sont-ils arrivés en Ukraine? Ils ont été à l'origine de ce processus, ils doivent alors en assumer la responsabilité", a indiqué M.Ianoukovtch à la chaîne de télévision Rossia.................http://fr.sputniknews.com/international/20150221/1014839846.html#ixzz3SOcuEWTR
Die russische Bewegung „Anti-Maidan“ hat am Samstag in Moskau rund 35 000 Anhänger zu einer Demonstration engagiert. Das teilte ein Polizeisprecher RIA Novosti mit...
ReplyDeleteDie Aktion der im vergangenen Jahr ins Leben gerufenen Bewegung findet im Stadtzentrum Moskaus unweit des Kremls statt. Das Ziel der Bewegung besteht laut ihren Gründern darin, „jenen entgegenzuwirken, die Russland bedrohen“.
Die Organisatoren hatten zuvor höchstens 10 000 Teilnehmer beantragt. Zugleich erklärten sie sich bereit, eine Strafe zu zahlen, falls die Zahl diese Grenze übersteigt.
Verstärkte Polizeiaufgebote sorgen dafür, dass es nicht zu Provokationen oder Zusammenstößen kommt und die Tätigkeit städtischer Dienste nicht gestört wird.....................http://de.sputniknews.com/panorama/20150221/301221575.html#ixzz3SOdipqRn
Entmachteter Janukowitsch überlegt Rückkehr in Ukraine...
DeleteEin Jahr nach seiner Flucht aus der Ukraine hat der entmachtete Präsident Viktor Janukowitsch eine Rückkehr nicht ausgeschlossen. "Sobald sich eine Möglichkeit bietet zurückzukehren, werde ich zurückkehren und alles tun, um das Leben in der Ukraine zu verbessern", sagte er in einem am Samstag ausgestrahlten Interview des staatlichen russischen Fernsehens.
"Derzeit ist die wichtigste Aufgabe, den Krieg zu beenden". Janukowitsch setzte sich vor genau einem Jahr nach Russland ab, nachdem bei den Protesten in Kiew innerhalb von drei Tagen mehr als 100 Demonstranten erschossen worden waren. Die Demonstrationen richteten sich gegen Janukowitsch und dessen prorussischen Kurs. Janukowitsch begründete seine Flucht damit, er habe um sein Leben fürchten müssen.............http://diepresse.com/home/politik/aussenpolitik/4668596/Entmachteter-Janukowitsch-uberlegt-Ruckkehr-in-Ukraine?from=rss
Vicecanciller ucraniano indica que Kiev se prepara para "una guerra a gran escala" contra Rusia...
ReplyDelete"Nos estamos preparando para una guerra a gran escala", implicó en una entrevista a la emisora canadiense CBC.
Pristaiko pidió que Canadá suministre armas letales al país eslavo para que Ucrania pueda defenderse.
El viceministro subrayó que Ucrania necesita también ayuda financiera que le prometieron Canadá junto con Japón.
Las autoridades ucranianas se han dirigido en reiteradas ocasiones a EEUU y otros países para solicitar el suministro de armas.
En la actualidad, Washington debate activamente la ampliación de la ayuda militar a Ucrania y la posibilidad de suministrar a la nación eslava armas letales..................http://mundo.sputniknews.com/mundo/20150221/1034688151.html#ixzz3SOe3V0Gm
États-Unis et Royaume-Uni réfléchissent à des «sanctions supplémentaires» contre la Russie...
ReplyDeleteLes États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni envisagent des « sanctions supplémentaires » à l’encontre de la Russie, dont le comportement en Ukraine est jugé « extrêmement lâche », a annoncé ce samedi à Londres le secrétaire d’État américain John Kerry.
« Nous parlons de sanctions supplémentaires, d’efforts supplémentaires. (…) Nous n’allons pas rester là sans rien faire et cautionner ce genre de comportement extrêmement lâche au détriment de la souveraineté et de l’intégrité d’une nation », a déclaré le patron de la diplomatie américaine qui rencontrait à Londres son homologue britannique Philip Hammond..................http://www.lesoir.be/801194/article/actualite/monde/2015-02-21/etats-unis-et-royaume-uni-reflechissent-des-sanctions-supplementaires-contre-rus
Oil-exporter Azerbaijan devalues currency 33.5 percent...
ReplyDeleteAzerbaijan’s Central Bank has suddenly devalued the country’s currency by 33.5 percent against the dollar.
Like Russia, Azerbaijan has been hurt by the sharp decline in the price of oil, its main export. Russia’s currency has lost more than half of its value in the past year..........http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/oil-exporter-azerbaijan-devalues-currency-335-percent.aspx?pageID=238&nID=78653&NewsCatID=355
Griechenland-Deal: Südeuropa wollte Athen noch härter rannehmen..
ReplyDeleteWäre es nach den anderen Krisenländern der Euro-Zone gegangen, hätte es noch schärfere Auflagen für Athen gegeben. Sie haben die Reformen längst hinter sich, denen sich die Griechen verweigerten.
Am Freitagabend war Janis Varoufakis in einer schwierigen Position. Der griechische Finanzminister saß in einem Kellerraum des Brüsseler Ratsgebäudes, die griechische und die europäische Flagge hinter sich, um über den Kompromiss im Schuldenstreit zu sprechen.
Er hatte versprochen, ehrlich zu antworten, und wurde gefragt, wie er es denn fände, dass Portugal und Spanien für noch härtere Auflagen gegen Griechenland eingetreten waren.
"Sie machen es mir schwer", antwortete der Ökonom, der dasselbe Sakko mit dem hochgeschlagenen Kragen trug, das er sich schon bei den letzten Beratungen mit den Euro-Partnern übergestreift hatte. Dann blickte er angestrengt, als überlege er, wie er auf die Frage antworten könnte. "Ich habe versprochen, die Wahrheit zu sagen", sagte er zögerlich, "aber es gibt doch so etwas wie gutes Benehmen"...................http://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article137695331/Suedeuropa-wollte-Athen-noch-haerter-rannehmen.html
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras declared victory on Saturday after agreeing a conditional financial rescue deal with Europe and despite making big concessions to avert a banking collapse within days...
ReplyDeleteWith his left-wing leadership pilloried by German conservatives, Tsipras insisted that Friday night’s last-minute agreement cancelled austerity commitments and dispensed with the “troika” – European and IMF inspectors loathed by many Greeks.
“Yesterday we took a decisive step, leaving austerity, the bailouts and the troika behind,” he said in a televised statement to the Greek nation. “We won a battle, not the war. The difficulties, the real difficulties … are ahead of us.”...................http://www.parikiaki.com/2015/02/tsipras-declares-victory-as-greece-dodges-financial-ruin/#sthash.4kZLvh3I.dpuf
Earthquake M 5.8 - NORTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA ...local time: 14:42
ReplyDeleteMagnitude M 5.8
Date time 2015-02-22 06:42:57.0 UTC
Location 44.35 N ; 85.97 E
Depth 30 km
143 km NW of Urunchi, China / pop: 1,508,225 / local time: 14:42:55.6 2015-02-22
6 km NW of Shihezi, China / pop: 572,772 / local time: 14:42:55.6 2015-02-22
В китайском Синьцзяне зафиксировано землетрясение магнитудой 5,0...
DeleteВ западном регионе КНР - Синьцзян-Уйгурском автономном районе (СУАР) - зафиксировано землетрясение магнитудой 5,0, сообщило агентство Синьхуа в воскресенье.
Подземные толчки были отмечены в 14:42 по местному времени (09:42 мск) в уезде Шаван.
О пострадавших в результате ЧП и возможных разрушениях на данный момент не сообщается.
The pullout of heavy armaments from the line of contact in Donbass (the Donetsk and Luhansk regions in east Ukraine) should start today, the Ukrainskaya Pravda newspaper reported citing Pyotr Kanonik, the head of the Ukrainian group of military in the Joint Center for Control and Coordination (JCCC) of ceasefire issues and situation stabilization...
ReplyDelete"An hour ago, Russia’s representative in the joint center [Col. Gen.] Alexander Lentsov signed [with self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic leader Alexander] Zakharchenko, and before that, with [head of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic Igor] Plotnitsky documents to pull out heavy armaments," Kanonik said...............http://tass.ru/en/world/779094
Griechische Reformliste wird "kurz und einfach" sein...
ReplyDeleteErst die Reformliste, dann möglicherweise die Verlängerung der Finanzhilfen. Athen muss seinen Geldgebern bis Montag Vorschläge unterbreiten. Finanzminister Varoufakis will schon Sonntag liefern.
Die von den Geldgebern angeforderte griechische Reformliste wird allen Anzeichen nach nicht lang und nicht zu detailliert sein. Die Liste sei fast fertig und sie beinhalte hauptsächlich eine Reihe von Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung der Korruption und der Steuerhinterziehung, erfuhr die Deutsche Presse-Agentur am Sonntag aus Regierungskreisen.
Vizeregierungschef Giannis Dragasakis hatte am Samstag Reportern gesagt: "Es wird etwas Einfaches sein." Die Liste sollte am Montagmorgen an die Geldgeber geschickt werden............................http://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article137696972/Griechische-Reformliste-wird-kurz-und-einfach-sein.html
Athens Reformliste ist fast fertig...
ReplyDeleteUm die unter Vorbehalt zugesagte Kreditverlängerung zu sichern, muss Athen bis Montag eine Liste mit Sparzusagen vorlegen. Die Liste werde heute fertig sein, sagte Finanzminister Varoufakis. Er sei sich "fast sicher", dass die Eurostaaten die Vorschläge billigen.
Die Liste Athens mit den von den Geldgebern geforderten Reformen wird allen Anzeichen nach bereits heute fertiggestellt. An die EU, die Europäische Zentralbank und den Internationalen Währungsfonds soll sie aber erst am Montag geschickt werden. "Die Liste wird Montagfrüh abgeschickt", sagte Griechenlands Regierungschef Alexis Tsipras Reportern in Athen..................http://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/griechenland-343.html
Dozens were feared missing Sunday when a ferry sank in central Bangladesh after colliding with a cargo ship, police said...
ReplyDeleteSurvivors said the twin-deck MV Mostofa was carrying between 70-150 passengers when it capsized in the middle of the Padma river, local police chief Rakibuz Zaman told AFP.
"Some 50 people swam ashore or were rescued by other vessels," he added.
Ferries in Bangladesh do not normally keep passenger lists, which makes it difficult to establish how many are missing after an accident.
Boat capsizes are common in the riverine and densely populated nation.
Ukraine: l'Europe paie le prix de la mégalomanie américaine...
ReplyDeleteLa crise ukrainienne pourrait marquer un tournant dans les relations entre l'UE et les Etats-Unis, selon le journaliste US Finian Cunningham.
Un quart de siècle depuis la fin de la "guerre froide", Washington continue d'exploiter l'Europe sous le prétexte de la protéger du "monstre slave", estime le journaliste américain Finian Cunningham.
"Qui paie pour cette provocatrice mégalomanie américaine? Comme d'habitude, с'est l'Europe. La guerre aux portes et les sanctions qui déchirent l'économie européenne, tel est le prix de l'alliance avec les Américains", affirme le journaliste....................http://fr.sputniknews.com/international/20150222/1014846283.html#ixzz3STUthIEQ
Greece will crack down on tax evasion and streamline its civil service in its bid to secure a bailout extension, minister of state Nikos Pappas says...
ReplyDeleteThe government is working on a package of reforms that it must submit to international creditors on Monday.
If the reforms are approved, Greece will be granted a vital four-month extension on its debt repayments.
Mr Pappas said the reforms being proposed would take the Greek economy "out of sedation".
"We are compiling a list of measures to make the Greek civil service more effective and to combat tax evasion," he told Greece's Mega Channel.
He added that talks this week would be "a daily battle... every centimetre of ground must be won with effort"...............http://www.bbc.com/news/business-31574868
Two people were killed and about a dozen injured in a bomb explosion at a march Sunday in Ukraine's second-largest city marking the first anniversary of the ouster of president Viktor Yanukovych, the country's interior ministry said...
ReplyDeleteThe Interior Ministry said the blast in the eastern city Kharkiv was due to an "unknown explosive device" and was being considered a terrorist act. A police officer was one of the dead, it said.
The violence comes as Ukraine continues to be riven by tension and bloodshed stemming from Yanukovych's fall a year ago. The Ukrainian parliament voted Feb. 22, 2014 to remove the Russia-friendly president, following months of increasingly violent protests in the capital, Kyiv......................http://www.ctvnews.ca/world/ukraine-blast-kills-2-at-march-marking-anniversary-of-yanukovych-ouster-1.2247537#ixzz3SUOtkb8s
Iraqi minister chides U.S. over Mosul assault timing...
ReplyDelete(Reuters) - Iraq's defense minister criticized the United States on Sunday for declaring a timeframe for an offensive to recapture the Islamic State's northern stronghold of Mosul, saying military commanders should not show their hand to the enemy.
Khaled al-Obeidi said the timing of the Mosul assault was for Iraq to decide, and that a U.S. Central Command official who predicted the attack was likely to take place in April or May had no knowledge of the issue.
Islamic State fighters seized Mosul last June as they swept through northern Iraq towards Baghdad, meeting virtually no resistance from the army and establishing a self-declared caliphate straddling the border between Iraq and Syria......................http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/22/us-mideast-crisis-iraq-mosul-idUSKBN0LQ0JO20150222?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews
Terror: Islamisten drohen mit Anschlägen auf Einkaufszentren...
ReplyDeleteDie "Mall of America" ist eines der meist besuchten Shoppingcenter weltweit und offenbar im Visier der Terroristen.
Schäuble holt alte Argumente wieder heraus...
ReplyDelete"Glauben Sie doch nicht, dass das ein Spaß ist" - ihm stehe da kein leichter Auftritt im Bundestag bevor, betonte Schäuble in Brüssel. "Es wird auch ziemlich viel Mühe kosten, den Deutschen Bundestag davon zu überzeugen." Zumal müssten die Griechen im Kopf haben, "dass es anderen in der Eurozone schlechter geht als ihnen", so der Bundesfinanzminister,.
Türkiye her daim Türkmenlerin yanındadır
ReplyDeleteSuriye Türkmenleri Meclisi Başkanı Mustafa, Şah Fırat Operasyonu'nun Türkiye'nin stratejik bir kararı olduğunu belirterek, "Biliyoruz ki, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti her daim Türkmenlerin yanındadır" dedi.
YPG provides safe corridor for Turkey
ReplyDeleteAround 300 armed Syrian Kurdish fighters provided a security corridor for Turkish troops that staged an incursion to evacuate a Turkish-held tomb in northern Syria, witnesses in the region say.
Fighters from People’s Protection Units (YPG) reportedly created a five-kilometer long corridor while Turkish units entered the Rojava canton of Kobane through the Mürşitpınar border gate en route to the Tomb of Süleyman Şah.
Iran is seeking to open a "third front" against Israel using Hezbollah fighters on the Syrian Golan Heights, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday.
ReplyDeleteNetanyahu said Tehran's attempts to entrench itself along Israel's borders was one of the biggest emerging security threats facing the Jewish state.
"Alongside Iran's direct guidance of Hezbollah's actions in the north and Hamas's in the south, Iran is trying also to develop a third front on the Golan Heights via the thousands of Hezbollah fighters who are in southern Syria and over which Iran holds direct command," he said.
A police officer was injured in clashes that erupted after fans threw flares and tried to attack players during the so-called derby of the eternal adversaries in Greece – a football match between top clubs Olympiakos and Panathinaikos.
ReplyDeleteThe violence started when Panathinaikos supporters threw flares and fireworks at Olympiakos’ president Vagelis Marinakis as he attempted to walk onto the pitch before the start of the game. A group of fans charged then charged the pitch while the team was warming up in a bid to attack the Olympiakos players.
After the match, which Panathinaikos won 2-1, Marinakis called Sunday’s violence an “atrocity.”
Delete“What we saw out there I don’t think I could have ever imagined. Our players cannot play well in these conditions and are heroes. It is an unprecedented situation,” he told reporters. “I saw the players. Some are beaten, others are upset, others are shocked. We did not come for war, we came to play football.”
Ukraine says it cannot start heavy weapons withdrawal
ReplyDeleteThe Ukrainian military has said it cannot start withdrawing heavy weapons from the front line in the east until the rebels stop shelling its positions.
Military spokesman Lt Col Anatoliy Stelmakh told reporters the rebels had not stopped firing.
La France a engagé lundi son porte-avions Charles de Gaulle dans les opérations de la coalition internationale contre le groupe Etat islamique (EI) en Irak, a-t-on indiqué dans l'entourage du ministre français de la Défense à Bahreïn.
ReplyDelete"L'intégration du Charles de Gaulle dans l'opération (française) Chammal (en Irak) débute ce matin", a déclaré à l'AFP un membre de l'entourage de Jean-Yves Le Drian qui a rejoint à bord d'un hélicoptère le porte-avions.
Cyprus and Greece will continue to question the effectiveness of the anti-Russia sanctions, while supporting a more pragmatic approach toward the Ukrainian crisis, Cyprus government spokesman told Sputnik, adding that the two countries value strategic relations between Russia and the European Union.
ReplyDelete"Cyprus and Greece are certainly an integral vital part of a core group of EU partners that have not stopped questioning whether sanctions are an effective policy tool and have concertedly kept a pragmatic and constructive voice of reason in the Council [European Council]," Nikos Christodoulides said........http://sputniknews.com/europe/20150223/1018621320.html#ixzz3SYvZuUeO
Libya has resumed pumping crude from the southeastern Sarir field to the Hariga port, a spokesman for the state oil operator AGOCO said on Monday, according to Reuters news agency....
ReplyDelete“So far small volumes are flowing,” said AGOCO spokesman Omran Zwei. “The pipeline is holding.”
Sarir oil field, which pumps about two-thirds of the country’s remaining output, was damaged by a blast a week ago.
Meanwhile, Reuters news agency reported on Sunday that Libya has resumed oil exports from the eastern port of Zueitina after an almost year-long suspension............http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2015/02/23/Libya-resumes-oil-activies-from-largest-field.html
Er habe keinen Zauberstab, er könne keine Wunder vollbringen, sagte Alexis Tsipras schon als Oppositionsführer im Wahlkampf seinen Landsleuten. Wie wahr. Die Entzauberung des Premierministers Tsipras hat jetzt begonnen, vier Wochen nach der Wahl....
ReplyDeleteDie nach langem Ringen erzielte Vereinbarung in der Eurogruppe sei „das Ende der Illusionen“, sagt die oppositionelle Pasok. Die Sozialisten warfen der Regierung vor, „Theater für das einheimische Publikum“ zu spielen. Die Kommunisten kommentierten, „unabhängig davon, wie man es nennt, ist das Abkommen im Grunde die formelle Verlängerung des Hilfsprogramms unter strikter Überwachung“ sowie „im Wesentlichen die Fortsetzung der antipopulären Reformen“. Und die Zeitung „Kathimerini“ kommentierte, die Regierung sei „auf dem Boden der Realitäten gelandet“. .............http://www.fr-online.de/politik/griechenland-die-entzauberung-von-tsipras,1472596,29927636.html
Russia has offered Iran advanced surface-to-air missiles after scrapping a similar deal in 2010 because of UN sanctions over Tehran's nuclear programme, the state defence company said Monday.
ReplyDeleteAny such a deal is likely to go down badly in Washington as Western countries seek to keep up the pressure on Iran to agree a comprehensive deal on its nuclear activities.
Turkey will make its planned new long-range missiles compatible with the NATO's systems, presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said on Monday, in comments apparently at odds with those of the country's defence minister...
ReplyDeleteNATO member Turkey chose China Precision Machinery Import and Export Corp as a preferred bidder in 2013 to supply the missile system, prompting Western concern about security and the compatibility of the weaponry with NATO infrastructure.
Defence Minister Ismet Yilmaz said last week Ankara did not plan to integrate the new defence system with NATO systems, adding to those concerns.
But Kalin said on Monday: "As one of the most important countries in NATO's security line, we will definitely ensure this integration and harmony."
France seizes passports of suspected jihadists headed for Syria ...
ReplyDeleteAuthorities in France seized the passports of six alleged French jihadists who were planning to depart to fight in Syria, the first time this anti-terrorism measure has been used, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said on Monday.
The ability to seize passports and identity cards of those suspected of imminent departure abroad to wage jihad was one of the key measures of an anti-terrorism bill passed by parliament in November.
"Today these six administrative bans on leaving the country have been signed, another 40 are in preparation," Cazeneuve told reporters outside the interior ministry.
Greece reform list received in Brussels: European source..
ReplyDeleteBRUSSELS: Greece has submitted the list of economic reforms demanded by its creditors to extend the country's bailout programme by four months, a European source said Monday.
"The list has been received," said the source close to the matter without giving any details..
However, the European Commission said no final list has yet been put forward as talks are continuing.
"We have not received any list from the Greek authorities. As you know the deadline is by the end of Monday," spokeswoman Mina Andreeva said.
"Of course there are talks happening. We are in contact with the Greek authorities...
Terrorgefahr: Wie der IS auf Flüchtlingsbooten nach Europa will...
ReplyDeleteDie Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat leitet ihre Kämpfer an, über das Mittelmeer nach Europa zu kommen. Bisher konnten libysche Sicherheitsbehörden das verhindern: Ein Schmuggler hatte sie alarmiert.
Poroshenko vows to regain Crimea by 'any means'...
ReplyDeleteUkraine's President Petro Poroshenko vowed on Monday to regain control over Crimea.
Poroshenko said in a statement that "the Ukrainian state will regain control over this temporarily occupied territory."
"The events of Feb. 23, 2014 and the referendum on Crimea's joining Russia were a cynical act aimed at seizing Crimea - an integral part of the Ukrainian state," he said.
Crimea unilaterally decided to join the Russian Federation in March 2014 in a referendum condemned by the international community and the Ukrainian government. Moscow backed the vote, calling it legitimate and in line with international legal standards.
The Ukrainian president said that, "I am not saying that this will be a simple thing to do which we will go through quickly. But this will happen by any means. Together we will build a new Crimea, where the rights and interests of Crimea's indigenous population... will be guaranteed."
Poroshenko said that "Ukraine will never give up its sovereign right to Crimea and will defend the rights of the people who live there."
Israel's state-owned electric company briefly cut power to two Palestinian cities in the occupied West Bank on Monday to press for payment of what it said was US$492 million owed by the Palestinian government...
ReplyDelete"The Israel Electric Corporation limited for 45 minutes today the supply of electricity to five power lines in Nablus and Jenin," the company said in a statement, adding that further cuts were possible.
Nablus Mayor Ghassan Al-Shaka'a said the power went out in parts of the city and was gradually restored.
"This is collective punishment," he told Reuters, calling the blackouts politically motivated.
President Barack Obama sent a formal letter to Congress on Monday extending a national emergency for Libya for a year because of the conflict over power and access to the country's resources...
ReplyDelete"The situation in Libya continues to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States," Obama said in his letter to Congress.-
Fitch Ratings’ten yapılan açıklamada, Alternatif Bank (BBB), Anadolubank (BB), Arap Türk Bankası (BB-), Bank Pozitif Kredi ve Kalkınma Bankası, (BBB-) Şekerbank (BB-) ve Turkland Bank’ın (BB) döviz cinsinden uzun vadeli kredi notlarının teyit edildiğini duyurdu...
ReplyDeleteAçıklamada Şekerbank’ın kredi notu görünümünün “negatiften” “durağana” revize edildiği belirtilirken, Turkland Bank’ın ise not görünümünün negatifte tutulduğu kaydedildi.
Açıklamada diğer tüm bankaların not görünümünün ise “durağan” olduğu belirtildi.
Turkey's Erdogan asserts power by hosting second cabinet meeting...
ReplyDeleteTurkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday he would host his second cabinet meeting as head of state on March 9, a further sign of his determination to keep a firm grip on power.
Erdogan is Turkey's first directly elected president and has repeatedly vowed to wield more power than his predecessors, prompting critics to accuse him of accruing power in what they say is a de facto presidential system.
Previous heads of state have only chaired cabinet meetings in times of crisis.......................http://english.ahram.org.eg/News/123760.aspx
Turkey criticized Britain on Monday for taking too long to inform it about three London schoolgirls who travelled to Turkey last week possibly en route to join ISIS in Syria....
ReplyDeleteDeputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc said he hoped the girls would be found, but that it would be Britain, not Turkey, to
blame if they were not.
“It is a condemnable act for Britain to let three girls ... come to Istanbul and then let us know three days later ... They
haven't taken the necessary measures,” Arinc told reporters after a cabinet meeting..................http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2015/02/24/Turkey-criticizes-Britain-over-missing-schoolgirls.html
Greece has submitted a list of reform proposals to its bailout creditors, the European Commission says....
ReplyDeleteThe list was received "on time", a spokesman tweeted.
The measures are thought to include combating tax evasion and tackling fuel and tobacco smuggling.
International creditors need to approve the list to secure Greece a four-month loan extension..................http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-31599688
Solidarität – dieses Schlagwort begleitet das griechische Schuldendrama oftmals: Athen sei zur Einhaltung der Vorgaben aus Brüssel verpflichtet, weil die Griechen ja von der Solidarität der anderen EU-Staaten profitiert hätten, heißt es da...
ReplyDeleteIn dieselbe Kerbe schlägt nun auch der griechische Zivilschutzminister Yiannis Panousis - allerdings mit einer anderen Stoßrichtung: Er hat damit gedroht, ungeachtet der EU-Gesetze Hunderttausenden Immigranten die Ausreise aus Griechenland zu gestatten.
"Wenn die Europäer nicht verstehen, was wir ihnen sagen, dann geben wir eben 300.000 Immigranten Papiere, damit sie sich über Europa verteilen", sagte Panousis nach Angaben im Sender Skai TV. Sollten die anderen EU-Staaten nicht bereit sein, die Lasten der Flüchtlingsströme mit Athen zu teilen, werde man einfach handeln......................http://kurier.at/politik/eu/griechenland-athen-droht-eu-mit-verteilung-von-300-000-immigranten-griechen-liefern-liste/115.998.745
Autoridades israelíes desmienten que Gaza se haya inundado por presas de agua israelí...
ReplyDeleteUn portavoz del Coordinador de las Actividades del Gobierno en los Territorios (COGAT) ha asegurado hoy al Comité para la Precisión en la Información sobre Oriente Medio en América que las afirmaciones de que una zona de Gaza se ha inundado a causa de la apertura de unas presas de agua de Israel son "falsas".
"A causa de las lluvias recientes, hay riachuelos que se han desbordado en la región y esto no tiene nada que ver con acciones que haya llevado a cabo el estado de Israel", ha afirmado el portavoz................http://mundo.sputniknews.com/orientemedio/20150224/1034724588.html#ixzz3SeIF4lg9
Ukraine : les prorusses annoncent le début du retrait des armes lourdes...
ReplyDeleteLes autorités de la république populaire autoproclamée de Donetsk (DNR) ont commencé à retirer les armes lourdes de la ligne de contact avec l'armée ukrainienne, selon l'agence de presse russe RIA Novosti. L'annonce qui doit cependant être confirmée sur le terrain a été faîte par le commandant adjoint des forces de cette république auto-proclammée., Edouard Bassourine.
"Le retrait a été entamé à 9h00 heure de Moscou (06.00 UTC). Mardi, 96 unités de matériel lourd seront retirées. Au total, le retrait prendra 12 jours, conformément aux ententes de Minsk", a indiqué le militaire, cité par l'agence russe..................http://www.lesechos.fr/monde/europe/0204180600578-ukraine-les-prorusses-annoncent-le-debut-du-retrait-des-armes-lourdes-1096257.php?5lzv2vTDeJM9Hvyl.99#xtor=RSS37
Eurozone approves Greek bailout extension, but IMF and ECB voice concerns...
ReplyDeleteMario Draghi, the president of the European Central Bank, has given his approval to Greece’s four-month bailout extension, but also flagged up concerns in a letter to eurogroup chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem.
Draghi isn’t completely happy with the lack of detail in Greek reform plan. And the ECB (one of Greece’s three creditors) wants convincing that any new economic reforms are at least as good as the ones in the existing bailout agreement.................http://www.theguardian.com/business/live/2015/feb/24/greek-bailout-reform-plan-eurogroup-live-updates
Eurogruppe segnet Athens Reformvorschläge ab...
ReplyDeleteDie Finanzminister der Eurogruppe haben sich nach einer gut einstündigen Telefonkonferenz für eine Verlängerung des aktuellen Hilfsprogramms für Griechenland ausgesprochen. Am Freitag muss noch der Bundestag zustimmen. ..............http://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/eurokrise/griechenland/euro-finanzminister-segnen-athens-reformvorschlaege-ab-13447248.html
South Korea and the United States will begin eight weeks of joint military drills starting March 2, military officials said on Tuesday, an annual exercise that typically provokes heightened rhetoric and military threats from North Korea...
ReplyDeleteNorth Korea regularly protests the annual exercises, which it says are a rehearsal for war, and has recently stepped up its own air, sea and ground military exercises, amid a period of increased tensions between the rival Koreas......................http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/south-asia/US-S-Korea-to-start-military-drills-amid-tension-with-North/articleshow/46355627.cms
Syriza’s Turkish deputies vow to ‘tear down wall’ in Thrace...
ReplyDeleteTwo leading "Turkish" figures of the radical Syriza party in Greece are both hopeful of solving the problems of their country’s minorities, while pledging to tear down the “wall of shame” that was built on the border to prevent immigrants from entering.
Ayhan Karayusuf, from Komotini, and Hüseyin Zeybek, from Xanthi, told daily Hürriyet that they have “great hope” for Syriza’s leader and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, some of whose relatives reportedly migrated from the Turkish side of the border in the Thrace region..................http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/syrizas-turkish-deputies-vow-to-tear-down-wall-in-thrace.aspx?pageID=238&nID=78755&NewsCatID=351
Egypt's Sisi issues new 'counter-terrorism' law...
ReplyDeleteEgyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi on Tuesday issued a counter-terrorism law designating 24 acts the carrying out of which would automatically mean that the perpetrator belonged to a "terrorist entity."
In the absence of a parliament, Egypt's constitution grants the president the right to introduce laws by decree.
Published in Egypt's Official Gazette on Tuesday, the law calls for groups to be automatically designated "terrorist entities" if any of their members "incite the disruption of the general order, threaten social stability, harm or terrorize individuals, or infringe on their rights and freedoms."
Other acts specified by the law include "damaging the environment, antiquities, buildings, public facilities, or public funds," among others.
Designating an entity as "terrorist" would lead to the closure of its meeting places and the banning of its meetings, according to the law.
The law also prohibits financing such entities or raising money for them, while calling for the seizure of their property and assets.............http://www.aa.com.tr/en/news/470135--egypts-sisi-issues-new-counter-terrorism-law
Steinmeier warnt Separatisten vor Angriff auf Mariupol...
ReplyDeleteZwar nehmen die Kampfhandlungen in der Ukraine ab, doch von Optimismus ist bei Außenminister Steinmeier wenig zu spüren. In Paris warnte er die prorussischen Separatisten eindringlich vor einem Angriff auf Mariupol. Dies würde die Situation komplett verändern.
Bundesaußenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier hat die prorussischen Separatisten in der Ukraine in deutlichen Worten vor einem Angriff auf Mariupol gewarnt. Käme es zu einem Angriff auf die Hafenstadt, "würde das die Geschäftsgrundlage für (das Abkommen von) Minsk natürlich völlig verändern", sagte Steinmeier bei einem Treffen mit seinen Amtskollegen aus Frankreich, Russland und der Ukraine in Paris. "Dann stünden wir vor einer neuen Situation."....................http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/ukraine-diplomatie-abkommen-101.html
L'Ukraine achète des armes aux Emirats...
ReplyDeleteSelon le ministre ukrainien de la Défense Stepan Poltorak, Kiev ne manque pas de moyens pour acheter des armes sur les marchés internationaux, car l'Union européenne lui apporte régulièrement une aide financière...................http://fr.sputniknews.com/international/20150224/1014879727.html#ixzz3ShHQfgk5
Amnesty International has urged the five permanent members of the UN Security Council to give up their power of veto in situations of mass atrocities...
ReplyDeleteIn its annual report, the rights group said the global response to an array of catastrophes in 2014 had been shameful.
Richer countries were guilty of taking an "abhorrent" stance by not sheltering more refugees, Amnesty said.
The outlook for 2015 was bleak, the group added.
Saying that 2014 had been a catastrophic year for victims of conflict and violence, Amnesty said world leaders needed to act immediately to confront the changing nature of armed conflict.
'Miserable failure'
Salil Shetty, the organisation's secretary general, said in a statement that the United Nations Security Council had "miserably failed" to protect civilians...........................http://www.bbc.com/news/world-31617141
This has been a devastating year for those seeking to stand up for human rights and for those caught up in the suffering of war zones....
DeleteGovernments pay lip service to the importance of protecting civilians. And yet the world's politicians have miserably failed to protect those in greatest need. Amnesty International believes that this can and must finally change.
International humanitarian law - the law that governs the conduct of armed conflict - could not be clearer. Attacks must never be directed against civilians. The principle of distinguishing between civilians and combatants is a fundamental safeguard for people caught up in the horrors of war.
And yet, time and again, civilians bore the brunt in conflict. In the year marking the 20th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide, politicians repeatedly trampled on the rules protecting civilians - or looked away from the deadly violations of these rules committed by others................https://www.amnesty.org/en/annual-report-201415/
"Shameful" global response to human rights violations (Amnesty International report) ...
DeleteAmnesty International released its annual report on Wednesday, highlighting the state of human rights around the world in 2014.
Besides detailing the human toll of conflicts from Nigeria to Syria, the rights group denounced the global community for the "shameful and ineffective" responses to world crises..............http://www.ellanodikis.net/2015/02/shameful-global-response-to-human.html
ISIS’ Christian hostage toll in Syria rises to 150...
ReplyDeleteThe Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has abducted at least 150 people from Assyrian Christian villages in northeastern Syria they had raided, Christian Syrian activists said on Tuesday, according to Reuters news agency.
A Syrian Christian group representing several NGOs inside and outside the country said it had verified at least 150 people missing, including women and the elderly, who had been kidnapped by the militants.
“We have verified at least 150 people who have been abducted from sources on the ground,” Bassam Ishak, president of the Syrian National Council of Syria, whose family itself is from Hasaka, told Reuters from Amman...................http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2015/02/25/ISIS-abducts-at-least-150-Christians-in-Syria-.html
Fisheries ‘shocked’ at silence over water leak at wrecked Fukushima No. 1 plant...
ReplyDeleteFishermen in Fukushima Prefecture slammed Tokyo Electric Power Co. on Wednesday after it emerged that water containing cesium and other radioactive isotopes has been draining into the Pacific near the Fukushima No. 1 plant and that Tepco did nothing to prevent it despite learning of the leak last May.
“I don’t understand why (Tepco) kept silent even though they knew about it. Fishery operators are absolutely shocked,” Masakazu Yabuki, chief of the Iwaki fisheries cooperative, said at a meeting with Tepco officials.
Local fishermen have already given Tepco approval to dump groundwater into the ocean before it becomes tainted, to reduce the volume of water stored in tanks at the site. The operator is now doing this, pumping water from wells, monitoring it and piping it into the ocean.....................http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/02/25/national/tepco-admits-failed-disclose-cesium-tainted-water-leaks-since-april/#.VO25kiwYE9Q
Iran stages war games, attacks mock U.S. warship...
ReplyDeleteFlexing its military muscle, Iran on Wednesday staged war games in the Strait of Hormuz.
The move was the elite Revolutionary Guards' latest display of military muscle in a Gulf shipping channel, which is crucial to the world’s oil exports.
The ceremony was attended by commanders of the Guards, an influential military force led by anti-Western hawks, as well as by parliament speaker Ali Larijani, according to Reuters news agency.
The exercises included a gunboat attack on a model U.S. warship..................http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2015/02/25/Iran-flexes-muscle-in-war-games-attacks-mock-US-warship.html
Both sides in Ukraine conflict commited war crimes — Amnesty International chief...
ReplyDeletePossible weapons supplies to Ukraine could create the risk of using them for the new human rights abuses, Secretary-General of Amnesty International Salil Shetty said in an interview with TASS on Wednesday.
"We have been very clear that any delivery of weapons has to first go through a careful testing to see whether it would be used for further abuse for human rights," Shetty told a TASS correspondent.
The Amnesty International chief said there is "a real risk" that the arms could be used for the human right violations. "In the case of the Ukrainian conflict we feel that both sides have extensively committed war crimes which needs further investigation," he said.
Both sides "used mortars and rockets with high level of civilian casualties," he added...................http://tass.ru/en/world/779498
Ukraine prime minister denounces central bank ban on currency trade...
ReplyDeleteUkrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk denounced the central bank on Wednesday for banning most foreign currency trading for the rest of the week, saying the move was taken without consultation with the government and would harm the economy.
Yatsenyuk said he and Finance Minister Natalia Yaresko would seek an urgent meeting with President Petro Poroshenko and ask him to summon Central Bank head Valeria Gontareva to explain.
"This morning I found out on the Internet that the central bank had independently and without consultation taken the decision to close the interbank market, which does not add to stability in the national currency," Yatsenyuk told a televised cabinet meeting................http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/ukraine-prime-minister-de/1679852.html
Moscow would face more EU sanctions if pro-Russia separatists attacked Ukraine's government-held port of Mariupol, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said on Wednesday...
ReplyDelete"The problem today is particularly around Mariupol. We've told the Russians clearly that if there was a separatist attack in the direction of Mariupol things would be drastically altered, including in terms of sanctions," Fabius told France Info radio.
"At a European level the question of sanctions would be asked again," said Fabius, who hosted on Tuesday a meeting with his Russian, Ukrainian and German counterparts in which they renewed calls for an oft-breached ceasefire agreement to be respected.
Kiev fears Mariupol, with its 500,000 people, could be the next major rebel target, its foreign minister Pavlo Klimkin said after the Paris talks.................http://english.ahram.org.eg/News/123869.aspx
Kiews Entscheidung, die Gasversorgung der Krisenregion Donbass einzustellen, „riecht nach Genozid“, sagte Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin am Mittwoch...
ReplyDelete„Nicht genug, dass dort Hunger herrscht – ohnehin hat die OSZE festgestellt, dass es dort eine humanitäre Katastrophe gibt –, jetzt wird auch noch der Gashahn abgedreht“, so Putin bei der Pressekonferenz nach dem Treffen mit seinem zyprischen Kollegen Nikos Anastasiadis....................http://de.sputniknews.com/politik/20150225/301267666.html#ixzz3SlzLgVYV
Fußball: Griechische Regierung unterbricht Liga...
ReplyDeleteGriechenlands Regierung hat die Spiele der Fußball-Landesmeisterschaft nach Fan-Ausschreitungen vorerst ausgesetzt. Vorausgegangen waren der Entscheidung der Regierungspartei Syriza Randale im Rahmen des Athener Derbys zwischen Panathinaikos und Olympiakos Piräus am vergangenen Sonntag............http://diepresse.com/home/sport/fussball/international/4671752/Fussball_Griechische-Regierung-unterbricht-Liga?from=rss
Libyan parliament proposes Haftar to lead army - spokesman...
ReplyDelete(Reuters) - The president of Libya's elected parliament has proposed appointing army general Khalifa Haftar as top army commander, parliament's spokesman said on Wednesday.
The decision shows the increasing influence of military figures in the official government and parliament, which has been forced to operate from eastern Libya since an armed group called Libya Dawn seized the capital Tripoli in summer.
"Mr Aguila Saleh (parliament's president) has proposed to appoint Haftar," spokesman Farraj Hashem told Reuters. "The House of Representatives supports this."...............http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/25/us-libya-security-idUSKBN0LT1I520150225?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews
Russia - President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday Russia would cut off natural gas supplies to Ukraine if Kiev failed to pay, which "will create a problem" for gas transit to Europe...
ReplyDeleteHe told reporters he hoped it would not come to that.
He also said Kiev's refusal to supply natural gas to separatist regions in its Donetsk and Luhansk provinces "smelled of genocide".
Athen fordert erneut Schuldenschnitt...
ReplyDeleteAthen sorgt für Irritationen: Die griechische Regierung fordert erneut einen Schuldenschnitt, zudem will das Land Privatisierungen ohne Absprache mit der Troika abblasen. Die Kehrtwende kommt zu einem heiklen Zeitpunkt......................http://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/international/griechenland-krise-athen-fordert-erneut-schuldenschnitt/11424368.html
Wolfgang Schäuble will Taten sehen: "Es wird kein Euro vorher bezahlt"...
ReplyDeleteDie Finanzhilfen für Griechenland sind noch längst nicht eingetütet. Für Finanzminister Wolfgang Schäuble ist klar: Das Geld fließt erst, wenn Athen seine Zusagen auch einhält.
Bundesfinanzminister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) hat Griechenlands Hoffnungen auf baldige Hilfszahlungen seiner europäischen Partner gedämpft. Schäuble sagte im SWR, das südeuropäische Euro-Land müsse die Zusagen des laufenden Hilfsprogramms einhalten, das nun verlängert werden soll. "Erst wenn sie es voll erfüllt haben, wird bezahlt", sagte er. "Es wird kein Euro vorher bezahlt."......................http://www.n24.de/n24/Nachrichten/Politik/d/6204486/-es-wird-kein-euro-vorher-bezahlt-.html
The President of the Russia Federation Vladimir Putin expressed gratitude over Cyprus` stance vis-a-vis EU sanctions...
ReplyDeleteSpeaking through an interpreter, during a common press conference with the President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades, at his country house, in Moscow, Putin also revealed that one of the agreements signed allows Russian vessels to dock in Cypriot ports.
This concerns our vessels that take part in international efforts to combat terrorism and piracy, the Russian President said..............http://www.parikiaki.com/2015/02/putin-russian-vessels-to-dock-in-cypriot-ports/#sthash.jd9xGYdk.dpuf
La Russie en manoeuvres militaires près de l'Estonie et la Lettonie...
ReplyDeleteLa Russie a lancé mercredi de vastes manoeuvres militaires impliquant environ 2000 soldats dans la région de Pskov (ouest), frontalière de l'Estonie et de la Lettonie, pays membres de l'Union européenne, a indiqué une porte-parole du ministère russe de la Défense.
Les exercices, qui impliquent également 500 appareils militaires, prévoient le parachutage en masse de 1500 soldats des troupes aéroportées, a annoncé la porte-parole Irina Krouglova.
Au cours des manoeuvres, qui vont durer jusqu'à samedi, les soldats auront notamment pour but d'envahir et de détruire l'aérodrome d'un ennemi imaginaire, a-t-elle précisé................http://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_la-russie-fait-des-manoeuvres-militaires-pres-de-l-estonie-et-la-lettonie?id=8916246
Pentagon befürchtet destabilisierende Handlungen Russlands gegenüber NATO-Ländern...
ReplyDeleteDie Vereinigten Staaten befürchten „destabilisierende Handlungen“ Russlands gegenüber NATO-Ländern und ihren Partnern. Das erklärte US-Vizeverteidigungsministerin Christine Wormuth am Mittwoch in Washington.
„Wir fürchten um Länder, die keine NATO-Mitglieder sind, zum Beispiel um Montenegro und einige andere kleine Staaten, sollte Russland destabilisierende Handlungen unternehmen… Die USA arbeiten daran, diesen Ländern Hilfe zu erweisen, damit sie sich solchen Aktivitäten widersetzen könnten“, fuhr die Ministerin fort.............http://de.sputniknews.com/militar/20150225/301271874.html#ixzz3Sn9mBdgU
The US embassy in Jordan has issued a warning to citizens that ''high-end malls'' in Jordan's capital could be attacked as the kingdom takes part in airstrikes targeting the extremist Islamic State group...
ReplyDeleteThe embassy's statement Wednesday night did not elaborate on the threat to Amman, though it said it was ''judged to be credible.'' It said Jordan's government ''has taken steps to increase security at these locations.''
There was no immediate comment from Jordanian officials.................http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/middle-east/US-embassy-warns-of-threat-to-malls-in-Jordans-capital/articleshow/46373563.cms
Cyprus signs deal to allow Russian navy to use ports...
ReplyDeleteRussia has signed an agreement with Cyprus to give Russian navy ships access to Cypriot ports.
Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed the deal after talks with Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades.
The deal comes as tensions between Russia and Western countries over the Ukrainian conflict continue.
President Putin said that other countries should not be concerned and that the port's main use would be for counter-terrorism and anti-piracy..................http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-31632259
Dozens of ‘militants’ killed in Sinai: sources...
ReplyDeleteEgypt’s military killed dozens of suspected Islamist militants in an operation in Sinai, security sources said on Wednesday, while state media reported the kidnapping of a businessman in the region.
Apache helicopter gunships killed 18 suspected militants after they destroyed four vans in North Sinai, security sources in the remote but strategic region said.
Twenty were killed when the military bombed a residence, a school and a youth center where the suspected militants were gathering near the North Sinai town of Sheikh Zuweid, the sources said. Twenty-eight militants were wounded, they said.
Another security source in Cairo said the military launched an operation in North Sinai that had left “scores” dead.
The military was not immediately available for comment...............http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2015/02/26/Dozens-of-suspected-militants-killed-in-Sinai.html
John Kerry: les Etats-Unis et l’Iran « ont un intérêt commun » contre l’Etat islamique...
ReplyDeleteLes Etats-Unis et l’Iran ont de facto « un intérêt commun » à lutter contre le groupe radical sunnite Etat islamique, a admis mercredi le secrétaire d’Etat John Kerry, même s’ils ne coopèrent pas militairement contre cette organisation.
« Nous avons au moins un intérêt commun, mais pas de coopération », a déclaré John Kerry devant une commission du Congrès américain, à propos de la lutte contre l’Etat islamique en Irak et en Syrie, au moment où Washington et Téhéran sont dans la dernière ligne droite de leurs négociations sur le programme nucléaire iranien.
Les Etats-Unis avaient déjà reconnu le «rôle » que l’Iran, puissance chiite, jouait militairement contre l’Etat islamique mais c’est la première fois qu’un aussi haut responsable américain parle explicitement d’un « intérêt commun ». L’Iran estime que la sécurité de l’Irak est d’une importance vitale, les djihadistes de l’Etat islamique considérant les chiites comme des hérétiques..................http://www.lesoir.be/805363/article/actualite/monde/2015-02-25/john-kerry-etats-unis-et-l-iran-ont-un-interet-commun-contre-l-etat-islamique
The United States on Wednesday condemned recent attacks by Islamic State militants on Assyrian Christian villages in northeastern Syria, which it said included the burning of homes and churches and abduction of women, children and the elderly...
ReplyDelete"This is but the latest round of atrocities perpetrated by ISIL against the innocent people of the region," the White House said in a statement, using an acronym for Islamic State.
L'Autorité palestinienne exsangue depuis qu'Israël ne verse plus les taxes...
ReplyDeletePour punir l'Autorité palestinienne d'avoir adhéré à la Cour pénale internationale, Israël bloque depuis décembre les taxes qu'il collecte pour elle. Une perte qui paralyse l'économie palestinienne et pèse sur les ménages. Reportage.
À Ramallah, les magasins se vident de leur clients et les commerçants peinent à écouler leurs stock. En cause, le gel de transfert de fonds de la part d'Israël. L’état hébreu bloque en effet depuis décembre les taxes qu'il collecte pour le compte de l'Autorité palestinienne, la privant de plus de 100 millions d'euros chaque mois..............http://www.france24.com/fr/20150226-israel-autorite-palestinienne-exsangue-ramallah-cpi-represailles-economie-taxes/
Die Vereinigten Staaten müssen laut Außenminister John Kerry mehr Geld in die Erläuterung ihrer Standpunkte in den Medien anlegen...
ReplyDelete„Russia Today spricht englisch – haben wir denn etwas Ähnliches, das auf Russisch vernehmbar wäre?“, erklärte Kerry am Mittwoch bei einer Anhörung vor dem US-Repräsentantenhaus. „Es ist ein sehr teures Angebot. Sie (RT) geben viel Geld aus. Sie sprechen die Menschen in einer Sprache an, die diese verstehen.“.........http://de.sputniknews.com/politik/20150226/301273699.html#ixzz3SpzRbbqO
Two Killed in Suicide Attack on Turkish Convoy Near Iran's Embassy in Kabul...
ReplyDeleteA suicide blast hit a Turkish embassy vehicle near the Iranian embassy in Afghanistan’s capital, Kabul, on Thursday, police said as cited by local media.
One Turkish national and an Afghan civilian were killed when a suicide vehicle bomber struck another vehicle in the embassy area of Kabul, police spokesman Hashmat Stanekzai was cited by local medial.
Deputy interior minister General Ayoub Salanghi claimed that the attack was aimed at a Turkish embassy convoy, according to Reuters...............Read more: http://sputniknews.com/world/20150226/1018770597.html#ixzz3Sq0FWw3A
Australia Concerned Over Islamic State 'Brides'...
ReplyDeleteAustralian officials are increasingly concerned about young women supporting radical Islamic groups. Ministers warn that some citizens have travelled to Syria and Iraq to become so-called “jihadi brides.”
Canberra believes there are between 30 and 40 Australian women who have taken part in terror attacks or are supporting the Islamic State terror network. While some are providing active backing at home, others have traveled to the Middle East.
Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop has told parliament that an increasing number of Australian women were heading to Iraq or Syria to join husbands fighting with Islamic State or to marry a militant................http://www.voanews.com/content/australia-concerned-over-islamic-state-brides/2659806.html
The use of İncirlik depends on results of train-equip program: Turkish minister...
ReplyDeleteThe use of regionally strategic İncirlik Air Base as part of the international campaign against the extremist jihadists in Syria depends on the results yielded by the recently signed train-and-equip program, a senior Turkish government official has said.
Turkey and the U.S. signed Feb. 19 a memorandum for a joint program of training and equipping moderate Syrian rebels to better combat the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and Bashar al-Assad regime troops. Turkey’s evacuation of its troops protecting a historic tomb inside Syria has sparked comments that Turkey would pledge more support to the anti-ISIL coalition and allow it to use its bases, particularly İncirlik..................http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/the-use-of-incirlik-depends-on-results-of-train-equip-program-turkish-minister.aspx?pageID=238&nID=78874&NewsCatID=510
Despite Sanctions, North Korea’s Nuclear Stockpile Continues to Grow ...
ReplyDeleteThe United States says it is very concerned about a new report that predicts North Korea will expand its nuclear stockpile to as many as 100 weapons by 2020. Analysts say there may be disagreements over Pyongyang’s nuclear capabilities, but there is no doubt the weapons program poses a growing international threat.
Experts on nuclear weapons technology at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies estimate that North Korea currently has 10 to 16 nuclear weapons and is continuing to work on its nuclear program....................http://www.voanews.com/content/despite-sanctions-north-korea-nuclear-stockpile-continues-to-grow/2659856.html
Syrian rebel gets five years in Sweden for 'torture-like' war crime...
ReplyDelete(Reuters) - A former Syrian opposition fighter was sentenced to five years in prison for war crimes by a Swedish court on Thursday for a "torture-like" assault in Syria that was filmed and posted on social media.
Mouhannad Droubi, who in 2013 obtained permanent residency in Sweden, was arrested after the video was seen by Swedish police.
The court said Droubi, 28, had been a fighter in the rebel Free Syrian Army at the time of the assault, while his victim had been connected to the Syrian army.
It convicted him of the war crime of attacking an enemy who is 'hors de combat', or effectively defenceless, as well as of particularly grave assault.....................http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/26/us-mideast-crisis-warcrimes-sweden-idUSKBN0LU1OW20150226?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews
Ukraine begins artillery withdrawal, recognizing truce is holding...
ReplyDeleteUkrainian troops towed artillery away from the front line in the east on Thursday, a move that amounted to recognizing that a ceasefire meant to take effect on Feb. 15 was holding at last.
The military showed reporters seven or eight guns being towed away from the front at the village of Paraskoviyvka north of the government stronghold of Artemivsk. Earlier, Reuters journalists saw a larger convoy of 30-40 vehicles also towing guns away from the front on a highway.
The move was Kiev's most direct step to acknowledge that the ceasefire was finally holding, a week after suffering one of the worst defeats of the war at the hands of rebels who initially ignored the ceasefire to launch a major advance..............http://www.todayonline.com/world/ukraine-begins-artillery-withdrawal-recognizing-truce-holding
Merkel hopes Moldova isn't in Russia's sights after Ukraine...
ReplyDeleteGermany's Angela Merkel said on Thursday she hoped Russia's Vladimir Putin would not try the same strategy in Moldova as he had in Ukraine, and expressed support for the country's efforts to forge stronger ties with Europe, to Moscow's chagrin.
The chancellor, asked at a news conference with visiting Romanian President Klaus Iohannis whether she thought there was a risk that Romania's eastern neighbor could be in Moscow's sights, replied: "Well, we hope not."
Germany and European Union member Romania feel "politically very closely linked to Moldova" and will support the new pro-EU government of Chiril Gaburici, she said..............http://www.todayonline.com/world/merkel-hopes-moldova-isnt-russias-sights-after-ukraine
The war of words is escalating over Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to accept an invitation to speak to the U.S. Congress next week...
ReplyDeleteNational security adviser Susan Rice’s remarks on the subject Tuesday on the "Charlie Rose" interview show, the strongest yet from the administration, have raised further questions about the state of relations between the United States and its closest ally in the Middle East.
“On both sides, there has now been injected a degree of partisanship, which is not only unfortunate, I think it's destructive of the fabric of the relationship,” Rice said...............http://www.voanews.com/content/war-words-escalates-white-house-israel/2661296.html
Russian energy minister says to attend Ukraine gas talks in Brussels...
ReplyDelete(Reuters) - Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said on Friday that he would take part in talks over gas supplies to Ukraine in Brussels on March 2.
"We have been invited to three-way talks and have confirmed our participation. First of all we're going to talk about the situation with current supplies to Ukraine and gas transit to European consumers," Novak told reporters.
Libya needs international maritime force to help stop illicit oil, weapons: U.N. experts...
ReplyDeleteLibyan authorities are unable to halt the illicit trade in oil or the flow of weapons in and out of the country, and they need an international maritime force to help, United Nations sanctions monitors said in a new report.
The confidential report by the U.N. Security Council's Panel of Experts on Libya, first seen by Reuters on Thursday, will likely increase pressure on major world powers to consider intervention to stop the North African state from spinning further out of control...................http://www.todayonline.com/world/libya-needs-international-maritime-force-help-stop-illicit-oil-weapons-un-experts
Iraqi Kurdish forces blocked displaced Arabs from returning to their homes in disputed territories that Kurdish regional authorities and Iraq’s central government stake claim, a human rights watchdog said Thursday...
ReplyDeleteHuman Rights Watch said Kurdish forces confined thousands of Arabs for months in parts of northern Iraq that they have captured since last August from Daesh, Arabic acronym for ISIL.
Iraq has been gripped by a security vacuum since last summer when militants with Daesh overran large swaths of Iraq's north and then declared a caliphate straddling Iraq and Syria.
The UN says more than 2 million Iraqis have been internally displaced by fighting, many of them taking refuge in the Kurdish regions.
Human Rights Watch said Kurds freely returned to the recovered areas in Ninewa and Erbil provinces while displaced Arab citizens who wanted to go back to their homes in these provinces faced harsh restrictions.....................http://www.aa.com.tr/en/headline/471387--hrw-iraqi-kurds-bar-displaced-arabs-from-returning-home
Japón examina extender por dos años las sanciones contra Corea del Norte...
ReplyDeleteTokio advirtió a Pyongyang que analiza prolongar por dos años el embargo en su contra ante falta de avances en la investigación sobre los secuestros de ciudadanos nipones, comunicaron este viernes las fuentes enteradas de las relaciones bilaterales.
"El Gobierno japonés se prepara para extender las sanciones posiblemente por dos años y la decisión del Gabinete podría tomarse en abril si no hay avance sustancial sobre el caso de secuestros", recoge la agencia estatal japonesa Kyodo las declaraciones de las fuentes.
El veto unilateral japonés, que expira en abril, se extiende tanto a las exportaciones como a las importaciones a Corea del Norte, a la congelación de activos de sus ciudadanos y organizaciones, así como las restricciones sobre los viajes de norcoreanos al territorio nipón.....................http://mundo.sputniknews.com/asia/20150227/1034916908.html#ixzz3Swfv52C0
The funds that Naftogaz of Ukraine has prepaid for Russian gas will suffice for deliveries till Tuesday, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said at the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum...
ReplyDelete"If Naftogaz paid for another 24 hours, it means the resources will last till Tuesday through Monday," he said............http://tass.ru/en/economy/779981
Griechisches Gejammer nervt frühere Krisen-Opfer...
ReplyDeleteEstland war Opfer der Finanzkrise – nun beteiligt sich das Land an der Griechen-Hilfe. Dass Athen harte Positionen bezieht, stört die Finanzministerin: "Man bekam den Eindruck, dass nur sie leiden."
Maris Lauri ist neu in ihrem Amt. Erst im vergangenen Herbst stieg die 49-Jährige zur Finanzministerin des kleinen Estlands auf, einem Staat mit so viel Einwohnern wie die Stadt München. Man könnte es verstehen, hielte sie sich im Kreis der mächtigen Finanzminister anderer Euro-Staaten zunächst etwas zurück. Doch als der griechische Finanzminister Janis Varoufakis vor zwei Wochen in einer Sitzung der Euro-Gruppe in Brüssel die Situation in seinem Land als "humanitäre Krise" bezeichnete, so berichten Teilnehmer, da intervenierte Lauri vehement.
Die Episode kommentiert sie nicht, doch sie berichtet im Gespräch mit der "Welt" von sehr emotionalen Verhandlungen. "Es ist schwer für Griechenland, ich verstehe das", sagt sie in einem ruhigen, fast schon traurigen Tonfall. "Aber das ist keine humanitäre Krise." Das Wort sollte doch den schwerwiegenden Krisen vorbehalten sein, wie sie etwa in Mali, dem Sudan oder in Syrien herrschten.....................http://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article137874435/Griechisches-Gejammer-nervt-fruehere-Krisen-Opfer.html
Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades has reaffirmed his deep and sincere commitment to reach a solution of the Cyprus issue and has said that Moscow has a role to play in helping the process along...
ReplyDeletePresident Anastasiades, who was speaking on Thursday, at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), referred to the positive results of his visit in Russia and presented also an analysis of how things stand on efforts for the reunification of Cyprus.
“The question is not what Cyprus is doing but what the members of the Council of Europe, especially the Ministers of Foreign Affairs are doing, because it is up to them to enforce the implementation of European Court of Human Rights decisions”, he pointed out.
According to President Anastasiades “the message must be conveyed that it is high time for Turkey to respect the decisions of the European Court”. He said that since 1974 there have been numerous UN Security Council resolutions on Cyprus and that none of them has been implemented by Turkey.
On 6th October 2014 Turkey invaded Cyprus’ EEZ and EU partners are imposing sanctions on Russia not because Moscow has invaded the Ukraine but because they suspect that they (Russians) are encouraging the separatists. However, “they ignore the invasion of Turkey and the violation of the sovereign rights of the Republic of Cyprus”, he stressed............................http://www.parikiaki.com/2015/02/it-is-high-time-for-turkey-to-respect-court-decisions-on-cyprus/#sthash.e8V1bpu6.dpuf
Moskau wirft Nato „massive anti-russische Propaganda“ vor...
ReplyDeleteDie Nato betreibt eine massive anti-russische Propaganda, um ihre eigene aggressive Politik und militärische Aufrüstung zu rechtfertigen – mit diesem Statement kommentierte das russische Außenministerium die jüngste Äußerung von US-General Philip Breedlove.
Breedlove, der Nato-Oberbefehlshaber in Europa, hatte Russland vorgeworfen, „eingefrorene“ Konflikte als politisches Druckmittel auf postsowjetische Staaten zu nutzen.....................http://de.sputniknews.com/politik/20150227/301294102.html#ixzz3SxkLqoBa
Syria expels three United Nations aid workers: sources...
ReplyDelete(Reuters) - The Syrian government has recently expelled three United Nations staff, a move which will harm attempts to deliver desperately needed relief around the country, aid sources told Reuters on Friday.
Damascus denies that it blocks aid. Syrian officials could not immediately be reached for comment on these cases.
The expulsions come at a sensitive time, with U.N. mediator Staffan de Mistura arriving on Saturday to discuss his proposed plan for Damascus to suspend its bombardment and shelling of the northern city of Aleppo for a six-week period.............http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/27/us-mideast-crisis-syria-aid-idUSKBN0LV1S920150227?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews
South Korea on Friday offered to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea holding a dialogue on the Kaesong Industrial complex after Pyongyang's unilateral decision to raise wages for workers...
ReplyDeleteUnification Ministry spokesman Lim Byeong-cheol told a press briefing that the ministry proposed to the DPRK holding talks on March 13 about the management of the inter-Korean factory park in the DPRK's border city of Kaesong.
The spokesman said that if Pyongyang has a willingness to advance the joint industrial zone, it must stop making a unilateral decision and resolve issues of mutual interest through inter-governmental consultations...............http://www.china.org.cn/world/2015-02/27/content_34904024.htm
Was besprach Ex-Schäuble-Intimus mit Varoufakis?...
ReplyDeleteJörg Asmussen war einst Staatssekretär unter Wolfgang Schäuble, heute arbeitet er für Arbeitsministerin Nahles. Nun gibt es Wirbel um ein Abendessen, bei dem er Griechen-Finanzminister Varoufakis traf...................http://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article137900990/Was-besprach-Ex-Schaeuble-Intimus-mit-Varoufakis.html
Spaniards 'joined Ukraine rebels'...
ReplyDeletePolice have arrested eight Spaniards accused of fighting alongside pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine.
The suspects were detained in raids in six regions across Spain, the interior ministry said, describing the operation as the first of its kind in Europe.
They face charges of complicity in murder, possession of weapons and violating Spain's neutrality in the conflict.
Rebels have been fighting government forces in eastern Ukraine since April.
The eight Spanish fighters were arrested after returning recently from Ukraine where they took part in the conflict in the Donbas region last year, the interior ministry said.
During their stay, the suspects posted pictures of themselves on social media with assault rifles and explosives.
"This is the first police operation conducted in Europe against the activities of foreign fighters in the Ukrainian conflict," the ministry said...................http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-31656455
Die NATO wird ihr Marine-Kommando unweit der bulgarischen Schwarzmeerstadt Varna unterbringen. „Geld dafür fließt aus dem Programm NSIP (NATO Security Investment Programm)“, meldete die bulgarische Agentur Novinite am Freitag...
ReplyDeleteGeplant seien zwei Phasen. In der ersten Phase sollten vorhandene Gebäude renoviert um im Notfall neue gebaut werden. In der zweiten Phase würden Antennen und sonstige Ausrüstungen der Steuersysteme installiert.
Es handelt sich um das zweite und wohl das bedeutendste Projekt des Bündnisses auf dem Territorium Bulgariens. Anfang Februar hatte die Allianzführung Pläne bekanntgegeben, ein Kommandozentrum in Sofia einzurichten. Bulgarien ist seit März 2004 NATO-Mitglied.
Statement by the President on the Murder of Boris Nemtsov (The White House)...
ReplyDelete"The United States condemns the brutal murder of Boris Nemtsov, and we call upon the Russian government to conduct a prompt, impartial, and transparent investigation into the circumstances of his murder and ensure that those responsible for this vicious killing are brought to justice. Nemtsov was a tireless advocate for his country, seeking for his fellow Russian citizens the rights to which all people are entitled. I admired Nemtsov’s courageous dedication to the struggle against corruption in Russia and appreciated his willingness to share his candid views with me when we met in Moscow in 2009. We offer our sincere condolences to Boris Efimovich’s family, and to the Russian people, who have lost one of the most dedicated and eloquent defenders of their rights."
Collected Department Releases: Murder of Boris Nemtsov...
DeletePress Statement
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
February 27, 2015
"I am shocked and saddened to learn of the brutal murder of former Russian Deputy Prime Minister Boris Nemtsov in central Moscow. Boris Nemtsov committed his life to a more democratic, prosperous, open Russia, and to strong relationships between Russia and its neighbors and partners, including the United States. He served his country in many roles – in the federal government, in the parliament, as Governor of Nizhniy Novgorod, and as a political leader and activist. In every post, he sought to reform and open Russia, and to empower the Russian people to have a greater say in the life of their country. His absence will be deeply felt in Russia and around the world. The United States urges the Russian authorities to act expeditiously to investigate and bring to justice those responsible. Our thoughts are with the Russian people and with Mr. Nemtsov’s family and friends as we mourn his loss."
U.S., Cuba say progress made in talks; no date for diplomatic ties...
ReplyDelete(Reuters) - Cuba and the United States held a second round of talks on Friday toward normalizing ties, and both sides said they made good progress, although they did not set a date for renewal of diplomatic relations that Washington severed 54 years ago.
Going into the talks, Communist-ruled Cuba pushed to be removed from a U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism. But Washington said that while it was reviewing Cuba's place on the list, the designation should not be linked to the negotiations on renewing relations and opening embassies..................http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/28/us-cuba-usa-idUSKBN0LV0CN20150228?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews
Les Etats-Unis pourraient rouvrir leur ambassade à Cuba avant mi-avril...
DeleteLes Etats-Unis pourraient rouvrir leur ambassade à Cuba d'ici la mi-avril, a indiqué vendredi la secrétaire adjointe pour l'Amérique latine Roberta Jacobson après des pourparlers à Washington avec La Havane sur le rétablissement des relations diplomatiques..................http://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_les-etats-unis-pourraient-rouvrir-leur-ambassade-a-cuba-avant-mi-avril?id=8918650
Après les parlementaires suédois, irlandais, britanniques et français, les députés italiens encouragent un Etat palestinien...
ReplyDeleteLes députés italiens ont voté vendredi, par 300 voix contre 45, pour une résolution non contraignante appelant le gouvernement à reconnaître la Palestine, en tant qu'Etat démocratique et souverain dans les frontières de 1967 avec Jérusalem comme capitale...................http://fr.sputniknews.com/international/20150227/1014942021.html#ixzz3T1oq8Mlu
Training of Syrian rebels to begin ‘in weeks’...
ReplyDeleteThe U.S. military said Friday the training of moderate Syrian rebels will likely begin within four to six weeks in Turkey after the two NATO allies clinched an agreement last week.
Potential recruits still needed to be vetted for the training sessions, Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby told a news conference.
About 1,500 Syrian rebels had been identified to take part and of those 100 had been screened and approved, Kirby said......................http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2015/02/28/Training-of-Syrian-rebels-in-Turkey-in-4-6-weeks-.html
Islamic State suicide bombers and fighters struck targets on Saturday in the northern Iraqi city of Samarra, where security forces and their Shi'ite militia allies have been gathering for an offensive against the radical militants....
ReplyDeleteSecurity sources and residents said the attack on Samarra was launched at 5.30 am when two Islamic State suicide bombers blew up their cars in the northern area of Sur Shnas.
Un “monstrueux” trou noir intrigue les astronomes...
ReplyDeleteSitué à une distance de 12,8 milliards d’années-lumières de la Terre, la masse de ce trou noir est 12 milliards de fois celle du Soleil.
Des astronomes ont annoncé mercredi avoir découvert un « monstrueux » trou noir, extrêmement ancien, qui défie les théories actuelles sur la façon dont ces objets se sont développés dans les débuts de l’Univers. Un trou noir est un objet céleste invisible d’une gravité si forte que rien à l’intérieur ne peut s’en échapper pas même la lumière.
Situé à une distance de 12,8 milliards d’années-lumières de la Terre, la masse de ce trou noir est 12 milliards de fois celle du Soleil, ont indiqué les astronomes dans la revue britannique Nature. Il est au centre d’un quasar, objet ultra lumineux qui émet une énergie colossale.Ce trou noir, le plus massif connu à ce jour, selon les scientifiques, s’est formé environ 900 millions d’années après le Big Bang qui a créé l’Univers il y a 13,7 milliards d’années..................En savoir plus sur http://www.lesechos.fr/idees-debats/sciences-prospective/0204186289904-un-monstrueux-trou-noir-intrigue-les-astronomes-1097537.php?UE7WfQWrwxJ6ZBOH.99#xtor=RSS37
Egyptian Court Declares Hamas a Terrorist Organization...
ReplyDeleteAn Egyptian court on Saturday declared the Palestinian Islamist Hamas movement a terrorist organization, media report.
The news comes one month after a judge listed the group’s armed wing as a terrorist group.
While the January decision on Hamas targeted only the armed wing, Saturday’s broader ruling could further deteriorate relations between Cairo and Hamas which controls the Palestinian Gaza Strip.
The ruling came in response to a lawsuit alleging that Hamas was involved in attacks in Egypt in recent months.
Hamas has persistently denied any meddling in Egypt’s affairs................Read more: http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20150228/1018889845.html#ixzz3T3Z0sMPA
Égypte : un tribunal classe le Hamas palestinien comme organisation terroriste...
DeleteLa justice égyptienne a ajouté, samedi, le Hamas palestinien à sa liste des organisations terroristes. Les brigades Ezzedine al-Kassam, représentant l'aile armée du mouvement, avaient déjà été inscrites fin janvier sur cette liste noire.
Un tribunal égyptien a classé, samedi 28 février, comme organisation "terroriste" le mouvement palestinien Hamas, selon une source judiciaire, alors que le pouvoir au Caire a déjà banni la branche armée du groupe islamiste, accusé de soutenir une insurrection jihadiste dans le Sinaï.
"La cour a jugé que le Hamas devait être inscrit (à la liste des) organisations terroristes", a déclaré à Reuters Samir Sabry, un des avocats à l'origine de la plainte contre le mouvement palestinien...................http://www.france24.com/fr/20150228-egypte-justice-declare-mouvement-palestinien-hamas-terroriste/
Yatsenyuk: increasing salaries, pensions impossible due to military actions in Ukraine...
ReplyDeleteIncreasing salaries and pensions in Ukraine is impossible now due to military actions in the east of the country, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk told a government session on Saturday.
"At the moment, the country does not have resources for this as all resources are spent on defense, security, army, tanks, weapons, on strengthening security, building a border," he said.
The Ukrainian army is "the first priority" for Ukraine, Yatsenyuk said, adding that 5.2% of the GDP is spent on defense.
Turkish gov't, mediator party mark start of Kurdish talks toward political solution, disarmament...
ReplyDeleteThe Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) has announced at a historic joint press conference with government representatives at Istanbul’s Dolmabahçe Palace a call by the jailed leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) to outlawed organization to hold a congress in spring to discuss disarmament in Turkey, a major breakthrough toward political negotiations in the decades-long Kurdish issue.
“This is a historic declaration of will to replace armed struggle with democratic politics,” the HDP’s Sırrı Süreyya Önder said of Feb. 28 at noon, quoting PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, who also called for a reinforced cease-fire ................http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkish-govt-mediator-party-mark-start-of-kurdish-talks-toward-political-solution-disarmament.aspx?pageID=238&nID=78999&NewsCatID=338
The imprisoned leader of the Kurdish rebel group the PKK has called on it to attend a conference on disarmament in Turkey...
DeleteThe announcement was made in a joint statement by government ministers and pro-Kurdish deputies. Disarmament has become a major stumbling block in efforts to end a decades long insurgency.
The pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party says Abdullah Ocalan, the imprisoned leader of the Kurdish rebel group PKK, is urging his supporters to attend a conference in Turkey on disarmament. The announcement was made after talks with the government. Pro-Kurdish deputy Sirri Sureyya, reading the statement, described the decision as a key moment in peace efforts.
"This is a historic declaration of will to replace armed struggle with democratic politics," he said................http://www.voanews.com/content/turkey-kurdish-leader-call-for-disarmament-conference/2662927.html